After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 1310 There is no need to be sorry between us

Chapter 1310 There is no need to be sorry between us
When Zhao Suoxuan returned to the villa, he didn't see Su Yanwei on the first floor, only Guoguo was nestled in his bed, sound asleep.

He had a bad premonition in his heart, and ran upstairs in an instant.

When he walked to the door of the bedroom, his footsteps suddenly became lighter.

In the bedroom, a lot of furniture has been moved out.

As soon as you open the door, you can see the inside at a glance.

The lonely big bed, and Su Yanwei crouching in the corner, hugging the curtains and burying her head.

She just squatted down pitifully, letting the curtains flutter on her body with the wind blowing from the open window.

Zhao Suoxuan's heart tightened, and he walked over slowly.


He felt his voice tremble.

Just two words.

He closed the window first, opened the curtain beside her, and then squatted down.

He stretched out his arms and pulled her into his arms.

Su Yanwei's body was so stiff that she felt his breath, so she relaxed a little and leaned into his arms.

When she heard He Jingzhi, she recalled the memories of being locked up in the villa by He Yanzong.


Why should she be reminded.

Why not let her go?
How did she feel sorry for He Yanzong?

Su Yanwei's tears kept streaming down, as if the embankment had burst.

But there was no cry, just silent tears, silent tears, but they poked straight into Zhao Suoxuan's heart.

He took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears, and stayed silent with her.

Su Yan was slightly tired from crying, she leaned limply in his arms, and asked in a crying voice, "Why did he come to see you?"

"It's nothing."

"You don't want to say..."

"Let him take He Yanzong back." Zhao Suoxuan stroked her hair and pulled it behind her ears, revealing her crying red face.

Her red lips moved, and she said "oh".

He Yanzong, let's go!
Thinking about what happened last night makes my head ache now.

The two just sat on the floor like this, Zhao Suoxuan grabbed her fingers, her shoulder leaned against his arms, and sat for a long time without speaking.

Until the light of the setting sun and dusk came in, Zhao Suoxuan looked at the shadows cast by the two on the floor.

He moved slightly closer to Su Yan.

The shadows of the two also moved closer.

But she couldn't see the picture.

She can't see anything.

Zhao Suoxuan felt distressed for a while, and picked her up, "You sleep for a while, I will cook."

She was silent, and when she put on the bed, she nodded.

With him by his side, you can forget the troubles of the past.

As soon as he was gone, those memories flooded back.

She closed her eyes and it was pitch black, and so did she when she opened them.

She seemed to be in a dark and boundless predicament.

I can't break free no matter what.

She kept running and running, and the dark hallway was full of doors, open, all fake.

She couldn't get out, and kept spinning around in the cage.

She curled up in fear, wrapping herself tightly in the quilt.

Zhao Suoxuan went back to the room and asked her to eat, only to find that her forehead was very hot.

He turned on the light, looked at her flushed face, "Wei Wei, Wei Wei..."

Su Yanwei was a little confused, and slowly stretched out her hand, wrapping his arms around his neck, "Ah Xuan, is that you?"

"It's me, you have a fever..."

"No, no..." She leaned closer to him in fear, "I'm having a nightmare, He Yanzong is chasing me, he locked me up..."

"No, no, you're safe now, I'm by your side." Zhao Suoxuan lowered his head, "Let the doctor come and show you."

Why do you have a fever again?

I've been in poor health recently.

Su Yanwei didn't even eat dinner, so she started an infusion.

Her face was flushed, her mouth was dry, and she lay thin and small on the bed. She looked sickly, weak and pitiful, like a weak willow supporting the wind.

She was talking in her sleep in a daze, calling He Yanzong's name for a while, and scolding him viciously.

In the past, it was really hard for him to imagine that a girl as gentle as Su Yanwei would utter curse words from her mouth.

But in recent days, he really did hear it.

Not annoying, not annoying.

You are right.

You can even scold a few more words.

"Ah Xuan..."

Suddenly hearing her own reputation from her mouth, Zhao Suoxuan was stunned.

He stared blankly at her flushed little face, opened his reddish lips again, and softly called his name.

"Ah Xuan, Ah Xuan, Ah Xuan..."

He held her hand, "I am, I am..."

She called out, and he responded.

Until she was a little tired and her voice was hoarse.

After the infusion, Zhao Suoxuan wiped her body and fell asleep on the bed with her.

The next day.

When Zhao Suoxuan woke up, he saw a pair of beautiful shining eyes. If there was light and focal length in them, it would be more beautiful.

Su Yanwei didn't know that he was awake, so she put her finger on his face and touched it.

Zhao Suoxuan leaned closer and kissed her on the cheek.

Su Yan closed her eyes nervously, and that shallow kiss landed on her eyelids again.

He will restore her sight.

Most definitely.

"feel better now?"

"En..." Su Yan said softly, feeling that her voice was hoarse, "I'm so hungry..."

"I'm hungry too." Zhao Suoxuan smiled, "Touch it, I made a meal last night, but I didn't eat it."

"I'm sorry, I'm not in good health..."

"No need to be sorry." Zhao Suoxuan couldn't help but kiss her on the cheek again, "Wash up and wash up."

Zhao Suoxuan sat up and said seriously, "There is no need to be sorry between us."

He would rather she say that she likes him, or call him husband.

He will be happier that way.

Su Yan dawdled to get up, still thinking about what he said just now.

She is so soft!

I feel weak all over.

Zhao Suoxuan was standing in front of the sink, and when he turned around, he saw her leaning against the door frame as if she was about to fall in the wind.

He walked over and pulled her down to the sink. The tall figure stood behind her, squeezed the toothpaste, and handed it to her, "Brush it."

It was the first time for them to wash together so intimately, and Su Yanwei felt a different feeling in her heart.


The relationship with him became more intimate.

Her back was against his chest, and she could even feel his abs with her back.


She swears it was the slowest she's ever brushed her toothbrush.

the whole person...


Mouth full of foam.

I kept rinsing my mouth, but couldn't clean it.

Zhao Suoxuan stood behind her, with his left arm around her waist and dragged her body, "I need to take some medicine and exercise, you are in poor health now..."

"I will, I take a walk with Guoguo every day."

"En." Zhao Suoxuan lowered his head and couldn't help approaching her.

At such a close distance, he could even see their bodies getting closer in the mirror.

His lips pressed against her neck.

Su Yanwei froze and didn't dare to move.

She even tilted her head in cooperation, propping her hands on the cold marble countertop, resisting the itching of her neck, and humming faintly.

"Ah Xuan..."

(End of this chapter)

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