After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 1295 Don't be afraid, I'm here

Chapter 1295 Don't be afraid, I'm here
Zhao Suoxuan lowered his head and looked at her flushed face, her long eyelashes were trembling slightly, and her eyes rolled back and forth under her eyelids.

She was clearly not asleep yet.

But he sat down in a strange way.

"It's so quiet here, no one..."

Her voice was soft, with a faint sense of half-dream and half-awake, "I can't see, I feel like I'm still locked up by him..."

"Ah Xuan, can you stay with me?"

"Can we stay together?"

She hasn't had a good rest recently.

Whether she is sleeping or waking up, the surrounding space is vast, and she can feel the fresh breath of nature when she opens the window.

How is it different from He Yanzong's villa?

The difference is that no one is closed, and no servants come in and out.

When I was alone, it was like being under house arrest.

Unconsciously, he imagined the room as if it was still in He Yanzong's house.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and her grip on Zhao Suoxuan's shirt became tighter.

He gently held her hair, inserted his fingertips into the hair, and pressed her scalp soothingly, "Okay, I'll stay."

She moved a little further in.

The bed is huge.

More than enough to sleep two people.

After Zhao Suoxuan lay down, his breathing became disordered.

This is a girl's bed.

Her breath is everywhere.

He took a deep breath, "Go to sleep."


She turned sideways, her cheek facing his direction.

Zhao Suoxuan stared at her face, stretched out his fingers several times, and put them down again.

Go to sleep.

When I fall asleep, I don't think about anything.

In the dream, he was being chased by a monster, and suddenly, a huge boulder fell from the sky, pressing him down heavily.

When Zhao Suoxuan woke up, she saw a mass of black and smooth hair, her hand was holding his arm, and her head was resting on his chest, pressing heavily.

The boulder in the dream, her head in reality.

The corners of Zhao Suoxuan's mouth curled up slightly, what kind of weird sleeping position is this?

The whole body is hung on his body like this, and the legs are also entangled in his legs.

He narrowed his eyes, and suddenly thought that He Yanzong was her ex-boyfriend.

Did they ever sleep together so intimately...

There's even...

Zhao Suoxuan's eyes were dark, he didn't mind, nor did he have any complex, but he felt very uncomfortable.

He silently raised his hand and put his arms around her back.

She moved her head slightly, rubbed against his chest, brushed her hair, seemed to wake up, but didn't seem to wake up, her eyelids drooped, and she continued to sleep.

Su Yanwei hasn't slept so well for a long time, and when she wakes up, even if her eyes are completely dark, she is not afraid.

She felt Zhao Suoxuan's breath.

Feel her arms around his waist.

She squeezed it in a strange way.


My husband's waist feels good.

Feels great!

I really want to...

Kiss or something.

I can't put it down, and I still want to pinch it.

I didn't feel Zhao Suoxuan's movement, so I thought he wasn't awake.

So she put her hands on his body again, touching his abdominal muscles from bottom to top through the pure cotton T-shirt, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but smile.

Zhao Suoxuan just looked at her like that.


"Wow..." she whispered.

Zhao Suoxuan: "..."

Like his figure?

It seems that the exercise was not in vain.

Su Yanwei touched his heart vigorously, her palm pressed against his chest, quietly feeling his heartbeat.

It seems to speed up.

Zhao Suoxuan blinked, seeing that she suddenly withdrew her hand.

She blushed slightly, "Are you awake?"



Su Yan turned around slightly, pulled off the quilt, and covered herself in the quilt.

She is not usually like this.


As soon as my tense mind relaxes recently, I...

She didn't know why she had a brain twitch.

It stands to reason that they can be regarded as husband and wife, and they haven't officially divorced yet.

What's wrong with touching your husband?
What's wrong!
"Don't be covered in it, it will be boring." Zhao Suoxuan pushed back the thin quilt, "Wei Wei."

She was blushing, her hair was messy on her face, and a few strands of hair fell on her face.

She pushed back the hair on her face with her hands, "I just..."

"If you like it, I'll touch it for you. I'm your husband. You can...touch it, or..." Zhao Suoxuan moved closer to her ear, "reach in and touch it."

How boring through clothes.

If she likes it.

He would have preferred his abs to be in close contact with her bony, boneless hands.

She blushed even more.

You can't just tease her just because she can't see.

Su Yan bit her lip slightly, and turned her back to him.

Zhao Suoxuan didn't flirt anymore, he got out of bed and left.

Sleeping with her is simply tormenting.

But Zhao Suoxuan didn't expect that the torment had just begun.

After taking a nap together, Su Yanwei pulled him every day, pretending to be afraid.

Even at night, the two share the same bed.

For a week, I slept in the same bed through silent and dark nights.

Zhao Suoxuan felt that he hadn't touched her yet, and he was simply the contemporary Liu Xiahui.

It began to rain outside that night, pattering, and thunder and lightning struck in the middle of the night.

Su Yan shivered slightly, and shrank into his arms.

The fragrant breath on her body desperately penetrated into Zhao Suoxuan's breath, occupying his breath in an instant.

He couldn't take it anymore.

"Is it lightning?" She placed her little hand on his chest, "Is it bright?"

After being blind, she couldn't see anything, and she desperately wanted to find a light source.

The lightning was bright for a few seconds, illuminating the entire room clearly.

Zhao Suoxuan moved his body slightly and got out of bed.

There was no one around Su Yanwei, she panicked, her hands touched the bed, her breathing became rough, "Ah Xuan, don't go..."

"Ah Xuan!"

"Ah Xuan!"

This villa in Nanshan has been around for a long time, and the furnishings inside are not as advanced as the current villa. The curtains need to be manually operated.

Zhao Suoxuan quickly closed the curtains to block the strong light outside.

As he walked towards the bed, he heard soft sobbing.

He couldn't see it, but he could imagine her pitiful face with pear blossoms and rain.

"Ah Xuan..."

"Ah Xuan."

Just as Zhao Suoxuan went to bed, her dangling hand touched him, and in the next second, her whole body pressed down towards him.

"Ah Xuan..."

"Ah Xuan."

She hugged very tightly.

The little mouth kept calling his name, and his body trembled, as if he was really scared.

"Don't go..."

"do not leave."

"I'm not leaving." Zhao Suoxuan whispered, "I'm here."

"Ah Xuan..."

She is used to being with him.

It feels so good to lie on the side of the bed.



Her lips were sealed.

They couldn't remember the last time they kissed.

It's been so long that I can't remember what it felt like.

I still can't tell if it's pain or excitement, excitement...

The lightning and thunder outside the window, the storm outside the window, everything outside the window has nothing to do with her.

The only thing related to her is the fiery man in front of her.

A night of lingering.

first morning.

Zhao Suoxuan woke up with his arms around her, she leaned against him obediently, her breathing was a little slow and even, her little face was sleeping very comfortably, and her face was also a little tired.

Suddenly, his eyes were attracted.

(End of this chapter)

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