Chapter 1223 Husband Just Smile
"Steak, fried noodles, fried eggs, milk." Sheng Xifang replied.

"That's all I want to eat, husband, you are awesome!"

"Husband, you are so amazing. Not only are you handsome, but you can also cook and love your wife..." Zhao Chumian boasted fiercely at him.

Sheng Xifang set the table and put the dinner on the bed.

"Come on, what bad idea are you thinking about being so courteous?"

Zhao Chumian shook his head, "May I fill my stomach first before we talk about it?"


How could he bear to let her go hungry.

Watching her eat is also a pleasure.

Zhao Chumian also fed him steak.

He is actually not hungry at all, but he must eat what his wife feeds.

Sheng Xifang kept staring at her with cold eyes, "Is it delicious?"


"The chef made it."

Zhao Chumian was slightly startled, she wiped her mouth, "It's delicious too, my husband, your cooking must be even better."


Another boast.

Invincible boast.

Did she touch honey in her mouth today?

Then praise back.

Sheng Xifang approached, "You want to beg me for a few irrelevant people?"

"It's not..."

"My husband is different from other men, he is upright! I don't ask you, you will do it." Zhao Chumian smiled, "I am worried that other artists in my company will be involved."

So I was in a hurry and wanted to find out the specific situation.

Girls should be well protected.


The corner of Sheng Xifang's mouth curled slightly, "As long as it's what you want to do, I will support you."

"Then I want to divorce you?"

"This won't work." His face suddenly became serious, "You are dreaming."

"I never dreamed of divorcing you. I don't want to become a third-married girl..."

The most important thing is that the third marriage will be with the same person, so what's the point of her doing all this?
Remarriage was seriously considered.

"I'm just kidding, hubby, don't look so serious..." Zhao Chumian pinched his face with his arms, "My hubby just smile."

He couldn't laugh at all.

"Then you are not allowed to make jokes with these words." Sheng Xifang held her wrist with a cold face, "You know? I will feel bad."


How much does it hurt?

Zhao Chumian nodded, "Then you are finished, I will depend on you for the rest of my life, I want you to spoil me, love me, be my punching bag, and you still have to hug me on your back, coax me, go shopping with me, talk to me Children are born together until old age, and they are buried together when they die..."

"it is good."

Sheng Xifang was extremely happy, "I will remember."

She felt the wrist being held, and his palm gradually became hot, "I will remember it too."

Don't eat too much at night.

will be fat.

After leaving the dining table, the two got together again.

I've been sleeping in his room and his bed lately.

Gradually, more and more things belonged to her in this room.

His bedroom as a wedding room?
"Suddenly I miss my daughter a little bit, why didn't I give birth to a son!"

Is it really because someone's genes are too strong that they gave birth to a daughter?

Sheng Xifang hugged her, "I also think a little bit."

"Then I'll pick her up tomorrow?"


He was silent, he was actually silent.

Sheng Xifang lowered his head and rubbed his head against her neck, "No hurry."

He thought about the two-person world, and he liked such a two-person world.

Counting it, they didn't have much time to spend alone like this. How could they let go of the opportunity that came so hard?
He whispered, "If the father-in-law and mother-in-law like it, let the daughter spend more time with them."

"Are you sure it's because they like it that you let Quiet spend more time with my parents?" Zhao Chumian asked softly.

Don't think she doesn't know what he's thinking.

"Wife, it's a way to get the best of both worlds, keep it up, it's so good." He loves the world of two with his wife to death.

Even Nanshan, who came back, did not live here this time.

Apart from a few servants, there were only the two of them left in the villa.

How good.

They can be anywhere other than bedrooms...

Sheng Xifang rolled his Adam's apple, "My wife..."

"I'll pick her up in a few days at most."

She really couldn't think about it.

"Yes." Sheng Xifang compromised.

The next day, Zhao Chumian went to Weixing Company. Not long after arriving, the secretary anxiously said that Meng Lu had come.

Because it was the same company before, and now they are going to terminate the contract and run away.

So the secretary didn't have a good impression of her, and she was a little angry last time.

"Let her in."

Meng Lu almost rushed in.

"Jingjing is gone."

"Jingjing went to Mr. Feng's wine bureau last night, and she hasn't come back yet."

"Mr. Zhao, do you think something will happen to her..."

Ren Jingjing is not an artist of Weixing, and Zhao Chumian has never seen her before.

"last night?"

"Yes, last night!" Meng Lu was excited, "We want him to pretend to be sick, so don't go, it's because she doesn't listen, she insists on going."

Meng Lu looked anxious, "Still talking, still talking..."

She bit her lip, hesitated to speak.

Zhao Chumian drank his coffee and looked at her calmly, "Say it, don't be so excited."

It's useless to get excited now, it's best to explain things clearly.

Meng Lu walked in front of her, "She got a bug, I wondered if I would be discovered, I became angry from embarrassment, and then..."

"Didn't I tell you not to act rashly? And why didn't you mention this situation last night?" Zhao Chumian couldn't calm down for a moment.

"Either you wait in the reception room, or you go home and wait for him. I will take care of it."

After Zhao Chumian finished speaking, he picked up his mobile phone and called Feng Muliu to test the situation.

His phone number has not changed, but since leaving the company, Zhao Chumian has not contacted him.

The phone rang for almost a minute before it was picked up. Feng Muliu's lazy and hoarse voice came from the phone, obviously just waking up.

"President Feng, are you busy recently?"

Feng Muliu on the opposite side suddenly smiled, "Are you looking for me, am I busy? Why, do I have something you want?"

"Yes, I heard that your company has a big IP project to be adapted into a movie recently. The project is too big, and the cost pressure is quite high for a company to bear. Why don't we talk about it? I am very interested in that IP." Zhao Chumian said calmly, "If we have time, let's make an appointment to meet today."

Meng Lu's face was tense, if she got angry, she wouldn't dare to speak out, for fear of being discovered.

Feng Muliu laughed again, "Have you forgotten my boss, but your rival in love..."

Zhao Chumian calmly said, "What's wrong with rivals in love? There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. What I care about is whether I can make money. As long as I can make money, even if it is a relationship between rivals in love, I can bear it."

"Mr. Feng, think about it carefully, and then give me a message."

"What else is there to consider? Of course I agree!"

Zhao Chumian deliberately pretended to be surprised, "You don't need to discuss it with her, what if she cares about me as a love rival?"

Feng Muliu smiled, "There is no rival in love, she has a boyfriend now..."

(End of this chapter)

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