After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 1188 Do you have the heart to leave our mother and daughter behind?

Chapter 1188 Do you have the heart to leave our mother and daughter behind?

"Your is also easy to touch." Fu Jiangli pressed her ear.


Tang Jie suddenly felt a little shy.

She bit her lip, "No more."

"did not do."

"Do you have any consciousness of being a patient?"

Tang Jie turned around and touched his forehead.

Still a little hot.

But not very hot.

There should be no problem.

The brain is indestructible.

Tang Jie and Fu Jiangli stayed in the ward until eight o'clock in the morning, and Shang Jian brought breakfast.

After they had breakfast, she was ready to go downstairs.

Fu Jiangli didn't speak, and drank the porridge slowly, but he was a bit displeased.

So much so that she walked to the door and turned back again.



"Heal well..."


This is neither salty nor light tone.

She leaned over, "Be good, I will surprise you next time I see you."

"What surprise?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise to tell you."

She didn't know what the surprise was.

Not ready.

comfort him.

"Okay." The corners of Fu Jiangli's mouth curled slightly, "In the wind and rain, the ward is waiting for you."

It also rhymes.

Tang Jie hurried downstairs.

In the ward, Tang's mother was feeding Tang's father breakfast. She tidied up the ward silently, and then went to ask the doctor about the situation.

His brain from the previous car accident injury has almost recovered, but this time the cirrhosis of the liver is purely due to drinking too much and smoking too much.

She told her mother many times to tell him to quit smoking but didn't listen.

No way.

sick now.

After that, you must quit.

However, she got excellent news.

Tang Jie returned to the ward excitedly, "Just now a patient was sent from the hospital. He signed an organ donation agreement before his death, and his blood type is the same as that of his father."

Tang's father leaned against the head of the bed without any reaction, his eyelids slightly raised.

Obviously still angry.

"Will you get your father that round?" Tang's mother became more concerned. "Is there a lot of people queuing up for this kind of organ donation in a big hospital?"

"There are a lot of people in line, but Dad should be in the front." Tang Jie's voice became smaller and smaller, "Mom, when you know, you should be in line."

"How?" Mother Tang was puzzled.

But she reacted quickly.

"It's him?"

"I won't do it!" Father Tang stubbornly shook his head when he heard this, "I don't want to do it!"

"Why did he line up for me? What about other people's blood! Other people's lives? If he gave me the money for my hospital stay, I'll go back right away!" Father Tang was anxious, "Tang Jie, how could you be with someone like that? together?"

"I gave you the money for hospitalization, and it's clean, so you can live in peace."

"Where did you get your money?"

"I earned my money! I earned it in Shangjiang with Mianmian, and I have a lot of savings, so I'm not a pitiful one." Tang Jie said with a sullen face, "If it's really arranged, you have to do this surgery."

Tang Jie went out after finishing speaking.

After finally waiting for the opportunity, liver sources are not available every day.

She just went out, and Dad's attending doctor also came.

"We are going to check the patient's condition now. Once it is suitable, we will perform the operation immediately. Family members, please be prepared and pay the fee in time."

"Don't worry." Tang Jie stood at the door.

She wanted to call Fu Jiangli to talk about it, but found that the phone had been dropped in his ward.


do not care.

Can't do without here.

She has to make sure Dad gets the surgery.

In the ward, Mother Tang cried.

She grabbed Tang's father's hand, "No matter what, you've had an operation, so how about it? Do you have the heart to leave our mother and daughter behind?"

"If you leave, she won't have a father, and I won't have any objection to marrying anyone. You are in heaven, so you can't be the master!"

Mother Tang cried sadly.

Tang's father saw through the gap where the doctors and nurses were standing, his precious daughter was standing at the door, and he was careful not to come in.

(End of this chapter)

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