After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 1183 I Like You, You Can't Go

Chapter 1183 I Like You, You Can't Go

"My Jie'er is very smart." Fu Jiangli wiped away her tears, "If you cry again, your eyes will be swollen."


She doesn't want to cry either.

But the thought of him actually wanting to give up made me sad and uncomfortable.

How can he give up?

They had a hard time getting back together.

Tang Jie hooked his little finger cautiously.

Fu Jiangli had a fever.

Even the fingers are a little hot.

The shirt on his chest was soaked in a large area.

It seems that what she just cried was a little too hard.

"Go to the hospital..."

"I'll listen to you." Fu Jiangli said hoarsely, "You want to visit me secretly."

"You heal obediently, cool down, and I will go..."

Burn like this.

It's all spread eggs on his broad forehead.

It feels good to have someone care.

Even if it is a little warm.

He is also greedy.

Just like back then, knowing that she couldn't reach out to catch her light, she would try her best to survive.

Fu Jiangli's heart softened, and he held her hand carefully, not caring that his shirt was wet, and the young couple walked to the hospital together.

From time to time he looked down at her profile.

After crying just now, she completely became a poor little girl.

Crying scattered hair stuck to her face, "Hair, smooth it out."

Tang Jie tugged, "Oh, it hurts so much."

She raised her head and forced a smile, "You have to infuse obediently, and I will bring you lunch at noon."


"And a change of clothes."


It's nice to have a girlfriend.

Fu Jiangli swept away the haze of the past few days, and his whole body became clear.

"You should shave your beard too..."

She was embarrassed to say it just now.

"Masculine." Fu Jiangli touched it, "Don't you like it?"

"If you want to challenge, you can also stay."

She hadn't seen him with a beard yet.

Now stubble.

Stubble looks the ugliest at this time.

There are small black dots around the mouth.

"If you don't like it, I won't stay."

"I like you, you can't leave." She whispered, "I just want you to calm down for a few days, I was going to find you..."

"It's my first time here today too. The company is very busy, and I'm very obedient." Fu Jiangli touched the back of her hand with his fingertips.

and so.

Don't want him.

Don't give up on him.

Don't abandon him.

Don't leave him alone.

"Yeah! Lili is so good." She smiled.

But in the hospital lobby, the two parted reluctantly.

Tang Jie went back with red eyes, her father was infusion, and her mother was sitting beside her peeling apples.

She looked at the three apples that had been peeled on the table. She walked over and picked up one, "Mommy, I'll go back and get a change of clothes."

Mother Tang raised her eyes, "What's wrong with your eyes? Have you cried?"

"Worried about Dad, I was so sad, so I hid outside and cried..." Tang Jie explained in a low voice.

She took a bite of the apple, "The apples Mommy peels are delicious."

Mother Tang smiled wryly, "Go back, drive slowly."


"Love you!"

The reason why he left so early was of course to get clothes for Fu Jiangli.

The Tang family's old house is a little far from the hospital.

At noon, Tang Jie hurried to Fu Jiangli's ward, and saw him put on a hospital gown, leaning on the hospital bed for infusion, it was the first time she saw him so weak for such a powerful person.

"The clothes, and the lunch, are here."

She put it down carefully, "I have to go back. Dad's ward is downstairs. I will visit you often."

Fu Jiangli opened his eyes, "Jie'er."


(End of this chapter)

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