After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 1084 Blood Stains Winding Down Her Legs

Chapter 1084 Blood Stains Winding Down Her Legs

"Do you know the password? Still watching?" Justin held the wine bottle and suddenly moved close to her face.

She blinked timidly and leaned back.


Even though she was so afraid of him, she still pretended to be calm.


Justin put down his drink, and his tall body pressed down on her, "How does he usually treat you? Like this?"

He touched her face with his fingers, the skin was white and smooth, like a baby.

The girls are well maintained.

"What did he call you? Tangtang? Xiaotangtang?"

Tang Jie stared at him nervously, "You can't do this!"

"Which?" Justin wrapped his fingers around her hair, "I told him today that we have done everything we need to do, men and women are together, do you think he misunderstood?"

"You are shameless!"

Tang Jie splashed the wine glass on his face.


Justin snatched the wine glass and smashed it to the ground.


Tang Jie's body trembled.

Her heart was pounding, and she pushed his shoulders hard with both hands, "Get out of the way! We agreed that we only need to drink..."

"Drunk, you don't let me get what you want, is there any difference?"

Tang Jie panted, "Are you really interested in me? Or do you just want to be angry with him?"

"If it's to annoy him. You just say a few words, it's enough, no action is needed!"

She didn't dare to blink her frightened eyes, not to be outdone.

She could only stare straight at him.

She stiffened and gritted her teeth.

Women are just playthings to him.

Since it's a plaything, it's different who you play with.

He smiled, "I've said it all, but I haven't done it yet, wouldn't I be at a disadvantage?"

"do not want!"

Tang Jie struggled, don't...

Don't touch her!
Don't touch it.

She had no strength and was completely suppressed by him.

Is she going to explain here?

"Bastard! Shameless! Hooligan!"

"let me go!"


she yelled.

Justin frowned impatiently and pushed his hand away.

Tang Jie's body fell instantly and rolled to the ground.


Her painful little face contorted.

"How low is the sofa, does it hurt so much?"

He turned around and picked up the wine, "Drink a glass of wine, and the pain will stop!"

He is not interested in disobedient, disobedient women.



"Help, help..."

Tang Jie clutched her lower abdomen, feeling that her soul was about to be pulled away.

Justin took a sip of the wine, but before he could swallow it, he saw blood stains winding down her leg.


How could there be blood?

"you you……"

Justin stood up abruptly, his eyes widened, "Here, why is there bleeding?"

Tang Jie closed her eyes in pain, she only felt that her lower abdomen was wet.

There is a warm current coming out of that place.

Menstrual blood?

Auntie can't be in such pain.

Her face also instantly turned pale.

"Is there something wrong with you riding a horse?"

Justin picked her up, shit!
If she died in front of him, Fu Jiangli would really fight him to the death!

"Prepare the car and go to the hospital!"

He picked up Tang Jie and ran out.

Tang Jie grabbed her clothes in pain, and the moaning in her small mouth gradually became lower.

It hurts so much...

In the end, when she was in the car, she passed out from the pain.

Justin's body was stained with blood. In the past, when he was stained with blood, he didn't find it annoying or dry, and he even liked the smell of blood a little bit.

but now……

In the narrow car, the bloody smell on her body was tainted with the sweetness of a woman, but he was upset.

want to block.

Don't let her continue to bleed.

But he can't.

This face was pale and bloodless.

He stared at his sinful hand and just pushed it.

She is so weak?
(End of this chapter)

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