After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 1075 What does it have to do with Fu Jiangli

Chapter 1075 What does it have to do with Fu Jiangli

Tang Jie woke up with a splitting headache, feeling exhausted.

It was pitch black all around.

Is it a dream that she left?
She and Mianmian were controlled by that foreigner?
Tang Jie forced herself to open her eyes, her vision blurred.

It was not easy for her to see the man sitting next to him tasting wine.

"It's you!"

"Where is Mianmian?"

Justin was a little surprised when he heard the name in her mouth.

"You really don't remember?"

Tang Jie suddenly remembered that after she and Zhao Chumian left, Mianmian sent her to the airport, because the baby at home was not feeling well, so she went back.

She bought a plane ticket back to Rongcheng and went to the bathroom.


Passed out.

When she woke up, she was here.

She opened the curtain next to her, and the starry sky outside seemed to be within reach of the huge moon.

She is on the plane.

"When you woke up, the first thing you worried about was that girl. Aren't you worried about your Fu Jiangli?"

"What's wrong with him?" Of course Tang Jie was worried about Fu Jiangli.

It's just that I haven't reacted just yet.

"I don't know, so I'll take you to see him."

He is so kind?

A man with a gun, a man about to kill.

A man who looks ruthless.

Justin handed her a glass of wine, "I should be thirsty."

She pursed her lips, even if she was thirsty, she didn't drink.

"Is that hungry?"

Tang Jie closed her eyes and turned her head.

Justin was neither anxious nor annoyed, "No one dares to lose face like this, even he dares, what are you?"

In the end, she is the daughter of a thousand gold who has been spoiled since she was a child, with a weird temper.

Justin sliced ​​the steak slowly, the sharp knife and fork making harsh sounds.

She is a little hungry.

Also thirsty.

But dare not eat it!

So if you use medicine, will it be poisonous?
She rubbed her belly and swallowed.


very hungry!
I don't know how long I was dizzy.

At least she didn't have dinner.

"Do you know what happened to him abroad?"

"do not know."

"Want to know?" Justin asked.

Tang Jie opened her eyes, "Speak if you want to, and eat your steak if you don't want to."

She always believed that if Fu Jiangli was willing to tell her, he would tell her later.

She is in no hurry.

Justin forked the tender and juicy steak, "How dare he tell you in such a dark time..."

"In your eyes, he may just want to be cold, clean and pure, just like in high school..."

The corner of his mouth raised, "Unfortunately, he has changed a long time ago."

"It's not the sunny boy you knew."

"Well, no, he is even more handsome now!" Tang Jie didn't want to talk to him at first.

But he insisted on bumping into her muzzle.

I want to say that Fu Jiangli is not.

speak ill of him.


Justin smiled, "You're kind of protecting him."

"Are you protecting you?" Tang Jie lowered her face.

What is he?

Justin wiped the corners of his mouth, took a sip of his drink, and then said leisurely, "If he hadn't met Mr. Ou, maybe his life would have been bright."

A top student in the Finance Department of Business Card University.

No matter whether they stay abroad or return to China in the future, they are all objects of competition.

Tang Jie felt uneasy, feeling that what he was going to say next might be beyond her imagination and her tolerance.

Fu Jiangli had suffered so many injuries, how painful it must have been for a gentle boy.

And he never said it.

Tang Jie was depressed.

In those years, I really wronged him.

"Mr. Ou, you may have a chance to meet him." Justin said with a hint of a smile in his deep voice, "Even if he is sick and old now, he is still as cruel, cold-blooded and ruthless as ever!"

"So, what does it have to do with Fu Jiangli?"

(End of this chapter)

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