Chapter 1047 He Was Tricked By A Girl
He dishonestly touched her nightgown with his big hands, and pressed her on the sofa, "I'll be eating later."

"Stinking rogue……"

"do not want!"

Zhao Chumian pressed his shoulder and stared at him with big eyes, "We'll talk about it tonight."

"It's night now."

It should be five o'clock in the afternoon, but there are lightning and thunder outside, and dark clouds cover the environment.

It does look like the weather at seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

She hooked his neck with a smile, "Miss me?"


Think terribly.

really want.

After returning home that day, I fell asleep for a long time.

When I woke up, I remembered her words, if she needs space, he can give it.

But today, I can't take it anymore.

Especially knowing that her car is parked here, and thinking that she might be with another man.

He couldn't control it.

Immediately came to find her.

The lingering thoughts, when seeing her, gushed out in an instant.

He doesn't like to talk about love and miss.

Miss her, see her.

hold her.

"I do not miss you."

"I do not believe."

"It's enough for me to have a daughter, so I don't miss you." Zhao Chumian ran his fingers through his hair, "Unless you get me something to eat."


"I want to eat what you made!" She deliberately gave him a difficult problem.


After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and kissed her on the face, and stood up reluctantly.

Sheng Xifang took off his suit, threw it on her body, and went into the kitchen.


The suit was thrown at her.

She sniffed her breath by accident, it was clear and crisp.

She sat down by the cradle and picked up her phone.

The baby in the cradle was still asleep, looking at her with wide open eyes.

"Baby, why did you tear off your socks..."

It's only been more than three months, where does she get the strength?

"Is it hot?"

The baby babbles and babbles his small mouth, making a sound similar to "mama".

She lowered her head excitedly and kissed the baby's face, "Call me Dad..."

The baby stopped talking, and the little hands fed it to his mouth again.

Zhao Chumian held the baby's little hand while swiping the phone, missing a lot of news.

Sheng Xifang said she was Yanxizi's mother.

But the news on the Internet is not.

On the contrary, there was no news about Father Sheng.

These shitty things don't deserve to occupy her mind?

Someone just didn't want her to know.

Suddenly, she smelled a foul smell.


She frowned, staring at the baby girl in the cradle, "Smelly, you're still laughing!"

"Sheng Xifang!"

"Come out and change your daughter's diaper."

Soon, she saw someone coming out.

He looked cold, "You can't leave me."

"That's not true! When you're not here, I'll change it for her. If you're here, of course you're here..." She went to the sofa, "I don't own my daughter alone."

"is ours."

She pointed to the location of the diaper, and then watched him make it for her daughter, wipe it clean, and wash it clean.

He held his daughter's little hand and lifted it, seeing her trembling, "Be gentle..."

"I'm gentler with you."


He was obviously not gentle with her.


Fierce and fierce.

After changing the diaper, my daughter's big eyes were filled with tears, and her mouth was pouted pitifully.

Sheng Xifang put her daughter beside her, "coax."


The daughter smelled her mother's body, so she burrowed into her chest, unable to eat through the clothes, and cried even louder in anxiety.

Sheng Xifang reminded softly, "She's hungry."

"I see, you go!"

She was still embarrassed to be breastfed by him.


Sheng Xifang turned around, "I don't want to watch."

He had a chance to watch slowly at night.

Not urgent.

After he left, Zhao Chumian sat up holding the baby.

Although the dinner was very simple, Sheng Xifang cooked it all by himself.

The taste seems to be ok.

After eating and drinking, the rain outside also stopped.

"when are you leaving?"

Sheng Xifang wiped her mouth gracefully, "Throw it away when you're done using it?"

"I'm not going to let you stay here overnight."

"I can sleep in a guest room."

"That's the decision." Zhao Chumian got up, carried the baby and went upstairs.

Sheng Xifang: "..."

He was actually tricked by a girl.

Sleeping in a guest room?
How can the guest room smell like her?

What's good about sleeping in the guest room?


When he packed up and went to open the door.

It turned out that she had locked the door behind her.

Sheng Xifang frowned slightly, and his tall figure leaned to the side.

In the room, Zhao Chumian stood in front of the mirror wrapped in a towel.

The tattoo hasn't fully healed yet.

Can't be touched by him.

Don't let him see it either.

How stupid was she before?
Going to get a tattoo.

Tattoos prove love, so fake, so childish.


"Want this?"

(End of this chapter)

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