The secrets we missed in time

Chapter 72 The 1st Middle School

Chapter 72 No.[-] Middle School
The new week came as scheduled, and Xu Yuan came to the No. [-] Middle School to register according to her father's arrangement.

This century-old prestigious school stands on the street named after the famous Russian critical writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. The main building is a three-story building with a strong Chinese style design. Tiles, bucket arches and cornices, carved beams and painted buildings.Surprisingly, its designer was a Russian architect.However, if you go inside and see the interesting vaults, Roman columns and curved staircases, you will immediately feel relieved.

Back then, with the construction of the Middle East Railway, expatriates from various countries poured into the city, and with nostalgia for their hometown, they designed many beautiful buildings with cross-ethnic styles, creating a colorful immigrant city that combines the simple Chinese style with the European romantic style. .Therefore, buildings that combine Chinese and Western styles are densely distributed in this city like stars. It is not uncommon for the design of the No. [-] Middle School to be designed with the outside, the Chinese, and the inside.

The predecessor of the No. [-] Middle School was a foreign school established in the early [-]th century in a wealthy area called Puyu School.After a hundred years of ups and downs, it has now become a key high school that ranks among the top ten national college entrance examination scores, and is a veritable "No. [-]" middle school in the province.

The students here all set their sights on prestigious schools like Tsinghua University and Peking University. In recent years, more and more students have been admitted to internationally renowned universities. Among the graduates, there are many political and business celebrities. It can be described as a wealth of talents.

In fact, Xu Yuan's high school entrance examination scores were enough to get into No. [-] Middle School, but she didn't report it because she was afraid of such a stressful learning environment and indifferent interpersonal relationships.Her personality is lively and jumping, and she "would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail", so she is really not suitable for No. [-] Middle School.

"Since you are here, you will be safe." Xu Yuan took a deep breath, looked up at the solemn plaque of No. [-] Middle School, and made up her mind to integrate into the learning atmosphere here from today, trying to be a "keep your ears off the window, and focus on it." A scholar who only reads sage books".

According to her father's instructions, she went to the office to find the class teacher Han Songtao. It was said that the principal had already entrusted him with all the borrowing matters.

"Mr. Han, my name is Xu Yuan. Principal Wang asked me to come to you to go through the admission procedures." Xu Yuan said respectfully.

Han Songtao didn't raise his eyes, just said "wait", and continued to do what he was doing.

Xu Yuan stood awkwardly in the center of the office, receiving attention from all directions.She could feel the excitement in the eyes of the other teachers in the room, not only watching her excitement, but also wanting to see Teacher Han's jokes.Xu Yuan suddenly understood that they must all know that they were inserted by the principal, but Teacher Han is so shameless, isn't it slapping the principal in the face?They were all waiting to see how Han Songtao, who went his own way, would end up if there was a commotion.

"Hey, I'm not welcomed by the class teacher when I first arrived, and my life in the future is bound to be bumpy." Xu Yuan thought to herself.

"Dingling--" The preparatory bell rang before class, Han Songtao packed up the lesson plans on the table, stood up and said to Xu Yuan, "Follow me."

Xu Yuan followed behind him obediently, and walked out of the office door under the disappointed eyes of everyone who didn't see a good show.

In the corridor, Xu Yuan saw that Han Songtao seemed to be leading her directly to the classroom, so she asked, "Mr. Han, don't you need to go through the formalities?"

"What's the procedure? Your student status is still in the original school, and you're taking classes here. What's the procedure? You're not a formal student." Han Songtao replied angrily.

The reason why he didn't wait to see Xu Yuan was because Class Three was the class with the best top students in the grade. Originally, every student's grades were among the best in the school year, but the principal forced him into a relationship with a background that was too hard to ask. Hu and a specially recruited art student.Now there is another borrower, and he should be placed in their class. Don't you know the truth of "one rat droppings ruins a pot of soup"?What's more, there are three in their class this time!

"The third mouse shit." Xu Yuan silently lowered her head and followed Han Songtao into the classroom of Class [-] and Class [-].

Han Songtao said simply: "This is a new student in our class, what's his name, please introduce yourself."

"Hi everyone, my name is Xu Yuan, many Xu, Zhi Yuan's Yuan. Please take care of me in the future!" Xu Yuan introduced herself.

"Okay, you can sit in the empty seat in the penultimate row." Han Songtao pointed to the seat at the back of the classroom.

Xu Yuan looked in the direction of his finger, and a girl who looked exactly like Fan Bingbing raised her head upon hearing the sound.Xu Yuan was startled. This girl had a lot of flair in her eyebrows and eyes. She was flamboyantly beautiful but not vulgar. Her hair seemed to be naturally curly, and it was casually coiled into the shape of a flower bud on the top of her head, making her neck more slender and soft.She grinned at Xu Yuan, revealing a row of white teeth, and felt that her lips were red and her teeth were bright and moving.

Xu Yuan thought to herself: "If I were a boy, I would be considered lucky. This new deskmate and Wang Xinning are both first-class beauties, and with the mixed-race appearance of Wen Miao, I can form a harem!"

She walked slowly to the seat and sat down, and said hello to the beautiful woman beside her: "Hi, hello, my name is Xu Yuan."

"Hush—" "Big beauty" made a "silence" gesture, and quickly wrote on a piece of paper: "Don't talk in class, be careful, Teacher Han! My name is Qin Lu."

Xu Yuan took a look, and quickly stole a look at Han Songtao.Sure enough, he was casting a sharp gaze, as if he was blaming Xu Yuan for his casual words just now.Xu Yuan hurriedly lowered her head, honestly took out her textbook, and put it in front of her face.

Qin Lu looked at Xu Yuan with a smile, and continued to write on the paper: "Are you a borrower?" Then she pushed the paper in front of Xu Yuan calmly.

Xu Yuan looked at it, picked up a pen and replied, "Yes, I used to be an experimenter."

"What a great experiment, why are you here? I really envy your gymnasium and art room." Qin Lu wrote.

"Be forced to be helpless, I also like to experiment!" Xu Yuan and Qin Lu chatted on paper...

A class time passed quickly, Xu Yuan and Qin Lu met each other very late, and by the time the get out of class was over, they had become close friends who talked about everything.Not only did Xu Yuan know that Qin Lu was a special art student and had won many awards at home and abroad, but she also learned about the "three mouse droppings" from her.

Qin Lu quietly told Xu Yuan: "One day I passed by Teacher Han's office and heard him complaining inside that the principal's throwing two mouse droppings in our class was not enough, and he got a third one, because he disliked class three. Is the pot soup not fishy enough?' I know who the mouse shit he said is, the second one is me, the third one is you, and the first one--" She pointed and sat behind them, lying on her stomach all the time. The boy sleeping on the table, "That's him."

 Unlock new character 1: The black-bellied and beautiful Miss Qin Lu is officially online~~Sahua~~
(End of this chapter)

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