Chapter 78
The results of the joint entrance examination came out in January, and the professional school examination was in February. Gu Jianing felt that he was not bad at learning traditional Chinese painting, so he planned to focus on consolidating and reviewing cultural courses, so he went back to school the next day.

Fortunately, the seat next to Lin Yi was still vacant, and the two could continue to be at the same table.

Gu Jianing didn't tell Su Bei on the phone yesterday that she was going back to school today, so Su Bei was taken aback when he saw her, and then smiled.

After coming back, Gu Jianing obviously felt that the learning atmosphere in the class was many times more tense than before. At this time, everyone wanted to work harder and work harder.

Soon, the third grade of Yuncheng No. [-] Middle School ushered in the final exam.

Although Gu Jianing did not give up the study of cultural lessons in this half semester, she also clearly knew that compared with other students, she spent nearly three-quarters of the time for reviewing cultural lessons every day.

She knew that a decline in grades was inevitable, but fortunately, the extent of the decline was still within her acceptable range.

421 points, ranked 39th in the class and 94th in the grade.

Although it seems to have regressed a lot, Gu Jianing was very happy when he saw that the total score remained above 400 points. If such a score can be obtained in the college entrance examination, Yanjing University of Design can be said to be sure.

Even Dong Bijun felt that Gu Jianing had maintained such grades very well, and encouraged her to continue reviewing cultural lessons while taking the time to prepare for the professional school exam.

In mid-January, the results of the art entrance examination were announced.

253 points.

This result was at the level expected by Gu Jianing, and Gu Yanjing and Li Qingjia were also very satisfied.

Gu Xiuwu also specially called to inquire about Gu Jianing's grades, and even hinted that he hoped that Gu Jianing would take the Xi'an University of Design exam.

Gu Jianing understood what grandpa was thinking.

The elder brother of the uncle's family went to Ningcheng for university, and temporarily stayed in Ningcheng to work after graduation.

And Gu Yanjing's family settled in Yuncheng again, so they couldn't always be by their side.

The two old people are getting older, and they inevitably feel lonely. They always want to have children and grandchildren around their knees, so they hope that Gu Jianing University can go to Xi'an.

Although Gu Jianing also wanted to be by her grandparents' side, she was already ready to go to Yanjing University of Design, so she was a little embarrassed at the moment.

"Jianing, in this way, you can apply for a few more schools for the school exam, and then you will have a choice." Gu Yanjing gave Gu Jianing a suggestion.

Gu Jianing thought about it for a while. After all, she was not sure that she could be admitted to Yanjing University of Design, so she always had to leave a few more options for herself.

The Spring Festival is coming, and Gu Yanjing's family returns to Xi'an to celebrate the New Year as usual.

Seeing Gu Jianing, Gu Xiuwu inevitably took her hand and chattered a few more words.

After all, the meaning between the words is that they hope that Gu Jianing can go to Xi'an to go to university.

Gu Jianing looked at the gray hair and the aging grandparents, feeling slightly sour in his heart.

The determination to study in Yenching University of Design once firmly wavered unknowingly.

On the one hand, there are my grandparents who cherish me, and on the other hand, the boy I like, and I feel sad whichever side the balance leans towards.

Many things are always difficult to achieve the best of both worlds.

Time soon came to February.

Accompanied by Gu Yanjing and Li Qingjia, Gu Jianing went to various art colleges across the country to take the school exam.

The first one to participate was Xi'an Design University.

Fortunately, the subject of traditional Chinese painting is what Gu Jianing is good at. After the exam, Gu Jianing feels pretty good about himself.

It's just that Gu Jianing's performance in the school examination of Yanjing University of Design will not satisfy Gu Jianing.

(End of this chapter)

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