Chapter 58 Geography Questions

The sports meeting ended soon. Class 1 and [-] of senior high school had three first places, five second places, and four third places. They lived up to expectations and achieved the No.[-] grade.

After the sports meeting, Dong Bijun recounted the reward at the class meeting, and after the academic proficiency test was over, he used the reward class fee to go to the farmhouse for a day of fun.

The students in the class are both happy and worried.

The joy is that I finally have a chance to relax, but the worry is that the academic proficiency test is just around the corner. It is easier to study Chinese, Mathematics, and Physics and Chemistry. After all, I haven’t studied History and Lands for half a year.

It is easy to pass these three subjects, but it is not easy to pass the A grade, but if you want to participate in self-enrollment, the academic proficiency test score is an important basis for measurement, so before the academic proficiency test, everyone There is a sword hanging in my heart, and I am always alert.

After the end of the sports meeting, science students re-arranged many history and land administration subjects in the daily schedule. Not only that, the school also uniformly purchased academic proficiency test books to allow teachers to reduce homework and allow students to have more time for self-study classes Come to brush up the questions and use a two-pronged approach, just to sharpen your guns before the battle and improve the excellent rate of students' academic level tests.

Recently, Gu Jianing not only did the physics competition questions as usual every day, but also added an item of writing questions for the academic proficiency test in the evening study plan. He hardly slept before twelve o'clock.

Relatively speaking, Northern Jiangsu is not bad. His grades in history and land administration are considered to be relatively good, so he only spared two afternoons on weekends to study questions.

Because Gu Jianing always asked him the calculation questions of the chapter on the movement of the sun in geography, and he couldn't explain clearly over the phone, Su Bei took the initiative to go to Gu Jianing's home to study with her on weekends. At first, Gu Jianing was surprised, but after two weeks, he could got used to.

"Su Bei, how do you calculate the latitude of the point where the sun directly shines on this question?" Gu Jianing sat on the small table by the window in the study as usual, leaning on his chin with a pen, frowning but looking at Su pitifully. north.

Su Bei raised his head from the book and looked at Gu Jianing.

The afternoon sun poured in through the window, casting a layer of warm light on her body, making her look more gentle and lovely in the light.

Just looking at her, the corners of Su Bei's mouth raised unconsciously.

"Which question?" Su Bei walked over and stood beside Gu Jianing, looking at the geography questions on the table.

"This." Gu Jianing took a pen and clicked on the question that stumped him.

Su Bei is short-sighted, but the degree is not high. He usually doesn't wear glasses except in class. At this time, he was standing far away from the exercise book and couldn't see clearly, so he had to bend down to get closer.

Gu Jianing felt that Su Bei was getting closer, their bodies were almost touching, their breaths were intertwined, his face was right next to hers, within a distance that she could touch as long as she tilted her head a little.

Therefore, Gu Jianing did not dare to move, and his whole body froze in place.

Su Bei looked intently at the questions in the exercise book, not realizing that the distance between the two of them had far exceeded the safe distance.

"Look here, the sunshine time has been given, according to the sunshine duration..." Su Bei picked up the pen in Gu Jianing's hand, and wrote the key information under the title.

In this way, Su Bei's arms stretched forward, and his whole body almost half-wrapped Gu Jianing in his arms.

"Do you understand here?" Seeing that Gu Jianing did not respond for a long time, Su Bei tilted his head to look at her, and his lips brushed Gu Jianing's profile inadvertently.

(End of this chapter)

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