There are beautiful women in northern Jiangsu

Chapter 54 Because You Are Here

Chapter 54 Because You Are Here
Gu Jianing's heart followed Su Bei's figure all the way, silently reciting one lap, two laps, three laps...six laps, seven laps. At the end of the run, his hair was soaked in sweat, his sweatshirt was stuck to his body, and his pace was obviously slow down.

There was only the last half lap left, and Su Bei was still in the fourth place. Gu Jianing clasped his hands tightly, and his heart was tightly held together.

But I saw that Su Bei's speed increased significantly, surpassing No.3 a little bit, and at the last 100 meters, he sprinted directly, surpassing No.2 and No.1 in a blink of an eye, and went straight to the finish line.

"Quick!" As soon as Gu Jianing put his heart back on the spot, Lin Yi grabbed Gu Jianing's arm and stood up.

In a panic, Gu Jianing picked up the mineral water bottle, followed Lin Yi and ran towards Subei.

Su Bei was leaning over to catch his breath, and he straightened up when he saw Gu Jianing approaching.

"Drink some water." Gu Jianing handed the mineral water to Su Bei.

Su Bei looked at the water in Gu Jianing's hand, then raised his head to look at Gu Jianing, his pretty eyes were full of smiles, and the corners of his mouth were raised. He stared at Gu Jianing for a few seconds, and Gu Jianing retracted his hand a little bit before finally He quickly reached out and took the water.

"Thank you."

"Su Bei, congratulations, No.1!" Lin Yi looked at the two of them, congratulated Su Bei out loud, and then gently touched Gu Jianing's arm after speaking.

"Congratulations, you are amazing." Gu Jianing echoed Lin Yi.

The playground was noisy, and Gu Jianing's voice was low, but Su Bei still caught every word she said.

"Because you're here." Su Bei looked at Gu Jianing with deep eyes.

For a moment, Gu Jianing felt his heart beat out of rhythm.

She could feel Su Bei's fiery gaze looking at her, but she didn't dare to look up at him.

Quickly took Lin Yi's hand, found a random reason and fled, "I'll go to the head teacher to see."

Gu Jianing's strength was stronger than usual, Lin Yi really wanted to break free, but found that she couldn't break free at all, so she had to follow Gu Jianing's pace to leave.

Su Bei looked at the back of Gu Jianing leaving in a hurry, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

"Jianing, did you hear what Su Bei just said?" After walking a little further, Gu Jianing let go of Lin Yi, but Lin Yi took the initiative to take Gu Jianing's arm and gossip.

"I didn't hear that." Gu Jianing was so ashamed, when Lin Yi asked, she didn't dare to admit it.

"But I heard it, Su Bei said it was because you were here, isn't this a disguised confession!" Lin Yi was overjoyed, and moved directly in front of Gu Jianing.

"What, don't talk nonsense..." Gu Jianing gently pushed Lin Yi away.

"Where did I talk nonsense?" Lin Yi was unconvinced, and just about to continue arguing, another girl in the class ran up to the two of them panting, "Jianing, the class teacher is looking for you."

"What's wrong?" Upon hearing the head teacher's expression, the two immediately became nervous.

After rushing back to the class teacher, I realized that a girl had signed up for the 800-meter run in the girls' group, but suddenly she felt unwell. The girls' group running competition was about to start, so Dong Bijun was anxious to find a substitute.

And Gu Jianing's height of 1.6 meters [-] is already considered tall among the girls who have not signed up for the sports meeting, so Dong Bijun was the first to think of Gu Jianing.

"Teacher, I'm really not good at sports..." Gu Jianing tried to refuse.

"Jianing, there is really no one else in front of me..." Dong Bijun put his hands on Gu Jianing's shoulders, the eagerness in his eyes was obvious.

Gu Jianing looked at the class teacher in front of him, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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