There are beautiful women in northern Jiangsu

Chapter 181 Part 1 Du Heng's Confession

Chapter 181
I am Du Heng, a standard face dog.

This is also the reason why I like Su Bei, just licking my face.

Of course, there is another reason besides this, but I am more ashamed to say it.

But since it's my monologue, let me confess to everyone.

In the final analysis, it is some small thoughts of adolescent girls, always feel that they are the best, and hope that they can get everyone's attention and love.

This kind of mentality is especially manifested in me. I competed with Liang Shuxin everywhere, so that I even did not let go of Su Bei, who was transferred from another school. Unfortunately, he became the victim of our secret rivalry.

Originally, I just wanted to get more attention here in Northern Jiangsu, and I don't need much, as long as I get more than Liang Shuxin.

Slowly, this kind of attention-seeking psychology turned into the so-called liking. In fact, there is no real liking, but at that time, I felt that liking Su Bei could reflect my excellence.

In summary: I don't know why I like him, I just know that I should like him.

Now I am deeply contemptuous of the adolescent me, arrogant and self-righteous, so much so that every time I recall what happened at that time, I can't wait to find a crack in the ground.

What I didn't expect myself was that my so-called liking for Su Bei would last all the way to university.

After thousands of pursuits (harassment) by me, Su Bei actually agreed to be my boyfriend.

Of course, I found out later that he probably agreed because he mistook Gu Jianing for having a boyfriend at the time.

However, there is a huge gap between ideal and reality.

I have been asking for it for many years, but I have gradually deified the image of Subei in my heart.

But after getting in touch with him, I realized that he is just an ordinary person, at most he is more handsome than ordinary people.

It's really boring to be in a relationship with him because his mind is not on me at all.

Of course, I gradually realized that Su Bei was not my type at all, and I blamed my damn vanity back then.

So I decided to stop the loss in time and broke up with Su Bei.

Not surprisingly, he agreed without hesitation.

His relieved expression even made me suspect that he might have regretted it the day after he agreed to date me, and he decided to wait for me to speak first because he was afraid of hurting my self-esteem.

Humph, dog man!
Anyway, Su Bei and I happily say goodbye.

After other couples break up, they either love too much or hate too much, and they never get in touch after that.

The two of us are different. We neither love nor hate each other. After we broke up, we became friends. Occasionally, we would call Lin Yi and Lu Yunxu to have sex together.

Later, when I heard that Su Bei was going to marry Gu Jianing, I was really happy for him.

It just so happened that I returned to Yuncheng the night before his wedding, so I thought of sending him my blessings.

There were too many people at his bachelor party. I was worried that the news of my meeting with him would reach Gu Jianing's ears and cause Su Bei's troubles. Just bring your own gift.

But she didn't want to be seen by Gu Jianing. (Of course, I only found out later.)
For this, I sincerely apologize.

Then there was the charity dinner.

When I first entered the entertainment circle, Su Bei helped me a lot. He also introduced a friend to me. If necessary, he can take him to participate in activities to avoid some troubles.

I am always grateful for the help he gave me.

Unfortunately, during the charity dinner, the friend he introduced to me who had been protecting me happened to be abroad, and that drama was very important to me. Asked Su Bei to help.

I didn't expect that this incident would cause so much trouble to Subei.

Many days later, I still felt sorry, so I called Su Bei, hoping that he could arrange for me to meet Gu Jianing, and let me explain and apologize to her personally.

He did arrange for us to meet, but that was after Gu Jianing came back from the mountains. She sprained her foot, and Su Bei asked her to rest at home for a long time before letting her go out.

We met in a coffee shop, and I deeply remember that Gu Jianing was wearing a white dress that day, her long hair was braided and slanted on her left shoulder, and she had a light and gentle smile on her face.

Years seemed to treat her too kindly, but she was still the same as in high school, neither fighting nor grabbing, with a calm appearance, but she was an existence that was hard to ignore.

I got up, told her to sit down, and explained everything to her, from the so-called love in high school to the charity dinner before.

She has always maintained the attitude of a listener, with a kind smile.

I secretly sighed in my heart, no wonder Su Bei likes her so much, who wouldn't like such a woman?

In the end, I solemnly apologized to her, not only for causing trouble to her and Subei because of the charity dinner, but also for misunderstood her because of the love letter when I was young and ignorant, and even insulted her.

Although I also apologized at the time, it was because of Su Bei that I had to do it. Now, I really want to apologize and try my best to make up for the mistakes I made back then.

"It's okay, I've already forgotten."

Gu Jianing looked at me with kindness in her eyes, as if she was afraid that I would not believe it, she repeated it again.

"I really forgot."

Later, I watched her leave the coffee shop, and I knew she was going home to her happiness.

And I am going to pursue my happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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