Chapter 14 Monthly Exam

After discussing with Li Qingjia, Gu Jianing started the "happy life" of tutoring math every day after school.

Since the four of them formed a group, Lin Yi and Lu Yunxu also took the initiative to join the ranks of tutoring. The four of them worked on the questions together, discussed and analyzed together. Although Gu Jianing's math scores were not very satisfactory, under the guidance of Su Bei, they gradually caught up. The pace of the three people no longer feels that the time is too difficult.

Perhaps their group played an exemplary role, and other groups also worked on the questions together after school.

Team competitions are different from individual competitions and single-handed battles. They pay more attention to the cooperation and trust between team members. Four people form a group. At the end of the competition, the four people only submit one test paper as the group result. Negotiation between groups, so it is also very important to run-in between group members in advance.

Nian Manjing, as the head teacher, was naturally happy to see the results of this situation, and she specially asked Li Hui, the math teacher, to ask him to sit in the classroom after school occasionally if he was free, and give some guidance to the students by the way.

Teacher Li has always been enthusiastic about teaching, so he readily agreed.

During the guidance process, Li Hui praised Su Bei several times, saying that he is bold and careful. When encountering difficult problems, he can not only boldly assume the problem-solving ideas but also carefully perform calculations. His math scores must be very good.

Before waiting for the math competition, the first grade of Yuncheng No. [-] Middle School ushered in a monthly exam.

Nine subjects were tested for two and a half days. After the test, it happened to be the May Day holiday. In addition, everyone was exhausted by the test, so the math tutoring naturally stopped.

"How did you do in the exam?" Gu Jianing asked casually after getting on the bus.

After these days of getting along, Gu Jianing's view of Su Bei has gradually changed. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble for her, other aspects will be... um... pretty good.

"Not bad." Su Bei replied calmly, "How did you do in the exam?"

"It's okay." Gu Jianing deliberately imitated his tone to express his dissatisfaction with his attitude.

Su Bei looked at Gu Jianing looking out of the window with an indifferent look, and silently raised the corners of his mouth, "What are the arrangements for May Day?"

"Go back to my hometown and see my grandparents."

"Why don't you ask me what's my plan?"

"Then what are your arrangements for May Day?" Gu Jianing's voice was obviously perfunctory.

"Go back to my hometown and see my grandparents." Su Bei also deliberately imitated her tone.

Finally, Gu Jianing couldn't help turning his head to look at Su Bei, and then smiled at each other.

Really boring and uninteresting two people.

After returning to school after the May Day holiday, the results of the monthly exam have also come out.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Jiangsu Bei took the exam for the first time after transferring to another school and got the first grade in the grade, a full 2 points more than the No.[-] Liang Shuxin. Among them, the two courses of mathematics and physics both got full marks .

The so-called blockbuster is probably like this.

Gu Jianing knew the level of Subei for a long time, so he was not surprised that Subei got the first place in the grade. Instead, he was unbelievable about his math score. Breaking through the [-]% mark for the first time is simply a historic progress.

After Li Qingjia found out, he directly attributed the credit to Su Bei, and even asked Gu Jianing if he wanted to study with Su Bei on weekends.

Of course, Gu Jianing decisively chose to refuse.

Everyone is not immersed in the monthly exam results, because the math competition is just around the corner.

One day, the four of them sat around doing math problems as usual, and Du Heng suddenly walked over to Su Bei with a few cups of milk tea.

(End of this chapter)

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