The Heroes of Fast Transmigration Beg to Fly

Chapter 7 Armor Dad Cultivation Manual (6)

Chapter 7 Armor Dad Cultivation Manual (6)

Finally it was not a negative number, Yao Qing let out a sigh of relief, it was too frighteningly difficult, she sat at the table holding the armor,
"Look, the dumplings you worked so hard to make were dirty by you, wasting food, what kind of temper do you think you are, even if you don't like the tribe, the food didn't offend you, only when you are full, can you have the strength to change powerful, isn't it..."

Yao Qing was still rambling,

Kai lowered his head, his pale face was stained a little crimson, he pinched his fingers,

"You can teach me how to make a copy."

Thankfully, I finally got the hang of it.

Although she can cook, she hates the kitchen very much. If she can train the armor, she will have no worries about eating.

Yao Qing had a small ninety-nine in his heart,
"Then I'll teach you now, and you won't have to worry about food and drink in the future,"

Kai suddenly sat upright by the table, reached out and touched the tip of her nose,

Yao Qing was taken aback for a moment, then he heard Kai say,
"Powder sticks to the tip of the nose,"

Yao Qing touched his nose,
"Really? Thank you."

Pour a bowl of flour into the basin, add an appropriate amount of water, mix well, and knead together.After mixing for a while, a bowl of flour becomes a smooth noodle ball,

Kai looked at Yao Qing's movements and couldn't help but strike a few times. Yao Qing looked at Kai as if he had found a new thing, rubbed it non-stop, and joked,

"Okay, stop kneading, cover it and let it wake up, go prepare the minced meat, by the way, do you want to eat leeks?"

"I'm not a picky eater,"

That's right, even the bark of wild vegetables is eaten, so how can you be picky about leeks?
"There just happened to be some leeks and radishes,"

Yao Qing took out a big white radish, washed it clean, and prepared to shred it.
Kai looked at Yao Qing's actions and was a little curious. In fact, he had never cooked before. When he was very hungry before, he only saw vendors cooking food on the street. It was the first time he saw the food prepared and cooked. It was quite fresh. He decided try it,
"Let me do it."

Seeing that Kai was so active, Yao Qing naturally asked him to come.

As a result, after a while, the cut vegetables were really unsatisfactory. This is not silk, but a wooden stick. So much effort was wasted.

Kai himself seems to have noticed that there is a sense of gap in his heart,
"Do you also think that I am useless and useless?"

Yao Qing was a little surprised, Kai was paying attention to what Lu Yan said just now, she smiled at Kai,

"It doesn't matter, you still have to chop it anyway, it's only because of your weak strength, it's different if you learn it slowly, everything has a process, doesn't it?"

Kai seemed to be much brighter after receiving this answer.
Taking advantage of this moment, Kai took out the meat and put it in a basin. Under Yao Qing's command, he put three spoonfuls of salt and seasonings, and began to stir with chopsticks. Stir in one direction until they are evenly blended.After stirring, Kai felt his arms were sore,
Looking back, Yao Qing took out the reconciled noodles, kneaded them on the board, kneaded the cut pieces into a cylindrical shape, pressed them into a flat shape, quickly put the stuffing into the middle of the skin, and used his index finger Put the skin together with your thumb in the middle, and then pinch the two sides together, and a dumpling is ready.

I don't know why Kai feels such a warm moment,
Yao Qing was making dumplings and chattering,

"Did you know? The winter solstice is the day with the shortest day and the longest night. After this day, the day becomes longer every day. The winter solstice is a traditional festival in my hometown and one of the important solar terms. On this day, everyone Almost everyone can make dumplings, and there is still a folk saying that "if you don't serve dumpling bowls during the winter solstice, no one will care about your ears if you freeze them", which is to commemorate the kindness of Zhang Zhongjing, the "medical sage" who treats the ears of the public."

Kai was ignorant, she had never heard of the Zhang Zhongjing she was talking about, it was like two people who were so close but not in the same world.

After making the dumplings, Yao Qing put the dumplings in the pot and started cooking. Soon, the delicious and hot dumplings came out of the pot.

The dumplings taste really good, and it tastes even better if you make them by yourself. It may be because you are hungry. Kai ate a big plate, and it was really delicious. But after making it, I felt my arms were a little sore and tired.

It was getting late gradually, the room was divided into two by the screen, and Yao Qing did not know where to find the dead wood to build the bed frame, Kai slept outside, she slept inside, Kai put his head on his hands, looked at the bed frame. Yao Qing, who boils water outside the stove, actually washes in the dry well. He is used to the cold feeling, even in the twelfth lunar month, it will not make any difference.

Yao Qing drew a basin of water from an iron basin and placed it in front of Kai.

"Come on, wipe your face, your wrist is still hurt and you can't touch the water,"

Yao Qing wrung out the towel, put it on Kai's face and then wiped it carelessly. She has no experience in taking care of children, so as long as she doesn't starve to death, it's fine.
On the contrary, Kai felt that the wet towel on his face was hotter than his body temperature, and he felt a little hot. He held back and didn't make a sound. Before this, he rarely experienced the feeling of wiping his face with warm water in winter.


"Ding dong, care value +2, total value 7,"

Although the child didn't say anything on the face, he still looked awkward, but he was slowly accepting her in his heart, Yao Qing smiled knowingly.

Sending Kai to the bed and tucking in the quilt, she has time to deal with her own affairs. Too long hair is not a solution. Fortunately, there is a bronze mirror full of dust on the table, and she can barely see her outline clearly.
Only then did she look at herself, her double eyelids and thin lips are no different from her modern self, except for the long hair that drags the floor, she struggled for a while, remembering a dagger she picked up in the yard, she took it in her hand and began to cut her hair,

This dagger must have been dropped by some kid during the day. The handle is inlaid with pearls and may be worth some money. The key is that the blade is sharp and very easy to use. She used it to peel radishes before, but now it's pretty good for cutting hair. well.

After working for a long time, she finally cut her short hair with a shawl, and when she turned around, she found that Kai was sleeping on the bed, staring at her intently.

Yao Qing deals with broken hair,

"What's wrong? Can't sleep?"

Kai shook his head and turned his back to her.

(End of this chapter)

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