The Heroes of Fast Transmigration Beg to Fly

Chapter 27 Armor Dad Cultivation Manual (26)

Chapter 27 Armor Dad Cultivation Manual (26)

Yao Qing has been recuperating for half a month, lying on the bed every day like a vegetable, falling into a deep sleep, thanks to Kai's care,

Sure enough, the skills of the King's Land cannot be used easily, and there is a price to pay, so in conclusion, the King's Land system is a scam.

During this period of recuperation, I probably know that Lu Yan has been here a few times, but was driven away by Kai.
I don't know if Lu Yan's loss of control was voluntary, anyway, his father Lu Tian couldn't get rid of it, and this matter will be settled after the autumn.

Yao Qing opened her eyes in bewilderment, only to find that Kai was guarding her bed, because the house was newly renovated, and it was all in the pink and tender style that Yao Qing liked, and the pink curtain was slowly embroidered with golden silk butterflies. , lifelike, and the decoration is also the simple style that Yao Qing likes,
Kai was lying on the edge of her bed, and the curtain brushed his short silver hair from time to time. At this time, the bright sunlight came in from the wooden window, illuminating the brilliance of the room.

The bronze mirror on the antique dressing table reflected Kai's side face, with his eyes slightly closed, he seemed to be much thinner, but under the slow floating of the tent, he seemed to be somewhat disturbed.

Kaitou was resting on the quilt, and Yao Qing moved his fingers, only to realize that his hand was tightly held by Kai. With a slight movement, Kai was awakened. He sat up straight,

"you're awake?"

Yao Qing desperately wanted to sit up, but his physical strength was exhausted, and he was so dizzy that he couldn't get up at all.

Kai then leaned forward to lift her shoulders, put a little force into her armpits, and pulled her up. He said worriedly,
"What's wrong? I'll help you,"

Kai's movements are gentle, and even his tone of voice has become much gentler. I don't know if it's an illusion, it's like a different person, suddenly being so considerate to her, it makes people frightened,
Kai's arms are thick and powerful, they have really grown up, carrying her is like carrying a chicken,
"It's okay, maybe I'm too weak,"

His stomach growled loudly, and Kai instantly understood.

"I'm going to heat up the prepared ingredients, by the way, you should like it, sweet glutinous corn porridge,"

Yao Qing nodded, and when he heard the sweets, the corners of his mouth drooled.

"It's all right, by the way, put more sugar,"

Then Kai kicked and kicked out the door, and before he got up, he suddenly thought of something, and ran to Yao Qing in a "thump-thump",
"Well, if you need anything, just call me, I'll be outside, take a rest,"

Kai's appearance is probably extremely worried. This guy is clearly holding her in his heart, but he can't express it in his mouth. I am relieved.

Yao Qing just wanted to say that she has been asleep for so long, and she would be a fool if she rested, but Kai had already gone far away.
The wound from the cold blade seemed to have really healed, and she couldn't feel any pain. Yao Qing opened the quilt and looked at her clean white clothes with a dazed expression. She remembered that she was wearing a black brocade robe before she fell into a coma. , were stained dark with blood, and I don’t know who Kai asked to change her clothes.

Yao Qing rubbed his temples, and got off the bed slowly and tentatively,
Kai didn't mention why her wound healed but she fell into a deep coma. He acted so naturally and as always, as if nothing had happened.

Since Kai didn't ask, Yao Qing didn't mention it anymore, otherwise it would really take a lot of talking.

Kai also suspended school for more than half a month. In order to explain the situation to his master, Yao Qing accompanied Kai to the college early in the morning, but today not only the students in the college looked weird, even the people on the street pointed out Pointing, especially when Aunt Zhang looked at them and greeted them, she turned away without looking back, feeling like she and Kai were like rats crossing the street.

Yao Qing looked at Kai questioningly.
"what happened?"

Kai shrugged, he was used to the strange looks from others,
After arriving at the academy, there was still some time before the morning class. In order to meet his master, Yao Qing simply went to the academy to find his teacher. Kai was going to the church. Just as he was about to say goodbye to Kai, he saw that the college bulletin board was crowded with people, and the surrounding area was tight. , in which Luna had a dispute with a girl,

I saw Luna, who was dressed in lavender, with righteous indignation on her hips and said,

"You are lying, you are a liar, no one knows that you wanted to get involved with my brother before, and now you want to pour dirty water on my brother,"

"I'm not lying. Luna pays attention to your words. I'm your second brother's sweetheart now. It's not an exaggeration to call her second sister-in-law. Why did I lie, and that bastard is a nasty person? Why do you want to argue for her? "

Yao Qing recognized that girl. She was the little girl who threatened Kai last time. She purposely found out that her name was Yan Yan. Kai bluffed for a while, and then stopped. Now he is afraid that he is next to Luna's second brother, so he dares to be unscrupulous.
In fact, Yao Qingzheng has never met Luna's second brother, he is probably one of Lu Yan's henchmen, she doesn't like to listen to what the little girl says, and it seems to be about the armor beside her.

I don’t know who shouted,
"Here comes the armor,"

"Hey, it's Kai, he still has the face to come to school,"

"What a bedbug, shameless,"

Hey, Yao Qing has such a violent temper, he rolls up his sleeves and wants to beat someone up.

Yan Yan gained confidence,

"It's better to ask Kai to come over and confront, it just so happens that the Shadow Master is still by his side,"

Yao Qing, who was named for no reason, had deep eyes. It seemed that something unfavorable was about to happen, and it was closely related to Kai.

Yan Yan rushed over overjoyed, and looked at her proudly,
"You must be the Lord of Shadows that everyone is talking about?"

Yao Qing frowned and waited for her next words,

"Do you know what kind of person you are next to? Shameless devil, you are here to give him the power of dominance, and he actually has unreasonable thoughts about you, it is simply too shameful, shameless, Knowing this, are you still willing to stay by his side?"

The news was so explosive that Yao Qing couldn't digest it. Although Han Xing's folk customs are not feudal, they have a clear class system, and seniority and inferiority are more important than anything else. Everyone subconsciously believes that Yao Qing is the representative and parent of Kai. Such a thing is a great disgrace,

But Yao Qing is really hard to understand the only four words of "non-divided thinking",

"you do not believe?"

Yan Yan reached out and suddenly raised the fragments of the glass ball in her hand.
"Everyone has seen this thing, let you read it again, it doesn't matter if you can see his face clearly, I am the best nightmare art scholar here, this thing is absolutely true and will not be adulterated, everyone can see it,"

Yao Qing remembered that the fragment of the glass ball was not picked up by the armor in the grove back then, but one piece must have been left behind.
Combining the previous incidents in the grove, Yao Qing had an incredible idea. The old woman that the little girl was talking about was actually referring to her?

Simply incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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