The Heroes of Fast Transmigration Beg to Fly

Chapter 211 The Lost Yuan Song (15)

Chapter 211 The Lost Yuan Song (15)

It turned out to be a large hall. In the center of the hall stood a middle-aged man, dressed in a gray brocade suit, with hair in a bun. He could be regarded as a literati. Beside the man, various wooden slips were hung on the lantern. Yao Qing glanced at the banner. , the three characters of flamboyant

"Lantern Riddles"

Mu Qing said excitedly, suddenly thinking that Yao Qing seems to have lost his memory

"The Lantern Riddle Festival only happens once a year. It is held by the imperial court and has its own rules. If you guess one question correctly, you will get one tael of silver, if you guess two questions correctly, you will get [-] taels of silver, and so on. However, those who guess the lantern riddles must pay two taels of silver first. But those without talent Generally, only two questions can be guessed correctly, and a total of ten questions can be guessed. Those who can guess all ten questions correctly can guess this year's supreme lantern riddle. This rule is set to avoid too many vulgar people guessing the riddles randomly."

Mu Qing looked excitedly at the huge lantern on the high platform, "If you guess the Supreme Lantern Riddle, you can get a love lock made of gold, which means to lock a long-term love. It's worth a hundred taels. It's so dreamy."

This rule is novel, it attracts many people to guess the lantern riddles, and then they can return with a rewarding experience, and at the same time let the world have fun.But it was originally a common people's festival, but it became a way for the court to make money
"No one has ever guessed this supreme lantern riddle before."

Mu Qing scratched her head, that's true, but the reward makes people really eager to try.

Some people have already started to guess the lantern riddles. There is half a stick of incense to answer a question.
A man in Chinese clothes was leading a group of servants. He only had one foot but was a little lame. His face was full of arrogance. Without guessing the answer, he kicked the servant beside him.

"Useless waste, raising you is worse than raising a pig."

Seeing everyone staring at him, puzzled, he bit the bullet and turned to the next question. The middle-aged man smiled and said nothing.

Yao Qing couldn't help laughing, such a person is probably trying to make a fool of himself.

"The white snake crosses the river with a red sun above its head"

"The answer: oil lamp"

With a clear and deep voice, she saw a familiar black face, Mo Ziqi? .Dressed in Tsing Yi, he was extraordinarily upright, with a provocative look on his face

"I heard that Mr. Wen is capable of both literature and martial arts, why can't you figure out the answer to such a simple riddle?"

The man in Chinese clothes looked frivolous, "Hey, who did I say, it turned out to be General Mo, why did you just come back from northern Xinjiang, and thought you were heroic and righteous?"

The flames of war were on the verge of breaking out, and neither of them backed down.

At this time, Mu Qing ran forward with a face full of joy, extremely excited, "General Mo, you are back, is the fifth master also back?"

The fighting between the two was extinguished instantly.

The man in Chinese clothes looked over and saw Yao Qing, he was a little surprised, retreated step by step, a little scared, dragged his legs, turned around and fled.

Yao Qing looked confused. Thinking of her dream this morning, she always remembered that face. She had been bullied by him when she first went to the Beiyi Sect.

Seeing the two of them, Mo Ziqi suddenly became more refined, "Not long after I came back, I saw Bei Jinwen playing ostentatiously here, so I couldn't help teasing him, because I am a relative of the eldest prince, so arrogant, this kind of person sees him I just want to hit him once."

Yao Qing's head was aching. She used to practice martial arts day and night, and she made rapid progress in just a few months. Those who oppressed them dared not approach them when they found out that they couldn't get cheap after several provocations. But she didn't remember Who is he guarding.

He stopped in place, his head seemed to be torn apart, and he turned and ran away.

She didn't know how long she ran until she was out of breath before she stopped. Seeing Bei Jinwen, she seemed to recall a lot of past events.The Beiyi sect was originally a sect of great sects, it was the heaven of the northern kingdom but also the hell of the Chu kingdom.It is a great honor for people from the Northern Kingdom to come to the Beiyi School to learn art, but it is different from the Chu Kingdom, the Beiyi faction belongs to the Northern Kingdom, and the people from the Chu Kingdom must not be favored here if they are sent here, or they will be abandoned here after making mistakes Yes, it's better than a cage, at least it's free, so Chu people will definitely be bullied by everyone here, and it's no surprise that whoever is the strongest will be the most powerful.She couldn't remember the man in black at all, and tried desperately to remember, but it was in vain.Whether she forgot him, or he forgot her, why should she be lost.

It was quiet everywhere, contemplating for a while, suddenly there was a commotion, surrounded by circles, hundreds of soldiers, all in light clothes and armor, all of them were fierce, and she was followed.

The soldier made a way out, and a man frivolously stepped forward. It was Bei Jinwen who I saw today, with a proud face, "Isn't this Su Yaoqing? What? Your perverted master doesn't want you anymore?"

"Back then, your master broke my leg, and today I will pay you back with your life."

Yao Qing sneered for a while, but her face was stained with a bloodthirsty expression. She seemed to be used to fighting, "If people don't attack me, I won't attack. If people attack me, I will attack."

Yao Qing's purple gauze skirt fluttered with the wind, Hong Ying mixed with all the soldiers, unarmed, although she had full body skills, there were too many enemies, and she was a little powerless.The blood color and the twilight light reflected together to form the same color. Yao Qing was a little exhausted and his body was too weak.Gradually gaining the upper hand, the long sword seemed to be stained with red flowers, and the flowers slowly slid down.

After a long while, the two sides didn't take advantage of it. There was a commotion, people's figures shook, and the venue was surrounded by a group of well-trained black-clothed guards. They all stopped.A man in white came slowly, the faint dusk light falling delicately on his moon-white brocade clothes.He slowly stretched out his slender fingers, his hands were slightly white and his knuckles were slightly protruding.


Seeing Yi Minyan's arrival, Yao Qing heaved a sigh of relief.He walked over naturally, clenched his fist, and then put his fist in Yi Minyan's hand in relief, as if he would always be there for every danger, and his heart that was naturally floating was at ease, a piece of tranquility.

Bei Jinwen looked at the person who was coming, hesitantly did not dare to step forward, "Brother?"

Yao Qing looked suspiciously at Bei Jinwen, who had a painful face, and then looked at the expressionless words below. She thought about the word "big brother", did they have a relationship long ago?
Yi Minyan automatically filtered Bei Jinwen and ignored Bei Jinwen beside him. He fluttered his sleeves and raised his hands lightly. A scarlet flower hairpin was buried in a simple bun. Yao Qing didn't like dressing up at all. His long hair was simple. The bun with the crimson flower hairpin looked particularly beautiful, and Yao Qing couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat.The words of refusal were swallowed back.

Bei Jinwen sneered
"Eldest brother, the eldest prince invites you in every possible way, but you refuse, and you don't eat or drink fine wine, but now you are not clear with Chu Yan's lackey. I knew you were not good at this girl back then, maybe it was sent by Chu State spy"

Before the words fell, Bei Jinwen's headband snapped, and the long hair was cut short. This was a great shame.

"Did you rinse your mouth this morning?"

With a nonsensical question, Bei Jinyan was still immersed in her shaved short hair, and casually said in surprise, "No..."

I saw Yi Minyan sneered and said

(End of this chapter)

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