The Heroes of Fast Transmigration Beg to Fly

Chapter 199 The Lost Yuan Song (3)

Chapter 199 The Lost Yuan Song (3)

After hearing this, Bai Minrong jumped out of bed, changed his sad face to a positive one,

"I will definitely become a hero, right, Master."

Yao Qing burst into laughter: "A man should have the ambition of being a success."

Listening to what Yao Qing said, Bai Minrong nodded, but a trace of disappointment flashed across his face

"It's a pity that I can't go to the battlefield."

Then jump out of bed, eyes sparkle
"General Kingo in the portrait really looks like you."

Bai Minrong stared at Yao Qing's expression without missing a trace, and thought about it. A few years ago, when the third master came back from Beiyi Mountain, he built a villa called Luocheng villa. It was a huge project, and even the emperor expressed dissatisfaction. Yes, but no one has lived in it yet. This is a legend.And the fifth master brought back this woman with superb martial arts skills from the battlefield.At first, I wanted to test whether she was a spy, but now I really want to learn kung fu from her.

Bai Minrong shook his head, "When I saw that portrait, I guessed that the Third Master must have had a relationship with General Jinwu during the years when he went to the Beiyi Sect. But General Jinwu was a member of the Emperor of Chu."

Yao Qing was in a daze. Mu Qing came back from cooking the medicine, holding a porcelain bowl. He looked at the two people arguing and walked over with a smile.

Just looking at the sawdust falling on the ground, his brows immediately frowned,

"Master Bai, you sneaked over and ripped off the roof."

The bitter taste of Chinese herbs permeates the bowl.

Bai Minrong wanted to turn back, but when he smelled the medicine, he immediately took a few steps back, pinched his nose, and acted disgusted.

"Mu Qing, don't come here, I hate this smell the most."

Mu Qing paused and continued to step forward, "This is a good medicine for treating Yao Qing, but it's not for you. How could you be afraid of it becoming like this?"

Bai Minrong couldn't help but rushed out the door immediately.

Yao Qing was stunned and ran faster than a rabbit, which showed how afraid he was of Chinese medicine.

Mu Qing covered her mouth and smiled, "Everyone says that the only grandson of Bai Yuanshi, a genius doctor of a generation, is as afraid of medicine as a cat seeing a mouse. It is true."

Yao Qing smiled and took the medicine, and drank it all in one gulp. A bitter taste spread, as if he had been exposed to it for a long time before, and even he had a faint smell of herbs on his body.

Thinking that Bai Minrong was so afraid of medicine, she not only smiled

"No wonder he finds medicine boring and prefers to lead soldiers in war,"

Mu Qing tidied up, helped Yao Qing lie back on the bed, and said with a smile

"Yes, Young Master Bai was born prematurely. He was weak and sickly since he was a child. He almost died when he was just born. His mother passed away after giving birth to him. The Baiyuan envoy tried his best to save Young Master Bai. This is the root cause of his illness. I grew up, so I was terrified of this smell."

Yao Qing's heart skipped a beat, no wonder he looked so pale, at such a young age, without a mother, and suffering from illnesses, it's not for him to learn martial arts.But in the image, I also know such a person.

While sleeping in a daze, she seemed to see the vast training ground in a trance.The field was dusty, and the silver armor of the soldiers gleamed in the sunlight.

"Sergeants, what is your duty?"

The loud voice spread from the high platform to the entire arena.

"Defend the country, protect the territory," the soldiers responded.

The general standing at the top of the high platform nodded with satisfaction.He said to the thin figure next to him
"The descendants of the Su family have been guarding every inch of this territory all their lives, and our final destination is to die in battle. I hope you understand that father gave you a pair of wings so that you can soar into the sky."

"Since you have obtained the Qingluan Pendant, you should use it to build an invincible army."

"Son, I understand." The extraordinary sonorous female voice broke out in this thin body.And another black figure stood by the corner, trying to see clearly, but couldn't see clearly.

The general nodded in satisfaction, and pushed his thin body off the high platform

"Now, use your actions to prove your strength."

She saw herself saying to the black figure in the corner, "Defend your home and country, protect..."

Yao Qing came to his senses, who was he to protect.

Raising his hands, there are thick calluses on his hands that cannot be covered, which should be left from holding the sword.Doubts came to mind, could I really be General Jin Wu?

He clenched his hands and fell into a deep sleep.

The lamp on the table has been blown out, and the sleep is always restless, and it is an endless nightmare.

The scarlet forehead robe flutters with the wind, the red lanterns are hung high, swaying with the wind, and the Chinese characters "Hi" can be seen everywhere
hoarse voice sounded

"The battle of Lushan is imminent. The battle of Lushan must be won. The deposed prince must die. If he can return to renew the engagement, if he can't return..." There was a piercing pain in my heart.

"This should be yours"

Yao Qing seemed to see himself again in a daze, but he was not himself, dressed in military uniform, with a cold expressionless face, holding a jade in his hand.The voice is a little sad, it should be painful.I wanted to listen carefully, but the sound was muted.

I opened my eyes drowsily, and the moonlight came in. It was obviously late at night.

There was the sound of Mu Qing's steady breathing from the other end, but he felt that he couldn't breathe, his neck was strangled by something, and he couldn't breathe.Slowly, it feels like a thin rope, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it.Feel down along the rope and hold a cool jade stone the size of your thumb.Through the moonlight, it can be seen clearly that it is a phoenix about to spread its wings, and it is a transparent jade pendant, shining with a faint light at night.

Yao Qing took a deep breath, holding the jade, just like in a dream, feeling a little relieved.

Before dawn, Yao Qing was pulled out of the bed by Mu Qing.Her sleepy eyes were covered with the same emerald green clothes as Mu Qing's, making her look extraordinarily beautiful.

According to Mu Qing, a few days a month there will be a special imperial doctor teaching in Guangou, and the rest of the time will be in the Tai Hospital and the imperial pharmacy to help.There just happened to be a class today, and there were a lot of people attending the class.

Now Yao Qing was drowsy in a large courtyard, she really disliked the lectures, the lectures said by the imperial doctor seemed to be understood by herself, and there was nothing new, the more she listened to it, the more boring she felt.

The very experienced doctor Qin Yu was teaching the way of acupuncture and moxibustion on the stage. It is not easy to accommodate more than a hundred people in this big courtyard.It was rare, there was no noise and no one was absent, and everyone seemed to be very serious.Physician Qin was very satisfied, but Su Yaoqing's drooping head caught his attention. He didn't come to class before, but now he is openly contemptuous.

The imperial doctor of Qin on the stage couldn't bear it anymore. He wanted him to be a fifth-rank official. There were countless people asking him to teach him. Now Su Yaoqing is challenging his authority again and again.furious
"Yao Qing, repeat to me the function of the liver in the five internal organs."

A roar filled the whole place, and Yao Qing was startled awake. He looked around at a loss, and there was a burst of sneers around him. A pair of eyes stared at her, full of contempt. She seemed to hate such a scene, and she couldn't breathe when she saw the contemptuous faces of others.

Mu Qing on the side was sweating anxiously. Doctor Qin was famous for being strict. Someone once did not listen to his lectures and was punished as a handyman without food for three days. He was thinking about how to help.

At this time, looking at Yao Qing who was still staying there, and seeing Mu Qing's worried eyes, he felt inexplicably relieved.

Physician Qin hated that iron cannot be made into steel,

(End of this chapter)

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