The Heroes of Fast Transmigration Beg to Fly

Chapter 160 The Lord of the Demon Realm, the Bull Demon King (12)

Chapter 160 The Lord of the Demon Realm, the Bull Demon King (12)

The man in white looked at Yao Qing's leaving back, couldn't help but close his eyes slightly, then turned and left.

After changing into the makeup of a girl from the Red Mansion, Yao Qing went directly to the training workshop.

The landing place is a dance room, named Furongfang. It is located in the bustling city, not far from the magic palace. It has always been a singing and dancing room directly under the magic palace. Before you get close, you can hear its singing. The huge signboard "Furongfang" hanging from the building.

The boy at the door blocked the way, Yao Qing rolled up a strand of long hair and whispered softly

"Please let me know, Aunt Hongluan, I'm back,"

I don't know how Di Heze explained to Aunt Hongluan that he would definitely be scolded if he went out for so long and delayed a lot of practice time, but Di Heze has a lot of ghost ideas, so he should be able to get past it sloppily.

After a while, someone came to lead him, and he didn't even suspect it.

A group of rouge and gouache, surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan, led by Aunt Hongluan, praised Iron Fan girl for being much more beautiful, and Yao Qing laughed along with her.

As dusk approached, under the leadership of Hongluan, all the fairies entered the magic city. The spacious avenue was lined with shops, and it was quite prosperous. After driving for about one stick of incense, Yao Qing finally arrived at the magic city with Emperor Heze. Palace.

Tonight at Xushi is the birthday banquet of the Demon Lord. Yao Qing took the token and entered the Demon Palace without hindrance. He wanted to find out before the performance, but he turned left and right to the Demon King's bedroom. The Demon King and the Bull Demon King Collusion, I don't know if I can find out the reason and catch them all.

At this time, Yao Qing and Di Heze were like reptiles, lying furtively on the red brick tiles of the demon king's bedroom in the inner hall, making sure that the demon king was not there, Yao Qing kicked Di Heze beside him

"You go down, I'll keep watch"

Di Heze refused to die. He was in the territory of the demon king and goblins. He didn't dare to make mistakes. He would be noticed if he used the magic tricks a little bit, so he curled up,
"No, damn girl, it's better for you to go down. It's safer for His Highness to keep watch."

Yao Qing looked at Di Heze's actions and snorted coldly. This wretched and cowardly bastard is usually domineering and domineering.

"Hmph, when you look at the beauties and bewitching girls, you are full of energy. Now that you are doing business, you are timid."

Emperor Heze didn't care about Yao Qing's resignation at all, he is a man who can bend and stretch, so he turned his head and stretched his fists towards Yao Qing,

"Or the old rules, come on, let's punch, whoever loses will go down,"

Yao Qing cursed, lifted the hem of her skirt, and kicked Di Heze down.

"Hey! Still throwing fists, a big man, if you don't go to hell, whoever will go to hell,"


Di Heze was caught off guard, gritted his teeth, squeezed the mantra, and sneaked into the dormitory, glaring angrily at the violent female fairy above, knowing that it would be useless to reason with her,

Di Heze walked around in a circle, the luxurious incense burner in the sleeping hall was burning with green smoke, and the sandalwood couch was full of mortal things, such as sugar figurines, masks, and ceramic utensils. Di Heze looked here and there with great interest , I didn't expect that the demon king was still a child at heart.

Yao Qing looked at Di Heze swaying slowly, jumping on it anxiously,
"Hurry up, the demon king will come later, I can't eat and walk around"

Di Heze rolled his eyes silently and muttered,
"I'm in a hurry now, but I have to take my time, I have the ability to get down by myself"

Yao Qing "..." Look, if you don't beat him up after finishing your work, you won't be called Yao Qing!
After half a stick of incense, looking at Di Heze who was tossing about in the demon king's bedroom, he still found nothing,
"Will the invitation be carried with you?"

Yao Qing was furious,

Just in time, she heard the sound of monsters coming towards this direction from a long distance away, Yao Qing stood up like a carp, saw Di Heze who was still humming a little song, tossing slowly, she folded her arms around her chest, and didn't intend to make a sound to remind,

It wasn't until the demon group walked to the gate of the sleeping hall that they whistled towards Di Heze below without haste.

Di Heze was still tossing and turning in the nanmu bed and the gold silk quilt, when he heard Yao Qing's whistle, he felt a little impatient
"Damn girl, don't rush, I'm looking for you"

As the footsteps approached the door, Di Heze noticed it, couldn't dodge in time, and rolled directly to the bottom of the bed,
It was only then that I realized that Yao Qing whistled, and when he looked up, he saw Yao Qing's gloating face.

Damn, the iron fan is tricking him!

Di Heze gritted his teeth with hatred, and only reminded him when he arrived at the door, making it clear that he wanted to avenge his personal revenge.

Feng Yin summoned the demon soldiers outside the door angrily, and with a wave of his hand, the wind gusts and turned into a phoenix cry, threatening to attack Di Heze under the bed,

Yao Qing had a gloomy expression on his face, he was not afraid of opponents who were like gods, but teammates who were like pigs, all of which could be exposed, it seems that Emperor Heze's thousands of years of practice were in vain.

Yao Qing quickly blew up a cloud of smoke, and dragged the stupid Emperor Heze to run outside. Damn, in the territory of the demon world, if he was caught by the demon world people, he would not have to cramp and flay his skin. Besides, he had spied the secret of the demon king, so why not run away? I have a little life.

Dragging Di Heze all the way out of the dormitory, both of them were out of breath, followed by a crowd of dark demon soldiers,
At this moment, the demon king chased up, revealing that she was a phoenix and rushed into the air, showing the situation of a phoenix flying for nine days, approaching Di Heze fiercely,

Yao Qing lamented that he could not use immortal techniques in the Demon Realm, and the chances of the two of them escaping were too small. The Demon King aimed directly at Emperor Heze,

After a careful decision, if two of them are caught, it is better to leave one outside and find a way to rescue the other, she pushed Di Heze aside

"Wealth and honor are determined by life and death in the sky, and each side of the road faces the sky and worships each other." As soon as the corner was turned, no one was seen.
Di Heze's face suddenly darkened, seeing the monster soldiers getting closer and closer behind him, he could only run in the opposite direction, bah, when the critical moment came, that unreliable Yao Qing would abandon him, All friends!
In a corner of the inner hall of the palace, there are blue tiles and vermilion pillars, carved beams and embroidered pillars, surrounded inside and outside by monster soldiers ready to go. They hold weapons and have solemn expressions.

The air is filled with evil spirit,
The demon king pinched Emperor Heze's neck with his right hand, and volleyed him against the marble pillar. His feet flew into the air and kept flapping, his golden hair scattered all over the ground, and his long black hair was messy.

Di Heze looked at the demon king Feng Yin pitifully. His white clothes were more snowy, his silver threads were flying, and his evil eyes were shining with cold light, exuding a murderous aura.
Throat pain like suffocation, Emperor Heze thought, his life is going to die, this demon king doesn't have the heart to pity and cherish jade at all,

"Hey (han) cold (han) demon (rao) name,"

He muttered, exhausted all his strength, and spit out four unclear words,
Feng Yinying frowned furiously, and his anger gradually subsided. He seemed to smell a familiar scent just now, but the slender five fingers pinching Di Heze's neck were tightly locked, and his face flashed with impatience, as if he could cut Di Heze off with just a slight movement. neck,
"Tell me, who sent you here, and what is your intention to sneak into the king's bedroom."

Di Heze scratched the hand on his neck desperately, oh, it was pinching his throat. It was like a shackle and it was difficult to break free. It was even difficult to breathe. How should he answer?

Don't look at the demon king's slender figure, feminine personality, violent factors in his blood, and a burst of brute force,
"Hmm..." Di Heze pointed to his throat, signaling the demon king to let go of his speech.

(End of this chapter)

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