The Heroes of Fast Transmigration Beg to Fly

Chapter 138 Long Xin wants to save the sick and charming fox Bai (8)

Chapter 138 Long Xin wants to save the sick and charming fox Bai (8)

Food and dew were in front of him, Hu Bai rolled his eyelids and refused to pay attention to her. Yao Qing was also very happy, sitting cross-legged by the bonfire,
Yao Qing just found a few herbs at the entrance of the cave. The neem tree is unattractive, but it is a good medicinal material for stopping bleeding. Generally, the bitter young leaves are picked. When there are no leaves in winter, you can dig the roots or use the stems and leaves.

Neem is used as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drug, which is well known by Chinese herbalists in the south. It is commonly used and easy to use. In fact, Yao Qing does not fully understand herbal medicine, but he knows a few plants, so he picked it up when he happened to see it.

Yao Qing fiddled with crushing Ye Xin with stones. At first, he wanted to eliminate the inflammation for Hu Bai, but looking at his appearance, he must not believe him, so he might as well use it himself.
Her movements were loud and crackling, Hu Bai stared at her movements intently, with some doubts,
"Is this thing useful for you?"

Yao Qing pouted,

"You know poisonous things? Don't you know herbs? You can't even recognize them, they must be healing..."

Hu Bai pursed his lips and didn't speak. He knew poisonous things. It was because he lived in the wild since he was a child. He didn't experience it personally. How could he remember it hard?
At that time, Qingqiu was destroyed, and he fled all the way, not only avoiding the dragon clan, but also had to be careful of other monsters who were eyeing his soul orb. He was used to living in the wild, so he learned to fight wild and identify poisonous fruit trees.
Every time it is a narrow escape, it is not tolerated when you come back alive, and you will gain a lot of wisdom if you eat it, so you know a lot about the fruits in the wild, but you really don’t know the herbs. In the past, like all animals, foxes like to lick their wounds, and they themselves are the best medicine.

"do not know,"

Well, Yao Qing didn't want to talk, Hu Bai always had the ability to make her speechless, it seemed that she disliked her so much.

Yao Qing applied the medicine on his hands, and met Hu Bai's contemptuous eyes, only seeing his rolled-out eyes,

"Long Xin, who has fought in the battlefield all the year round, would actually apply medicine to such a small wound. It's astonishing."

Hu Bai was full of sarcasm, but Yao Qing was not annoyed. He brushed off the dust on his body and spoke casually,
"Oh, there are still a lot of herbal medicines left. Don't you also have wounds? It just so happens that there are redundant ones here. I've been working on it for so long, and it's a waste to lose it. I'll give it to you for nothing. Why don't I apply some medicine to you, and your wounds must have some wounds. Infected, apply medicine, and it will be fine in two days."

Hu Bai opened his mouth, but he didn't utter the sarcasm afterwards, as if he had seen clearly Long Xin's deception, and fell silent, which was a tacit consent.

Yao Qing excitedly brought the herbs to Hu Bai's, and couldn't wait to help Hu Bai undress, until "snap", Hu Bai knocked off the troublesome hand,

Yao Qing suffered from pain, touched his red hand,
"Well, I'm not trying to take advantage of you,"

Fox white brows are cold,

"I will do it myself,"

Yao Qing then obediently stood aside and peeked at Hu Bai from time to time. She had such a good figure that someone really wanted to pounce on her.

Hu Bai's wounds were exposed, some had scabs, and some wounds were red and swollen, but in comparison, it was a little better than yesterday. I have to say that Hu Bai may have the constitution of self-healing, no wonder he didn't care about it before,
Yao Qing tore a few sections of the cloak, stained it with dripping water from the stalactites, roughly washed off the blood stains around him, and then applied the medicine, skillfully, so Hu Bai resisted at first,
The icy cold touch made him uncomfortable for a while, but finally he got used to it, so he let Long Xin toss about it. After taking the good medicine, Hu Bai asked the doubts in his heart,

"It stands to reason that, as the leader of the White Dragon, you should be able to easily cross the terrain and get out of this cave. Why are you so embarrassed even with a peach now? What a bitter plan?"

Yao Qing paused, helped him put on his clothes,
It seems that the fox is not only extremely clever, insidious and cunning, but also has the ability to write scripts, because the imagination is too rich, but she has to explain carefully,
"You think too much, what am I trying to do? Just to lie to you? Didn't I use up all my strength to carry you yesterday, and was frightened, so I couldn't stop picking peaches and hurt you. I really can get out of this cave, isn't it? Because of your injury, I won’t leave you alone, right? It’s easy to go out, but difficult to come back in. Unlike you, I know exactly where the entrance of the cave is.”

Hu Bai looked at Long Xin's eyebrows, not letting go of any subtle expressions, but in the end he still couldn't tell which sentence was true and which sentence was false.

"Okay, I'll believe you for a while. I suggest you slowly recover your strength. If you don't get out, we will starve to death in the cave."

Yao Qing was taken aback for a moment, swallowed, his eyes flickered,

"Oh wait, tomorrow, tomorrow, it should be fine,"

Hu Bai closed his eyes and calmed down and stopped talking, but Yao Qing felt very guilty. She must be proficient in Long Xin's skills. If she got out of this cliff, she would really have to rely on her. It wasn't that she couldn't speak out, she just couldn't master it. Use strength and propriety. If you jump in the wrong place, both of you may be dead.

Yao Qing pondered all night before he dared to take Hu Bai out.

Hu Bai raised his eyebrows,
"So, how sure are you that you won't fall into the canyon under the cliff?"

"Probably... [-]% to [-]%." In fact, it's less than [-]%. She won't let Hu Bai look down on him, she can't let Hu Bai think that the famous Long Xin is a wimp,
Only then did Hu Bai leisurely lay on his shoulders, maybe the medicine applied yesterday had an effect, or Hu Bai's self-entertainment ability is very fast, in short, he didn't have yesterday's sickness,
Looks much better.

Long Xin is one centimeter taller than Hu Bai, and there is really no difference when standing together. The first time he was carrying Hu Bai, but the second time he had to correct his posture and carry this ancestor on his back.

The ancestor moved skillfully, lying on her shoulders, clasping her neck with both hands, and wearing a furry fox fur, Yao Qing reluctantly hesitated at the entrance of the cave, only to hear Hu Bai's light voice,
"Land down in the direction of twelve o'clock, then jump to the left and climb up the rocks, and then jump up a few meters to a locust tree, and then go up two or three meters to where we fell."

Yao Qing was dumbfounded,

"how do you know?"

"As a qualified wild survivor, can the jungler not be familiar with the terrain?"

Although I think this sentence is a bit bullshit, it fits the temperament of King Canyon and Wild King.

Yao Qing patted Hu Bai's arm with his hand,

"Can you repeat that again?"


Holding his spear, Yao Qing supported Hu Bai's arm with one hand, followed Hu Bai's instructions, jumped to the top of the mountain, soared into the sky, and escaped from the sky.

As soon as Yao Qing's heels landed on the ground, he saw several Qinglong soldiers guarding them. They were lighting a fire and roasting chicken. When he saw the two people coming out, the chicken legs were so shocked that they fell to the ground.
"Dragon... Longxin has come out, and he is also bringing a thousand-year-old fox demon with him, hurry up and inform the leader,"

(End of this chapter)

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