The Heroes of Fast Transmigration Beg to Fly

Chapter 112 Zhen Ji wants to divorce her husband (End)

Chapter 112 Zhen Ji wants to divorce her husband (End)
Yao Qing was really nervous lying on the palace bed, not because Zhen Mier was not good, but because it was the first time she had this kind of examination, and it sounded like a modern gynecological examination, a little embarrassing and a little ignorant Therefore, Yao Qing was relieved until the foreign body sensation receded.
The inspection is very notarized, and it is jointly carried out by several experienced nuns. It was hand-picked by the emperor, and fraud is not tolerated.
Until the inspecting nanny said,
"Reporting to Empress Empress, the inspection is completed, the third imperial concubine is a perfect body, it is confirmed that it is correct"

There is a bit of irony in the voice of the three imperial concubines. After all, whose daughter is married for more than a month and is still finished, this is not irony, what is it?
Yao Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and all the people in the room began to sympathize. This Cao also wants to make his wife a widow, and even charges him with adultery. This Cao Ye's character is self-evident.

"Cao Ye, what else do you have to say?"

Cao Ye groaned his lips, knelt on the ground tremblingly, and couldn't think of any countermeasures for a while. how to deal with it,

Seeing that Cao didn't speak, Yao Qing prostrated himself on the ground,

"I don't know if His Majesty will agree to my concubine's request,"

"This... what request?"

"The concubine wants to divorce her husband in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, so as to prove the concubine's innocence," said Yao Qing, covering his face with his sleeve and sobbing.

"The concubine regards her husband as heaven, but she doesn't want to be a tool to be used. She dislikes the past of the concubine, and it's fine to have a different room. Just because she hates her father, she actually allows the concubine to beat the wife, spoil the concubine and kill the wife. Such a concubine The body can also be tolerant. However, the husband told His Majesty and even the whole world that the concubine does not abide by women's morals and secretly communicates with others. The concubine is really wronged. My family, I hope His Majesty will give this concubine justice."

It's not a big deal for Zhen Mi'er to divorce her husband in court, but the reputations of Zhen Mi'er and Cao Ye have also been affected to varying degrees.
Yao Qing was neatly dressed and knelt under the hall, and then the inner eunuch spoke,
"Your Majesty, General Yuan Shao has already woken up. He said he met an assassin and chased him to the Leng Palace. How could he know that he was ambushed?"

"Okay," the emperor waved his hand, and threw the grinder on the desk at Cao Ye.

"What a good thing you did, is the assassin also arranged by you to deceive General Yuan Shao? I didn't expect you to be so scheming, not to mention that this and the throne are reserved for the eldest grandson of the emperor. Even if I have no heirs, I will not pass them on. You bastard, how much has Miss Zhen's family suffered with you? How do you ask me to explain to the Tai Tuo?"

The emperor took a deep breath,

"It is my will to cut Cao Ye's title from now on, and he will be married to the border for ten years. Miss Zhen's family and Cao Ye will officially reconcile and divorce. Since then, their respective marriages have nothing to do with each other, because Cao Ye is ashamed of Miss Zhen's family and compensated him with a thousand taels of silver. , there are ten buildings in the other courtyard, and you can discuss the rest on your own."

Seeing that the general situation was over, Cao also dared not say anything. He prostrated on the ground with his veins exposed, but he dared not say a word. He made a wrong move and lost the whole game. He didn't know what went wrong, so he was beaten for seven scattered,
Yao Qing raised his head,
"Your Majesty, Mi'er doesn't need compensation," the house wanted to send her away with a little money. In the previous life, Zhen Mi'er's family died so badly, and money wanted to sever grievances. Cao Ye thought it was pretty.

The emperor thought for a moment,
"But he is of royal blood after all, even if he made a mistake, he has already been punished, and his life must not be hurt,"

Yao Qing held on to his sleeves,

"I am a weak woman, how can I hurt other people's lives, Your Majesty should know Mi'er's weak nature, she would pray for a long time even if she trampled an ant to death, Mi'er only wants to spend half a cup of tea alone with the third prince,"

The emperor touched the dragon chair beside him, and it was a tacit consent. After all, she was a weak woman, and she would not have any problems with half a cup of tea. Cao Ye must be taught a lesson.

"Since that's the case, Miss Zhen's wishes are fulfilled, as long as it doesn't hurt her life,"

Having received His Majesty's personal promise, Yao Qing just felt very happy, and Cao Ye had to pay a price no matter what.

In the closed study room, Yao Qing looked at Cao Ye who had lost all hope, a strange light flashed in his eyes,
"Should we settle the matter between us? Count how many times you choked this girl, and how many times you slapped me. By the way, including Zhen Mi's family who died in the previous life, and Yuan Xi, let's settle it together. "

Cao also took a few steps back, and he calmed down a lot when he thought that she was a weak woman.

"You... you bitch, what do you want?"

Yao Qing clapped his hands and walked out, how easy it is to hit the fly, although it won't let Cao Ye die, at least it can cut off his descendants, looking at the half-crippled Cao Ye, he just gagged his mouth,
Cao Ye's face was full of fear, he finally understood how Yuan Xi's injury came about, it wasn't Zhen Mier, Zhen Mier didn't have such captivating skills at all, and it wasn't something a woman could do to bring him down easily He arrived, but Cao didn't have time to think about it, the stinging pain on his face made him sob.

Yao Qing took out a shiny dagger from his cuff, tattooed the word cheap directly on Cao Ye's face, poured honey on the tattoo on his face, and looked at Cao Ye with a painful face, Yao Qing only felt very sad. happy,

"Look at you, even if you are alive in the future, you will be no different from a dead person. I will spare your life for the time being."

Yao Qing greeted the light outside the study, and the voice of Wang Dalu's system came from his mind,
"Congratulations to Summoner for completing the mission perfectly. Zhen Ji changed her fate of following the crowd. Credit value*2, total credit value 7, available points 2, reward flash experience card*1, healing experience card*1, do you want to withdraw?"

Yao Qing nodded,

"By the way, Wang Dalu System, I would like to say something to Zhen Ji who is back. First, women must say no to drifting with their fate and know how to resist. Second, they must never become men's appendages, let alone become part of a struggle for power. It is a powerful tool. The future will depend on her."

As soon as Yao Qing finished speaking, she heard someone calling her outside the door.


I saw the person wearing white uniform, with a pale face, smiling gently under the tree, the usual meticulous hair bun draped over his shoulders, his resolute face, with a warm smile,
"Mi'er, shall I take you out of the palace?"

Yao Qing squinted his eyes. In fact, there was Yuan Xi behind Zhen Mier, and whether he would choose Yuan Xi as her husband in the future.This is Zhen Mier's own business in the future,
Zhen Mi'er also needs to learn to control her own destiny, even if she never gets married, the Zhen family will take good care of her,

But Yao Qing's heart softened for a while, it may be Zhen Mi'er's own emotions, Tie Hanhan is also a good choice, Yuan Xi's eyes are all about Zhen Mi'er at this moment, only someone who loves deeply will resolutely resolutely marry her Waiting for her lover to look back, Zhen Mier is actually quite happy.

Yao Qing smiled and sighed,

"Wang Dalu system, pull away"

"Congratulations on completing the mission, we are about to leave..."

(End of this chapter)

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