The Heroes of Fast Transmigration Beg to Fly

Chapter 10 Armor Dad Cultivation Manual (9)

Chapter 10 Armor Dad Cultivation Manual (9)

Kai turned his head, the steamed bun wrapped in oiled paper in his hand was slowly emitting heat, the paper gradually became hot, his fingers were reddened by the heat, he didn't know whether he was reluctant to put it down, or he didn't feel any pain,
He doesn't understand that there are really people who treat you well for no reason in this world?
Good things make people sink, and the warmer things are, the more poisonous they are, but I can't control the warmth in my chest.

For a time, he couldn't take a step at the door, and no one made him feel at ease and hesitated.

Yao Qing was humming a ditty, last night Kai refused to sing, he was so aggrieved that he was dying, today he finished singing so badly, and from the corner of his eye, he found Kai holding a steamed bun at the door, frowning,
"Do you need me to take you to school?"

But Kai rushed out like a fire on the soles of his feet, making Yao Qing's steamed buns confused,
In the end, within two seconds, Kai rushed back suddenly, panting and asked,
"What are headphones?"


Only then did Yao Qing remember what he said nonsense last night,
"That's something from my hometown, you can listen to music,"

"Oh." Kai turned and left disappointed,


"By the way, I might go out for a while during the day and bring you lunch later."

Kai paused, then kicked away the stones under his feet, nodded, and walked away without looking back.

"Ding dong, care value +5, total value 17"

Unprepared for the system voice, oops, her strategy is right, it’s not difficult to earn love value, everyone has good feelings, if you treat him well, you will feel it naturally, if this continues, the task will definitely be very fast It's done, the more I think about it, the happier I am, but she took advantage of this time to make Kai gradually stronger. After all, Kai is his belief, how can he be bullied by others?
Just like the child she brought up, she gradually developed a protective mood, and the side missions must be completed. This process must be rich, and money can make ghosts go round. She is never a person who sits and waits to die.

Yao Qing walked around outside, and found that there were very few medical clinics or pharmacies, and most of them were wild doctors. After many inquiries, he found out that the Hanxing family was too hierarchical, and low-class civilians rarely received medical treatment. These nobles have their own doctors, so there are few pharmacies or medical centers on the streets.

Yao Qing set up a canvas, moved a chair, and started the trial operation.
On the canvas, there are four big characters written in big lala, "Miaoshou rejuvenation,"

Yao Qing also felt that he was thick-skinned, but he couldn't help it. He was like a charlatan, but he had to be thick-skinned when he went out to do business.

However, there is a difference between imagination and reality. No one cares about it all morning, but there are quite a few people pointing fingers. Seeing noon, there is no choice but to close the business to get lunch for Kai.

The midday sun was scorching hot. Because of physical fitness training, the students were all arranged to lift weights and do the Zama Step in the training ground. Kai, like everyone else, was twisting ten kilograms of iron with both hands.
Sweat slowly came down,
Lu Ren behind deliberately bumped forward, the chassis of the armor was unstable, and he almost fell to the ground. Originally, Zamabu had exhausted his strength, so he stabilized his body and turned his head to stare at the person behind him.

Lu Ren immediately put down the iron lump in his hand provocatively, and roared aggressively,
"Why do you want to bite me?"

Kai knew that Lu Ren was Lu Yan's follower, so he didn't want to care about it at all, so he put on his horse silently,

Unexpectedly, Lu Ren originally wanted to provoke him,
"How dare you touch me with your eyes,"

Lu Ren grabbed Kai's shoulders and was about to pull him over. He used a lot of strength. Kai had a wound on his wrist, so he dropped the iron bump from his practice in pain.

"what do you want?"

"What? Didn't you summon the Lord of Shadows? Why do you still need to come to the school?"

Someone next to him made a fuss,

"That is, let the Lord of Shadow grant you the power of domination, why come to the school to suffer,"

Gradually, a lot of people gathered around, they were all watching the fun, Kai pursed his lips,
"so what?"

"So? Haha," Lu Ren laughed loudly, "So you trash, even the Lord of Shadows can't save you,"

Kai clenched his fist tightly, Lu Ren's taunting voice was still in his ear,

"Is it because you are such a useless person that even the Lord of Shadows has given up on you? You have to go back to school to learn martial arts? You are hopeless, and you still call yourself an armor. It's not shameful to lose it,"

There was a group of roaring laughter, even the Tianzi class next door heard the movement and started pointing. Luna jumped out of the top of the top class in purple,

"Lu Ren, who are you talking about, you bastard? Everyone heard yesterday that the Shadow Lord said that the power of dominance cannot be obtained overnight. "

Seeing Luna's help, Lu Ren didn't dare to say a few more words, and silently retreated to his place.

A group of melon-eating people who don't know the truth are whispering to each other, considering the credibility of Luna's words, when the bell of the meal rings, everyone sits in the birds and beasts and puts on their clothes.
At the door, a woman dressed in black slowly walked in, her long hair tied behind her head, swaying with the pace, holding a skirt in one hand, and a food basket in the other, she couldn't see it clearly in the formation yesterday, but today she saw a real person , everyone stopped,
A glamorous woman who does not lose her aura, everyone has a love for beauty, and couldn't help but start whispering, only to hear the woman's voice full of anger,

"Kai, I made fried pork, are you hungry?"

Although they didn't know what Xiaocharou was, the way everyone looked at Kai changed a lot. The Shadow Master didn't abandon Kai like Lu Ren said.

(End of this chapter)

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