beauty bible

Chapter 95: From a Technical Perspective

Chapter 95: From a Technical Perspective
Just when the blood of all the quacks in Zhiyuan Villa was boiling, and they wanted to kill all the zombies in the world.In this world, there are countless people who also saw those beams of light at this moment.

"General, look, the top is your name!" Zhen Shiming excitedly rushed from the light pillar to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang pushed Zhen Shiming away and took a few steps forward: "I can't see such big characters?"

Shen Lang raised his head and looked at the beam of light that was as tall as two people, his face was strangely calm.

In this world, only three people understand the origin of these pillars of light.Shen Lang snorted and laughed: "This is also a way... It's still keeping promises."

At this time, the soldiers and common people who were watching from the sidelines slowly came to their senses after being frightened for a period of time.

An old man in coarse clothes turned around with tears in his eyes, threw himself in front of Shen Lang, bowed his body and said: "The Great General has killed countless zombies! The Great General is for the country and the people! This old man thanks the Great General for the people of the world."

Every time a zombie is killed, the people will be less dangerous.But no matter how powerful the martial arts is, there are times when you get tired.General Wang Shenlang's martial arts is not the best in the world, but he is the number one in the number of zombies killed. Who knows how many life and death crises he has experienced!

Countless soldiers and people turned around and bowed down one after another: "The Great General is for the country and the people, and we thank the Great General on behalf of the people of the world!"

Even the soldiers around Shen Lang and Zhen Shiming bowed down: "The Great General is for the country and the people, and we thank the Great General on behalf of the people of the world!"

Among these people, some had tears in their eyes, some looked sad, and some looked excited, but everyone had reverence for Shen Lang in their eyes!

Shen Lang's chest was slightly hot, he laughed loudly, drew his sword out of its sheath, and raised his sword and said loudly: "For my Great Zhou! For my people of Great Zhou! I, Shen Lang, are like this, and every soldier in our 40 army is like this May the guards be the people of the Great Zhou until the last drop of blood!"

The soldiers stood up with high spirits: "For my Da Zhou! For my Da Zhou people! Willing to protect my Da Zhou people until the last drop of blood!"


"Li Jingshu, ranked 51946 in the martial arts ranking list. Ranked 8010th in the number of zombies killed."

Li Jingshu looked at the ranking displayed on the beam of light, her eyes sparkled slightly.She murmured softly: "In this way, it is easy to calculate military merit. Just looking at the ranking of killing zombies on this leaderboard is enough to prove that my military merit is upright!"

"Heh... Speaking of which, I really don't need to be timid, worrying about stealing the limelight from the Shangguan. Just go ahead and kill enough zombies, and go and receive the reward yourself!"

Li Jingshu pursed her lips and withdrew her hand.

After a pause, Li Jingshu put her hand into the beam of light again, her lips opened and closed: "...Li Jingjing."

For a while, there was no change in the beam of light.

Li Jingshu took it for granted on the face, but also had a hint of disappointment: "Although I, Li Jingshu, personally set up the murder, but you are really dead, and I feel a little bit disappointed..."


One hundred thousand troops are at the forefront.

Countless people knelt down to worship the standing beam of light!
"The god has reappeared! This must be the reappearance of the god!"

"My Great Zhou has a Ming Lord born! Another god has reappeared! This is the divine spirit in the prophecy!"

"We will definitely survive this doomsday! One day, the gods will help us get back on track! There is peace in the world."

Silently looking at the people who kowtowed and worshiped the beam of light, Sima Zhen held his hands behind his back and raised his head slightly.

Sima really knew that on the tenth day after returning to this world, the so-called "God's Reward" would appear.

He once thought about whether he should stop marching, garrison the army for a day, and stage a grand sacrifice ceremony.Let the [-] troops know that if Sima really sacrificed to the heavens, he would get a response from the gods, which would shake the momentum of the army.

But after all, I gave up.

Sending out "reinforcement bars", "cement", and "fundamental buildings", borrowing the title of "God's blessing", has no choice but to do so.If he played "Sacrificing to the Heaven, Heaven Responds" again, he, Sima Zhen, would really look down on him!

Sometimes, in order to become the emperor, in order to secure the throne, he seems to use all means in his mind, almost forgetting about Sima Zhen.

Being an emperor and being a prince are two different things.

I really don't understand how my father allowed him, the prince, to grow up.

The young and handsome emperor stood with his hands behind his back among the excited crowd, his face was calm and stern, and his eyes were hard to discern.But in front of such high-spirited people, Sima was half relaxed and half bored: "...Father."


In the distant universe, thousands of netizens who were watching the live video exploded!

Netizen "I especially love drinking hot lemonade today" quickly posted a comment: "Damn it! What the hell is this beam of light all over the planet?! What kind of subject is this! Even if the scriptwriter wanted to be a bit of a surprise, it's too confusing Already! Ancient times plus apocalypse plus zombies plus martial arts are almost the same, what's the situation now? Is it science fiction or fantasy?"

Someone immediately replied to him: "Chaos is a thread! In this day and age, there are so many dramas, who cares what themes and chaos are, as long as they can break out of countless dramas and become popular! Who cares about chaos? !"

The netizen "Favorite the ancient rhyme and ancient poems of the ancients" quickly said: "I give up this drama! What about the logic? Logic is dead! It's dead! See you no more!"

Someone just downstairs replied: "I'm a fan of this drama! I just like to play with new ideas! The producer should work harder! If the sequel is not exciting, this idea will be wasted!"

The netizen "big bus has rolled over in history" calmly analyzed: "Technical stickers. From a technical point of view, as long as the scanner is luxurious enough, it can indeed completely detect the physical fitness of all human beings on the entire planet. Similarly, if big data The monitoring is also there, and the number of zombies killed by all humans can be judged in an instant. As for the query function of all people, a switchboard operated in the background is required to control all data. Not to mention the query function is triggered by contact and voice , if you have big data monitoring and a switchboard in the background, you can do it naturally. Finally, you can use all natural energy such as solar energy, wind energy, and water energy, plus the energy storage equipment of the switchboard, to supply all the energy of the light beams to maintain them. It runs all the time. In short... the beams of light that spread across the entire planet in this play can be realized as long as they have high-tech support. But from a legal point of view, this has completely violated human rights."

This technical post was quickly liked by many people.

Someone replied to him: "...just take it upstairs."

And more people replied to him: "...666."

There is also a netizen "It's so annoying, there are always treacherous ministers bothering me" commented: "Didn't any drama friends find out that this heroine seems to know something?" Unfortunately, this comment was quickly overwhelmed by new comments discussing "subject matter" .

(End of this chapter)

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