beauty bible

Chapter 73 Four hours of live broadcast missions

Chapter 73 Four hours of live broadcast tasks


The account named "Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Qi Tiao Tiao" uploaded the first video.

This is a simple life video.

The girl in a light-colored dress had a little tiredness on her delicate slapped face, and a hint of indifference in her eyes.There was no makeup on her face, her skin was fragile, and her cheeks were slightly red.This is a young, healthy and beautiful little beauty.

In the video, the clear close-up of the girl's face lasted for a few seconds, and the picture gradually zoomed out.

The girl approached the bathroom and started to wash up.

In the shot, half of the girl's side face appeared while washing.Smooth forehead, straight nose bridge, delicate red lips, and perfect facial features.

The girl approached the inner room, and the camera moved slowly following the girl's back.

The entire back of the girl appeared in the camera, her body was slim and slightly thin.

The girl in the shot opened the closet, reached out and began to undress, and the video immediately went black.

When the video light reappeared, the girl had already changed into long, thick, pink and white pajamas.

The girl got on the bed, pulled up the thin quilt to fall asleep, and the picture on the video screen moved to the front of the girl.

It was another close-up of the face that lasted several seconds: the girl had closed her eyes, and the facial lines were completely relaxed.The feeling of being tired, frail, and helpless seems to come out from this sleeping face.

After a while, the camera turned and quickly zoomed out, turning into a still picture.

In the picture, there are only a few simple things in the small apartment, as if the owner of the house does not plan to live for a long time.On a small bed, one could see a head of loose black hair and half a fair and tender face.

In the video, this still scene lasted for a full four hours, and then the live video stopped.

This is the first time Li Ling has uploaded her live video online.

This video appeared in the latest update list of the live video within half a minute before it was brushed down by other live videos.

On the live intranet, there are countless new live videos appearing from time to time, which cannot be counted.Even in Li Ling's community, there are a huge number of live videos updated every moment.

So, just as Li Ling guessed, her live video was quickly thrown into the vast ocean of videos without splashing the slightest splash.

Not to mention, the videos of daily life made by Li Ling are the most frequently seen videos in live videos, and they are also the videos that are most likely to be ignored.Let's just say that Li Lingna's beautiful face can be regarded as the best in the doomsday world, but in this future technological world, it can be regarded as above average at best.

In this future technology world, the most sought after is health and beauty!

This health is not as simple as just referring to physical health.This health refers to how a person's genes are from birth, and his body will present the best state of genes.

Hair loss, dull and greasy complexion, pimples, spots, dark circles on the face, uncoordinated limbs, obesity, bone deformation...all of these are due to a person's unhealthy condition.

Just imagine, if a person's internal organs are healthy and strong, hormones are normal, the body has not been harmed by diseases and drugs, there is no problem with work and rest, and there is no wrong diet-then, no matter what, this person is ugly Not going anywhere.

Of course, it is impossible for people to eat whole grains without getting sick, and it is impossible for people to live as standard and healthy as a machine.

Therefore, the rich in this world will spend money to buy an expensive genetic adjustment solution to adjust their bodies to the best genetic state.

Those who don't have so much money and love beauty will go to the hospital for plastic surgery.Plastic surgery is not expensive, and the effect is amazing. It can make people have a beautiful face in no time.

However, if a person with amazing plastic surgery and amazing appearance stands next to another person with the best genetics, everyone will feel that the person who has undergone the genetic adjustment liquid is full of energy and extraordinary temperament, which makes people feel like a spring breeze and is outstanding.

Whether it is inexpensive plastic surgery, or the optimal genetic state that only the rich can have, they have undoubtedly greatly increased the number of beauties in the world.

Therefore, Li Ling's original outstanding appearance in the doomsday world can only be regarded as a little beauty in this world.

The content of the live broadcast was inconspicuous, and her appearance was not a shocking beauty. Naturally, no one paid attention to Li Ling's live video.


After Cang Xiaojun said good afternoon to Li Ling, he went back to his room, drank a nutrient solution, and fell asleep.

This sleep is eight or nine hours.When he woke up, it was already midnight.

In the middle of the night, Cang Xiaojun wouldn't bother Li Ling, and he wasn't in the mood to go online.

Cang Xiaojun sat alone on the small balcony, holding the electronic cigarette in one hand, and sat silently on the balcony.

The night was gloomy, countless high-rise buildings were constantly lit, and his side was quiet.

Cang Xiaojun half-opened his eyes, looking at the city in the dark night, not knowing where his eyes fell.

Today I was chatting with the little girl about his past, and those thoughts from his youth came to him like a tidal wave, making him unable to calm down.Cang Xiaojun couldn't feel the slightest bit of sleep, so he sat in the cool night breeze all night.

At his age, he's supposed to know what he's doing, and he's supposed to know what he wants.

Sometimes, I already have the answer to the question that comes to my mind from the beginning.

As the sky gradually brightened, Cang Xiaojun quietly watched the rising dawn, put away the electronic cigarette, and turned back to the room.

Seeing the glass of juice in the room, Cang Xiaojun laughed and drank it all in one gulp.

Then, Cang Xiaojun washed up a bit, sent a message to Li Ling, and went to work.

When receiving Cang Xiaojun's message, Li Ling was sitting in the studio surfing the Internet.

On this day, Li Ling woke up before dawn.

After waking up, getting dressed, and drinking the nutritional solution, Li Ling started the live broadcast, preparing to complete today's four-hour live broadcast task early.

On the intranet of the live broadcast, there was no private message from "Wang Meimei loves big breasts, perky butt, handsome appearance". Li Ling was a little disappointed, but felt that this was expected.

At the same time, she went online and started a four-hour primary education session.

"The soul-body race is the eternal friend of mankind. The soul-body race has a small population, powerful abilities, strange birth methods, and strange shapes. It is said that the soul-body race can even 'possess' on the human body. As for how the soul-body race can possess What it feels like to be possessed by a human body is still an unspeakable mystery..."

Li Ling did a four-hour live broadcast after attending a four-hour elementary education course.

Under the live account of "Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Qi Tiao", the second real-time uploaded video can be said in one sentence - the girl sat in the studio for four hours.

When the elementary course ended, the live broadcast also ended.

The live broadcast hemisphere flew back and stuck to the red bracelet on Li Ling's left wrist, turning red again.

Near the end of the four-hour class, Li Ling saw Cang Xiaojun's message: "I'm going to work today, and tomorrow is my vacation. Then I will take you out to eat delicious food and chat with you."

Li Ling replied "Yes", and then began to search "how to become an official soldier" on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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