beauty bible

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 A drop in the ocean

Cang Xiaojun and Li Ling returned to the door of the apartment.

Thinking of the gun, Cang Xiaojun hesitated to speak—now she is the one holding the gun illegally!
But seeing Li Ling yawning again and again, Captain Cang Xiaojun sighed: "Li Tiaotiao, I still have something I want to talk to you about. But today we are all tired, we can go back to catch up on sleep, and when we wake up Let's talk about it."

"Okay," Li Ling touched the fruit juice in Cang Xiaojun's hands with the fruit juice in his hands, and smiled, "Good afternoon."

"good afternoon."

Li Ling approached the apartment, closed the door, bowed his head and thought for a moment, unlocked the door, and reset it so that both he and Cang Xiaojun could enter.

In the small apartment, the furnishings are simple, and at first glance, there is really no place to hide things.Li Ling could only stuff the safe with the laser gun under the bed, and then, Li Ling took the juice and sat in the studio.

This morning, Li Ling fell asleep around 04:30, and later woke up around 09:30, having slept for almost 5 hours.

Li Ling's mind is a little chaotic, but she hasn't finished her work today.

Li Ling signed a contract with the Cosmos Alliance live streaming company last night, and the company will pay her 600 star coins for four hours of live streaming every day.Now that the money has arrived in her account, she hasn't done the live broadcast yet!
This live broadcast industry seems to be extremely convenient. You can get money and rent in exchange for four hours of live broadcast every day, but the live broadcast company also stipulates that 4 hours a month, no less than a day.

Li Ling opened her own juice first, drank the juice contentedly, and started her live broadcast officially.

After taking the small cardboard box that was about the size of a palm on the table, Li Ling took a few glances and found the switch that was turned on.

I touched the switch on the carton with the wristband, and the carton opened automatically.

Li Ling took out the "live hemisphere" with his index finger and thumb.

The "Live Hemisphere" is small.It is a red metal hemisphere that looks like a red bean that has been cut in half.

But this seemingly inconspicuous "half red bean" has much more powerful functions than the small beads attached to the ear. It not only has many functions that only bracelets have, but some functions are stronger than bracelets.

Li Ling read the introduction of the live broadcast company of the Great Universe Alliance before and said that this live broadcast hemisphere can not only connect to the live broadcast company's intranet, but also act as a "cameraman".

Yes, it's "videographer", not "camera".

According to the website, the shooting function of "Live Hemisphere" is not simply to enable "shooting", but to combine the shooting techniques of hundreds of millions of movies and TVs in the universe when shooting.When shooting, it will adjust the angle of view at any time according to the needs, not only can shoot distant views, close-ups, close-ups, panoramas...but also block any private pictures.

It can be said that anyone who wears it can film his life into a TV series or documentary at any time.

Of course, the live broadcast hemisphere adopts the general methods in film and television dramas, and there will not be too many innovations and unique styles. It is much worse than a good photographer, but for ordinary people, the live broadcast hemisphere is more than enough for live broadcast. .

The live broadcast hemisphere is usually attached to the wristband or carried around, and it can be easily broadcast live in real time.

Li Ling raised his hand and was about to stick the small live broadcast hemisphere on the bracelet, but his elbow accidentally touched the juice, and the juice poured to one side, almost knocking over to the ground.Li Ling quickly held the juice with both hands: "Fortunately, it didn't fall, otherwise it would be a pity."

"Um... the live hemisphere?" Li Ling took a sip of the juice before realizing that he forgot about the live hemisphere.

She looked down on the ground, but couldn't find it. Finally, she found it on her left wrist.

A live broadcast hemisphere the size of half a red bean has been attached to the blood-red bracelet.The live broadcast hemisphere is small and red, and it is easily overlooked when it is attached to the same red bracelet.

Li Ling originally planned to stick this small live broadcast hemisphere on the bracelet, but now the live broadcast hemisphere is pasted on the blood red bracelet, because the color is similar, it looks more suitable on the bracelet, so she didn't paste it again Go back to the bracelet.

Looking at the blood-red bracelet and bracelet on his left wrist, Li Ling suddenly felt that, in fact, there are some similarities between the two—both are worn on the wrist, and both are endowed with many functions.

Shaking her head, Li Ling blinked, feeling deeply sleepy. She couldn't help but sip the juice, and then said: "The live broadcast hemisphere is on."

A small metal ball the size of half a red bean flashed, releasing a translucent screen in front of Li Ling's eyes.

Li Ling couldn't help laughing: "That's it, the bracelet is like this, the bracelet is like this, and this live broadcast hemisphere is like this... Could it be that releasing a translucent light screen is universal? Even gods can copy it? "

Li Ling exhaled and checked the content on the screen.

"Dear broadcaster, this is the first time you have turned on the live broadcast function. The system has detected that your 600 star coins for this month have arrived in the account. Do you want to locate your address and the live broadcast company will pay you rent?"

Li Ling chose "Yes".

The webpage paused for a few seconds, and the page flickered.

"Dear broadcaster, the address has been located, and now I found out that your rent for this month has been paid, and the live broadcast company will not pay you any more rent this month. If you follow the four-hour daily live broadcast time, then, at the beginning of next month , the company will pay next month’s rent for you.”

Li Ling clicked "OK".

"Congratulations to the broadcaster, the live broadcast signing rules have been adjusted, and you can start the live broadcast now. Then, please enter your live broadcast name first."

Li Ling didn't think too much, and just filled in: "Li Tiaotiao."

"Sorry, username already exists."

Li Ling took a sip of the juice with one hand, and then filled it in with the other: "Li Tiaotiao 0123."

"Sorry, username already exists."

Li Ling frowned, and then filled in: "Li Tiaotiao 01239876."

"Sorry, username already exists."

Li Ling raised his eyebrows: "That's not okay?"

At this time, Li Ling suddenly remembered that when she first went to, she saw the super long live broadcast name "Lingyunyunyunyunyunyunyunqiyun".

Li Ling rubbed the center of his brows, and suddenly understood something.

The world is very big.

The population of this future technological world is beyond her calculation!

Just think of the address where she is now!
Great Star United Nations, Ocean Entertainment Province, Fangzhu City, Guanshan Planet.

There are countless races in this world, among which the pure race has three major countries, each country has hundreds of provinces, each province has dozens of cities, and each city has hundreds of planets...

Even if the population of each planet is only one billion... Think about the total population, it is a number that Li Ling can't figure out!

What's more, Li Ling felt that according to the population density of the planet she was on now, the population of this planet was definitely more than one billion. Those skyscrapers soared into the sky and pierced into the sky, but they were almost full of people!

"...Based on this, this screen name is actually quite short..." Li Ling scratched his head, not knowing how to describe the feeling in his heart.

Li Ling swallowed, imitated the example, and typed: "Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao seven jumps."

"The registration is successful, and the live broadcast has started."

(End of this chapter)

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