beauty bible

Chapter 67 Jiang Yue looks similar every year

Chapter 67 Jiang Yue looks similar every year

Outside the transparent glass windows, row upon row of skyscrapers occupy most of the line of sight.

Li Ling and Cang Xiaojun sat face to face at a wooden table.On the bright yellow wooden table, there are two glasses of orange juice.

Here is the second floor of a beverage store.

The store decoration is bright and stylish.One-third of the dozens of tables in the store were occupied by customers drinking drinks.

A male singer with only half of his hair on the left side stood in the center of the store. He lowered his head and sang slowly in a lowered voice. The song was very beautiful, and there was a bit of tension hidden in the deliberately lowered singing voice.

The subtle voices of conversations from the guests filled Li Ling's ears. If he didn't listen attentively, he couldn't hear the specific words clearly.

The last time they met, Li Ling and Cang Xiaojun were still friends who cared for each other.

When they met this time, Li Ling was much more silent, while Cang Xiaojun had a gentle and solemn face.

Cang Xiaojun held his forehead with one hand and looked at Li Ling sideways, with a bit of self-deprecation in his tone: "Last time I said that when I paid my salary, I would treat you to a big dinner. Unexpectedly, this is the first time I’ll take you out just to treat you.”

Li Ling lowered his head, holding the straw in one hand, stirring meaninglessly in the juice, then lowered his head and took a sip.The sweet smell bloomed in the mouth, and it seemed to make people feel better: "These are small things."

Cang Xiaojun smiled bitterly: "I should thank you for not contacting the law enforcement team immediately and sending me to jail."

"This is also a trivial matter," Li Ling lowered his voice: "Cang Xiaojun, I just want to know, who are you? Why do you have a gun?"

"I scared you, didn't I?"

Li Ling looked calm, but said in his mouth: "Yes, for a moment, I was very scared. I was afraid that I was too stupid to see people clearly. I was also afraid of death."

Cang Xiaojun lowered his head and looked at his hands: "I'm sorry. In fact, even I can't give any reasonable and convincing reasons."

Li Ling held up his chin with one hand and looked at Cang Xiaojun across from him quietly: "You tell me, it's up to me whether you believe it or not."

Cang Xiaojun turned his eyes and looked out the transparent window.In mid-air, countless speeding cars passed by one after another, seemingly forever.

There was a smile on Cang Xiaojun's lips, and his tone was a little flat: "Me? Who can I be? I am an ordinary person in this world."

"I was born on an ordinary planet with a pair of very ordinary parents. If there is anything special about my family, it is that there are many children. My parents gave birth to seven children, and I am the fifth."

"When there are too many children, sometimes parents can't give each child fair love." Cang Xiaojun showed a mischievous smile on his face: "When I was young, I was also the most ordinary child. But in fact, there is no You know, sometimes, I would want to roar at the top of my lungs at the family dinner with He Lele."

"Isn't this strange?" Cang Xiaojun asked Li Ling.

Li Ling shook his head slightly, waiting for him to continue.

A look of embarrassment flashed in Cang Xiaojun's eyes, but he said in his mouth, "It's actually nothing special. There are many children in the family, some are outstanding, some are naughty, and some are noisy. I am ordinary, so I will inevitably be ignored. "

"I thought about screaming, I thought about making noise, I thought about being a bad student, but I was stupid at that time and wanted my parents to look at me more." Cang Xiaojun poured a sip of juice into his mouth: "Children in this world, I always want to get my parents’ love, a word of praise, an encouraging look, a little attention, even if it means scolding.”

"But in the end, I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything extraordinary or crazy. I'm ordinary, I'm silent, and I'm used to being ignored."

"Now that I'm an adult, I don't think my parents did anything wrong. I just recall it and feel disappointed. If no one pays attention to it, just leave it alone. When I was a child, I was used to it. I was used to it. Playing with yourself and getting used to enjoying yourself. This is not pitiful."

"I don't know if other people have the same mentality as me. I just think that when you live alone, there is always something in this world that will come close to your heart and become your hobby, belief, or even dream. ."

"When I was a child, I was very obedient. I studied well, wanted to get better grades, and let my parents see me. The truth is no. It is that I can't study at all. No matter how hard I try, I only have a middle school. evaluation of."

"The result of studying hard is not that my grades have gotten better. It's that I fell in love with the heroes in primary education." Cang Xiaojun chuckled, with a pleasant smile in his eyes: "Of course, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying The love of love.”

"I fell in love with them and I wanted to be them. I dreamed that when I was an adult, I would go to the army and be a soldier. Suddenly, there was something to look forward to in life, and I felt very happy every day. .”

"At that time, when I was young, I was full of this idea in my mind, and my blood was rushing. Every day I was looking forward to the future, and I could dedicate my humble and ordinary life for this country and for the human race. It seems that only in the battlefield, victory or defeat , Killing the Zerg or being killed by the Zerg is the most glorious moment in my ordinary life."

"And then?" Li Ling couldn't help interjecting.

"And then?" Cang Xiaojun sighed: "Then it's adulthood, and then it's reality. I'm going to do a physical test, and my physical fitness is too poor. Unless I have the sky-high price of genetic evolution fluid, otherwise, with my ability, I can't do it at all." Qualified to go to the battlefield."

Cang Xiaojun seemed to recall the past time in his eyes: "But why would I give up?"

"I still have a way. I can go to the military academy. Even if I can't become a soldier in the front line, I can at least wear a military uniform and become an official soldier."

"But my grades were so bad that I couldn't get into the military academy. I couldn't sleep all night long. I couldn't sleep for five days and five nights in a row. I was about to miss my dream," Cang Xiaojun lowered his head. : "I don't want to give up. I almost forget all my studies. Work hard, do my best, and don't want to waste every minute or second."

"Finally, my teacher told me that my marksmanship is good, I can improve my score, and I have an [-]% chance of entering the military school. I was so happy that I almost went crazy."

Li Ling was dazed when he heard that.The Cang Xiaojun she met was such a calm and gentle person, she never imagined that he used to be such a person.

"But just one or two months before the exam, my parents told me that they disagreed."

Cang Xiaojun said in a low voice: "They told me that if I was really a born soldier, they would certainly not bury my talent. But I am not. I am so persistent in my pursuit of becoming a soldier. In the future, not only will I And I’m going to be away from home for years or decades, and it’s going to be hard for me to go home, have a family, live a normal life.”

"They say that a person without any talent would be better off being a soldier who can never get ahead than living on a peaceful planet. At least, he can get married and have a wife and children in the future. That is better than being stationed in a cold and dark place all year round. A remote planet in the middle of nowhere is good.”

Cang Xiaojun shook his head slightly: "Looking back later, I don't know whether I was right or wrong at the beginning?"

"At that time, how could I give up? That was my only passion, my only happiness, my only dream. My father and I had a big fight, and we slammed the door and left."

"When I saw my father again, he was lying on the hospital bed. The next day, he died. My mother wanted to kill me. She told me that it was because of me, because of that quarrel. Father was in a hurry, so he had an accident and died."

"I was kicked out of the house by my mother. I began to wonder if it was right for me to go to military school." Cang Xiaojun took a sip of juice and smiled with difficulty: "I went to take the medical exam. I am far away from my home planet."

"Then, an ordinary, unknown job, one day, choose a suitable woman to marry, and then continue, in an apartment, to spend an ordinary life."

"When I open my eyes every day, I can see my whole life."

"Sometimes, I feel as if I'm tired of the same life. I'm not lonely, but I just feel boring. Nothing is meaningful, nothing is interesting. No matter how bright the lights are, it has nothing to do with me."

"Li Tiaotiao, if I hadn't met you, if it hadn't been for this incident, I would have forgotten it. I once... loved a dream so much."

"I admit that the way I got this gun was dishonorable and illegal. I don't have any special proof to prove that I'm not a bad person. But I just, maybe... huh, I don't know... maybe this A gun is just a boring thought."

"Your dream, your wish, is to be a soldier?" Li Ling suddenly thought of the mission given to him by the "God".

(End of this chapter)

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