beauty bible

Chapter 64 These days, who doesn't play live broadcast?

Chapter 64 These days, who doesn't play live broadcast?
Regardless of how depressed he was, Li Ling still had to "attend class".

She slowly flipped through the content on the webpage: "The pure race of humans is now divided into three most powerful countries. These three countries are the Big Star Country, the Great Vast Country, and the Big Women Country. Apart from these three countries, There are still thousands of small countries attached to the three major countries..."

By the end of the four-hour elementary education class, Li Ling had already started to feel drowsy.

The webpage returned to the page of networking, and Li Ling was refreshed, connected to the Internet, and searched online: how to make money.

The first article on the webpage is: The most scientific and comprehensive way to make money - help you choose!

Li Ling clicked in without hesitation.

As soon as this web page is opened, a video pops up.

In the video, it is a middle-aged woman who is dressed in simple and elegant, capable spirit.She has a very beautiful appearance, with a confident smile on her face, and her snow-white hair is especially attractive: "Netizens, today, the broadcaster will give you a 360-degree analysis of how to choose a job!"

"All the netizens who follow me know my style! Not much gossip, next, please fill out a competency form. There are [-] questions in this competency form. Please respect the facts, respect yourself, and fill it out carefully. Broadcast The Lord has listed several jobs for the countless possibilities of these one hundred questions. After you fill out the form, several jobs that are suitable for you will be listed on the webpage. It is up to you to make the final decision among the listed jobs. s Choice!"

The white-haired beauty in the video curled her lips, showing a charming smile, and she gently hooked her fingers forward: "When you try it, you will know my sincerity. Why, it's all like this, why don't you give me a reward?" Throw it over?"

Like the last time, Li Ling ignored the large list of reward information and comment information at the bottom of the webpage, and quickly flipped through the content below.

On the next page, there was only one question: "How old are you?"

Li Ling pursed her lips, wondering if a 16-year-old could find a job in this world.She still filled in "16" online.

The web page jumped to the next page: "Congratulations, 90.00% of the jobs have been taken away from you. Second question, how many normal adult men can you defeat by yourself?"

Li Ling rubbed his brows and filled in "0".

The web page skipped to the next page again, and the questions on the web page were all about Li Ling's skills.

For more than a dozen web pages, Li Ling silently filled in "no".

Li Ling has just arrived in this high-tech world. It would be good if he can barely learn how to operate some high-tech supplies in this world. How can he learn other things.

As the questions came to an end, Li Ling became less and less confident.She felt that she might not be able to find a job!

After Li Ling filled in the 28th "no" on the webpage, the webpage flashed and another video popped up.

A white-haired middle-aged woman was standing on a large dark blanket with her waist tucked in. She pointed to the front with a smile and said, "I have made a worksheet for the results of the other answers. And the results of your answers will be determined by I personally recorded a video to tell you—is it a surprise? Is it a surprise?"

"This netizen, you filled in the minors and know nothing, and then asked me to find a job for you. Do you think I will be helpless? No! Let me tell you, no matter whether the information you fill in is true or not, I can help you Choose the right job!"

Li Ling was overjoyed.With her like this, can she still find a job?

The white-haired woman covered her stomach and laughed a few times, straightened up, and excitedly twisted her neck in a circle: "Hey! Dear netizens, you won't forget what I do, right? I'm the broadcaster of the Great Universe Alliance! "

"Now, you should understand!" The white-haired woman smiled and said, "If you don't know anything, then come and do a live broadcast!"

"This year, who doesn't play live broadcast?"

"From 62770 to 62780, the Pyramid Project of the Great Cosmos Alliance Live Broadcasting Company - live broadcast for four hours a day, with a monthly guarantee of 600 Star Coins!"

"Hahahaha..." The white-haired woman in the video laughed a few times and winked: "Come on! Live broadcast! Join us! Our live broadcast industry always needs fresh blood! Maybe you are the star of tomorrow !"

The video was turned off, and Li Ling looked at the translucent screen, slightly taken aback.

Are you going to do a live broadcast?

Li Ling shook his sleepy head.

For a minor like her who doesn't know any skills or use high-tech items, where does she have so many choices?

Although 600 star coins per month was far from the tens of thousands she owed, at any rate, she would not have to borrow money from Cang Xiaojun for everything.

Li Ling clicked on the webpage of "62770-62780, the Pyramid Project of the Great Universe Alliance Live Streaming Company".

On this webpage, it introduces in detail how to be a live broadcast host.

Li Ling yawned while carefully reading the main points.

This Great Cosmos Alliance live broadcast company is a super-large company that can cooperate with the three purebred human countries, as well as other major race countries.This big company even has an independent Internet access system.It even boasted that its own way of connecting to the Internet far exceeds the current national network organization, and can connect to the Internet at any point in the universe.

And this live broadcast system not only means that netizens can live broadcast videos online.It also covers functions such as chatting with netizens, trading items with netizens, and binding with major bank accounts in the universe.

A company with such powerful functions and such comprehensive functions has already occupied half of the online entertainment industry, although it has not been established for a long time.

"You can pay 600 star coins a month in advance, and you can rent a house for free..." Li Ling was a little surprised, such a good treatment?

It is introduced on this webpage: If you join a live broadcast company and become an official anchor, as long as you live broadcast for four hours a day, then the live broadcast company will provide netizens with 600 star coins per month, and rent a house for netizens for free (the price is limited) .

In addition, the rewards received by the live broadcast host will be divided [-]-[-] with the live broadcast company.

Other introductory words are meaningless to Li Ling.

What "If your live broadcast content has real value and is rebroadcast by other organizations, there will be a commission."

What "If your live broadcast content is full of creativity, the copyright is purchased, and it is rewritten into film and television, games, books, etc., you will counterattack and get rich."

There are so many words on the webpage that make people excited and get rich overnight. For Li Ling, it was too unrealistic, so she didn't read it carefully.

Li Ling clicked on the Internet to agree to sign the contract and join the live broadcast company.

In fact, as early as Li Ling saw the two items of 600 star coins per month and free rent, she had already decided to do a live broadcast.

A simple smiling face appeared on the web page: "Congratulations on joining the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company! Within half an hour, the live broadcast hemisphere will be delivered to your door, please remember to receive it."

"Live hemisphere", a high-tech item that can connect to the intranet of the live broadcast company and shoot panoramic videos.The function is much simpler than that of the bracelet, and it focuses on the "shooting function" during live broadcast.

Li Ling exhaled, got up and took a glass of water.

Li Ling sat on a chair in the studio, drinking water while waiting for the "Live Hemisphere".

Too sleepy, waiting and waiting, Li Ling fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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