beauty bible

Chapter 61 Can Spaceships Work?

Chapter 61 Can Spaceships Work?
Li Ling clicked on the first webpage.

There are text introductions and videos on the webpage, which are concise and easy to understand.

"Dear netizens, today the broadcaster will bring you the most scientific method and teach you how to do the splits in three days. Of course, if you are the kind of netizen who spends money like water, you can buy a bottle of advanced genetic adjustment liquid to adjust your body at any time For those with flexibility, you don’t need to watch the broadcaster’s video! Just stretch out your thighs and give the broadcaster a hug!”

"Okay! Let's get down to business. The first thing the podcaster wants to say is that the physical fitness of people is different. Therefore, even the most scientific exercise method must be combined with the actual situation of netizens. So, Netizens who have not saved the Basic Medical Scanner on their bracelets, please save the 'Basic Medical Scanner' first. When exercising, turn on the scanner all the time to understand your body. After all, you have reached the limit. It has reached the level of 'self-injury'."

"The following video is the summary of the broadcaster's painstaking efforts after years of research, study, summary, experimentation, and consultation with many friends in the medical field and physical fitness gyms! Netizens passing by and watching, don't forget to like and bookmark , Recommendation, and reward! The host’s live account is 'Ling Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Qi Ge Yun'!"

"...It's such a long title." After reading this paragraph of introduction, Li Ling thought that she had returned to the carefree 21st century, and she felt a little light in her heart.

Li Ling searched for "basic medical scanner" on the Internet and saved it on the bracelet.

After reading the introduction of the "Basic Medical Scanner", Li Ling knew that this is a function that can be saved on the bracelet. It is usually used by humans to scan the body during exercise. Once the extent of exercise exceeds the body's limit, or the If the body is overworked for too long, the basic medical scanner will sound an alarm, so that people stop exercising and take a break.

"High technology." Li Ling praised, turned on the scanning function, and started exercising according to the broadcaster's video.

After a while, Li Ling found that after a period of exercise, his body had reached a level very close to the "perfect split" that the broadcaster said.

It doesn't need three days, at most, she only needs one and a half days!

Li Ling drove the "basic medical scanner", while watching the video, exercising, and doing many auxiliary movements with the live broadcaster.

Li Ling kept practicing, kept practicing... even if the muscles in his body were sore, even if he was too tired to stand up, as long as the scanner didn't beep, Li Ling would keep practicing.

The sun went down and the sky darkened.

There is only one thought in Li Ling's mind, she wants to go back to that doomsday.

When she gets back there, she will face the zombies alone.Perhaps, during the days when she lived in this world, one hundred thousand troops had already left and headed for Jinlin City.And she can only set foot on the road to Jinlin City alone.

The itinerary of a few months is not terrible.The scary thing is that if she didn't have martial arts, she would have turned into a zombie long before arriving at Jinlin City.

Therefore, martial arts training is even more urgent than the task!
Without martial arts, in that world, she would have to die, and there would be no chance of revenge!
Li Ling practiced so hard that he forgot everything.

At some point, Cang Xiaojun had already left work. When he opened Li Ling's iron door with his bracelet, he saw Li Ling practicing the splits. In a blink of an eye, he saw Li Ling practicing various auxiliary movements.

Cang Xiaojun didn't know how long Li Ling had been practicing.When he saw her, her clothes were stained with sweat, her eyes were tired and persistent, and deep in her eyes, there seemed to be a fiery soul dancing.

Cang Xiaojun looked a little surprised.

At this moment, Cang Xiaojun realized that this little girl who seemed weak and helpless to him, this little girl who was supposed to be pitied by everyone, turned out to have such strong persistence and persistent thoughts.

Such persistent and persistent eyes reminded Cang Xiaojun of himself.

When he was seventeen or eighteen years old, he was also so passionate, persistent, persistent, and full of hope in his heart.Even though he was sweating profusely, his chest seemed to have infinite courage and energy.But now, after a day's work, he was so tired that he seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

The persistence and hard work in the eyes of young people always make people smile involuntarily, as if everything is hope.

Cang Xiaojun felt a few words of emotion in his heart, but he never imagined that Li Ling's persistence was not "beautiful" and "hopeful" as he guessed, but she was actually thinking about stabbing someone to death.It was himself who really came up with this idea.

"Li Tiaotiao!" Cang Xiaojun called out.

Li Ling was sluggish for a few seconds before he came to his senses, stopped his movements, and slumped on the ground.Once she sat down, she couldn't get up, Li Ling turned her head: "You are off work."

Cang Xiaojun closed the iron door and walked in, smiling and sitting next to Li Ling: "This sentence sounds like a family greeting."

Li Ling was so tired that he moved a few steps and leaned against the wall: "Even if you are not a family member, you are still my friend, Jia Benefactor."

"Do it! Of course!" Cang Xiaojun glanced at the shelf in the studio: "Did you drink nutrient solution today? There is one disadvantage of drinking nutrient solution. After drinking nutrient solution today, if you eat again, you will feel like eating Nothing tastes like it anymore.”

"It doesn't matter, I think it's very good, convenient and fast."

Cang Xiaojun sighed: "I really don't know what kind of life you lived in the past. What's so good about nutrient solution? Just wait, when I, a poor man, gets paid, I invite you to have a serious taste of food. Make sure you lick your plate clean!"

"Hahahaha..." Li Ling laughed.

"Li Tiaotiao, can you tell me why you want to practice the splits? Besides, you are very anxious." Cang Xiaojun used the words 'you are very anxious' in an affirmative tone.

"Can I say no?"

Cang Xiaojun blinked: "Even this is a secret? You have so many secrets! Forget it, forget it, you don't need to say it if you don't want to."

"Cang Xiaojun, you are such a good person, thank you, all kinds of thanks..." After relaxing from the high-intensity exercise, Li Ling's whole body quickly became sluggish, and the feeling of exhaustion and drowsiness enveloped the whole head and body , making her feel heavy, and her eyelids are also heavy.

Li Ling was drowsy. Before going to sleep, she asked in a daze: "Cang Xiaojun, you said, if there is a planet, it is also developing technology, but the technology development is far inferior to your big star country. Its Technology can't make human beings leave a galaxy, so can your big star country have the ability to reach there?"

Li Ling initially learned that this world, the Great Star Country, is a country that includes countless star fields and countless planets.Technology is extremely advanced, and you can travel between galaxies at will.

Knowing this, Li Ling couldn't believe the person who claimed to be "God" even more.Li Ling felt more and more that maybe it was an alien.

So, is it possible that the earth is also within a certain range, and can she use the technology of this world to take a spaceship and return to the earth?

This idea came to my mind, but it was just a sudden idea.But when this question was asked, Li Ling's drowsiness disappeared, and she turned to look at Cang Xiaojun.

Cang Xiaojun moved a few steps, and sat against the wall like Li Ling: "Okay, let's have a chat. Seeing that you are tired too, let's go to sleep after chatting for a while."

Li Ling nodded, and there was a lot of urgency and faint excitement in her heart. She looked at Cang Xiaojun, and said with some apprehension and confusion in her voice: "Can the spaceship...can reach there?"

A spaceship... will it take me back to my real home?

(End of this chapter)

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