beauty bible

Chapter 589

Chapter 589
A young man in a moon-white embroidered gown was lying in front of the desk. He wore a platinum crown on his head. He had a handsome face with a hint of childishness, but his eyes were full of majesty and noble temperament.

The young man picked up a pen and wrote slowly on the light yellow paper with a smile on his lips.

The slightly childish face and the majestic eyes all turned into tenderness in that little smile.

On the light yellow paper, the fonts are beautiful, but the handwriting is considered correct.

"Fairy Li, this is the 340th letter from Lord Yuan."

"Since you left, many, many things have happened. Yuan Jun's few words can't express the thousand years of lovesickness."

"After Fairy Li left, Jun Yuan later found out that Mama Sun's parents and children were still alive and had a decent life. Thinking of the fate of meeting Fairy, Jun Yuan gave him a thousand hectares of fertile land and asked him to be a registered employee. As a foreigner, send him a lifetime of peace and joy."

"Shortly after Fairy left, Lord Yuan's family changed suddenly. Lord Yuan ascended to the throne of God. However, after [-] years in power, Lord Yuan did not marry a wife or take concubines. He only found a nephew to succeed him."

"Later, Lord Yuan accidentally discovered the ancient secret road of the underground Jinlin City, so he often lived in the underground stone room, using the things that the fairy used to relieve the pain of lovesickness."

"Yuan Jun thought that he would die of old age in the underground stone chamber, but he didn't expect that when he was old and frail, he unexpectedly traveled to another world."

"This world is called Jingwei Realm, and it is one of the three thousand small worlds in heaven and earth."

"Yuan Jun was lucky enough to worship Master. Master is the leader of the Jingwei Realm of the Sanxiu Alliance, known as the King of the Golden Way."

"Yuan Jun practiced Taoism, became a fairy, and lived for thousands of years. If a fairy knew that Yuan Jun had lived for thousands of years, would he dislike Yuan Jun's immortality in his heart?"

"Master told Yuanjun that Yuanjun traveled to this world because he accidentally encountered a flash in a weak spot of the plane wall."

"For thousands of years, Yuan Jun has encountered many things, and his cultivation has become more and more refined, but he has never forgotten the fairy."

"Master taught Yuanjun to learn the 'Plane Teleportation Talisman', and learned this talisman by himself, Yuanjun draws talismans every day. If the fairy sees this letter from Yuan Jun, then this letter is written on the yellow talisman of."

"Fairy, it's been a thousand years, and Mr. Yuan doesn't know how you are doing? Have you been reincarnated? Has Mr. Yuan disappeared from your memory? Mr. Yuan knows that he is just a passer-by on the journey of fairy's life, but Mr. Yuan will not forget it for a long time. forget."

"If possible, Yuan Jun is willing to give up a thousand years of cultivation and a lifespan of ten thousand years. He only hopes to turn it into a thin ribbon and tie it between the fairy's hair to help the fairy with a bun."

"Fairy, if you still remember Yuan Jun, if you still want to see Yuan Jun, as long as you read this letter and this talisman, and say 'Yuan Jun', this talisman can take you across the world and come to Yuan Jun The plane where you are. Yuan Jun is willing to give everything to make Fairy smile."

"Fairy, if you no longer remember Yuanjun, if you want to go to the fairyland and escape from the earthly world, as long as you say 'Yuanjun', you can come to the Jingwei world, and Yuanjun will help you escape from the mortal world." Immortal, the clouds are rising straight up."

"This is the 340th letter written by Yuanjun. The handwriting is sloppy, but the feelings are sincere. Yuanjun throws every letter into the turbulence of time and space, only hoping that one letter and a talisman can one day be able to Into the hands of fairies.”


"Time is like running water, and the fleeting encounter in a long life is what Yuanjun has all his life. Even though the love is as deep as the sea, Yuanjun doesn't know if he will have the chance to see the fairy again..."

"Your Majesty Yuan."

Putting down his pen and ink, the young man lowered his eyes, brushed the word "Li Xianzi" with one hand, and sighed softly.Then, he rolled up the light yellow paper and put it into a transparent vial.

Close your eyes and concentrate, a small black hole gradually appeared in the palm of your hand.

The vial containing the light yellow letter paper disappeared into the black hole. Yuan Jun stood up, with light eyebrows, and stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back.

Outside the window, white clouds are billowing, cranes are flying, and the mountains are at your feet.

A crane landed outside the door, and a white-clothed disciple hurried into the house, and bowed to Yuan Jun standing in front of the window: "See the first seat!"

Yuan Jun looked sideways: "What's the matter?"

The white-clothed disciple looked up: "Someone from the sub-alliance has seen Fairy Li in the first painting today."

"Yeah." Yuan Jun's brows were light and his expression remained motionless.

Since he drew a picture of Li Xianzi's beauty and asked all the disciples of the Loose Cultivation Alliance in Jingwei Realm to find it, this is the seventh time his No. 20 has received such news.

From the first ecstasy to the calmness this time, Yuan Jun felt a little sad in his heart.

Every time a disciple came to report, when he went to meet, he only saw a woman with a face somewhat similar to the fairy.In Yuan Jun's eyes, those women are naturally far inferior to Li Xianzi, and Yuan Jun doesn't even understand why these disciples admit their mistakes.

But... every time, Yuan Jun will go to see it in person.Take a look, what if, one in ten thousand, it is really a fairy who came to this world?
This time will be no exception.

Yuan Jun waved: "Let's go. Lead the way."


Since time travel, Li Ling's life has been full of ups and downs.Until the Zerg queen was beheaded and the Zerg heir died, everything seemed to be getting better.

Life finally got on the right track and became smoother.

The following days were uneventful, without any thrilling events. Li Ling lived a pleasant life.

After the war, the Zerg were gradually eliminated by the human coalition forces.

When the Zerg completely disappeared from the universe, Xia Qi ascended the throne and became the king of the Great Star Kingdom.

Li Ling and Xia Qi got married amidst all the attention.

Because of Xia Qi's "death" and Li Ling's "despair" in the live video, no one in the universe doubts the love of this couple.The two have almost become a benchmark and a symbol of love in the universe.

Li Ling gave birth to a son named Xia Hong.

With the help of the beauty bible and the dual cultivation secret book, Li Ling's cultivation improved rapidly. In less than three years, Li Ling broke the elixir and became a soul, becoming a Nascent Soul monk.

At the Nascent Soul stage, Xia Qi couldn't beat Li Ling.

After becoming Li Ling's defeated general, Xia Qi learned from the pain and began to ask Li Ling for "sword skills".Afterwards, Xia Qi came first, surpassed Li Ling in swordsmanship in a short period of time, and crushed Li Ling in swordsmanship.

The way of the sword is the way of the sword, and the cultivation is the cultivation.

In terms of swordsmanship, Li Ling was turned into scum by Xia Qi in seconds, but as long as Li Ling used his cultivation, Xia Qi was immediately defeated.

The difference between a cultivator and a non-cultivator is that even if Xia Qi puts all his energy into "Ten Thousand Swords of the Falling Moon" and enters the Tao with a sword, he will still be no match for Li Ling.

Women are strong and men are weak for many years.

Over the years, many things have happened.

For example, shortly after Xia Qi's "resurrection", Wu Xiong resigned, bid farewell to Li Ling, and disappeared.

For example, Sima Zhen and Shen Lang on Earth moved to the Emperor Star of the Soul Body Clan to die.

For another example, only Li Ling is able to practice Taoism in this world.Xia Qi couldn't, and neither could Xia Qi and Li Ling's son Xia Hong.So, a few years later, Xia Hong inherited the Great Star Kingdom and became the king of the Great Star Kingdom.And Li Ling also gave birth to the successor of the Soul Body Clan and retreated behind the scenes.

In that live video of Xia Qi's "death", a corner of the mystery of the Soul Body Clan was truly revealed.

The word "God" is no longer a superstition in the universe, but a fact of real existence.

The three views of intelligent races in the entire universe have been subverted once.

It is also because of Li Ling's "Master" that the whole universe feels awe when talking about Li Ling.

With the support of Li Ling and Xia Qi, over a thousand years, the earth has developed rapidly, flourishing, and with superior strength, and finally in a certain year, it began to be known as the capital planet of the fourth largest purebred human race in the universe.

As time goes by, those old friends leave one by one, and even relatives are taken away by time one by one. Only Xia Qi has always been by Li Ling's side.

Because of the "Beauty Bible" and "Cheats of Double Cultivation", Li Ling and Xia Qi's looks are not old, and Li Ling is getting more and more beautiful.

Then on a certain day in a certain year, Li Ling's cultivation reached its peak, he experienced a thunderstorm and became an immortal.

After becoming a fairy, Li Ling understood that it was time for her to leave this universe.

Li Ling pulled Xia Qi up, cut open the wall of the universe with a jade tree branch, and walked into another time and space.

Li Ling can't figure out which world she will go to, but one thing is certain, with her immortal realm, she will roughly enter a world of "immortal life".

Who would have thought that Li Ling and Xia Qi had just entered this world, but they were controlled by a few "immortals"!
I don't know where this "flying misfortune" came from. Li Ling and Xia Qi were trapped in a manor, waiting for something to change.

Xia Qiduan sat on the stone bench, turning a small porcelain cup in his hand, looking at the strange beasts, cranes and immortals flying past in the sky from time to time, his eyes were calm and deep.

Li Ling took a sip of tea and said to Xia Qi: "Hey? Xia Qi, what kind of world do you think this is? My master said that whether it is the three thousand big worlds or the three thousand small worlds, they all have their own characteristics. A branch of the cultivator alliance. As long as there is a loose cultivator alliance, I can find the master. Tell me, if something happens later, should I reveal the master's name to see if I can suppress the opponent? "

Xia Qi glanced at Li Ling with a calm expression.

Li Ling looked back at Xia Qi and smiled secretly in her heart.Because Xia Qi did not practice Taoism and could not transmit sounds to her ears, in this "other world", Xia Qi would not "secretly" talk to her at all.

Just as the two looked at each other, a voice came from outside the manor.

"The first seat arrives!"

Li Ling and Xia Qi heard the sound and looked.

A young man in a white long gown walked over. He was young, with a childish face, but indifference and majesty in his eyebrows.

Xia Qi frowned slightly.

Li Ling was slightly taken aback, and slowly stood up in disbelief.

Yuan Jun stood on the spot dumbfounded.

After a while, Yuan Jun's face changed rapidly.He tidied his clothes a little, brushed his hand over the corner of his eyes, smiled and walked towards Li Ling slowly.

Walking up to Li Ling, Yuan Jun shed all his majesty and bowed in a very scholarly manner: "Fairy Li, I haven't seen you for a long time... Yuan Jun, Yuan Jun is really missed."

Xia Qi: "..."

Li Ling's face showed joy: "Yuanjun? Yuanjun! You are really Yuanjun! Why are you here?!"

Xia Qi took a step forward and stood next to Li Ling: "Hello, I am Xia Qi, and I belong to Li Ling..." Xia Qi changed a word, hoping that this man in ancient costume could immediately understand the relationship: "... husband. "

Yuan Jun was stunned.

At this time, another voice came from outside the door: "The branch leader has arrived——"

"Master?" Yuan Jun turned around in surprise.

I saw a tall, fairy-like middle-aged man striding forward, seeing the three people in the manor, his face was overjoyed.

The middle-aged man walked behind Yuanjun, stopped, and knelt down towards Li Ling: "The master of the Jingwei plane in the three thousand small worlds, the leader of the Jingwei division of the casual cultivator alliance, the king of Jin Dao pays homage to the young master!"

Yuan Jun was stunned again.

Xia Qili stood beside Li Ling, looking sideways at her: "...Your master is really powerful."

Seeing that Mr. Yuan was not moving, King Jin Dao pulled him and shouted: "Kneel down quickly! This is the disciple of the leader of our Loose Cultivation Alliance! The leader has already announced that Li Ling is in the three thousand big world and the three thousand small world The identity of a fairy! As soon as the young master arrived in Jingwei Realm, I sensed the fluctuation of the young master's soul. Get down on your knees!"

Yuan Jun looked at Xia Qi, then turned to King Jin Dao, with a bitter and aggrieved face, he took a step back and knelt down: "Meet the young master..."

Li Ling was about to tell the two of them to stand up when she saw Xia Qi approaching her and whispered in her ear: "It really is a powerful disciple, Li Ling, you actually prepared a love rival for me in another world..."

The joy of seeing Yuan Jun suddenly turned into amused, and Li Ling looked at Xia Qi with a helpless smile. He knew that everyone in the manor could hear what he said, so he wanted to "whisper his words" , really "introduce yourself directly to everyone": "Xia Qi..."

Xia Qi took a step back and stood beside Li Ling, as if he hadn't done anything.

King Jin Dao, who was kneeling down, had a cautious smile on his face, and glanced nervously at Yuan Jun from time to time.

Yuan Jun was full of disappointment and bitterness, and looked up at Li Ling aggrieved.

"..." Li Ling glanced at Xia Qi again, thought for a while, and said: "You guys get up first. I am only a registered disciple of the master, and my cultivation base is low, so I dare not accept this great gift."

Li Ling looked at Xia Qi: "This is my...husband, Xia Qi."

Xia Qi's face was calm, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

King Jin Dao's smile widened, he stood up, and bowed lightly to Xia Qi: "It turns out that he is the young master's husband, so please be rude." After speaking, King Jin Dao pulled Yuan Jun's sleeve.

Yuan Jun stood up, saluted Xia Qi reluctantly, but refused to say the five words "Young Master's husband".

King Jin Dao secretly stared at Yuan Jun, turned his head and smiled at Li Ling: "Young master, please follow me. The chief lord has already explained that if the young master reaches a certain realm of the three thousand small world, there will be a corresponding answer." Cultivation secrets to the young master, and the young master's companion."

A ray of light flashed across Xia Qi's eyes.

Li Ling glanced at Xia Qi with a smile.Ever since he became Li Ling's defeated general, Xia Qi really had the heart to practice Taoism.

In this world, Xia Qi will have the opportunity to embark on the journey of cultivating immortals, no matter whether his master has prepared the cultivation secret books or not.

Li Ling and Xia Qi followed King Jin Dao to the branch headquarters of the Sanxiu Alliance in Jingwei Realm, followed by Yuan Jun with an aggrieved face.

Xia Qi glanced at Yuan Jun casually, only to realize that the man's face was aggrieved, but there was a trace of joy and tears in his eyes, and he couldn't help turning his head——

It has taken thousands of years to become an immortal through cultivation, but the obsession has not been eradicated. My heart is like the undercurrent of the deep sea, and my face is as pure as a child.

The mood is harmonious, the love is as deep as the sea, and there is no flaw.

I don't know how many thousand years he and Li Ling will stay in this world?This rival in love is about to "see each other often"...

(End of this chapter)

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