beauty bible

Chapter 587

Chapter 587
In the hall of the main ship of the Cosmic Alliance, the lights were brightly lit.

Li Ling was like a shadow, curled up in the large chair, his whole body was dim, as if curled up in despair.Her face is still beautiful, but her complexion is ashen, and the light in her eyes has been extinguished.

Wu Xiong didn't say a word, he held the cell regeneration instrument in one hand and Li Ling's hand in the other, healed the wound on the back of Li Ling's hand little by little like a treasure.

"Madam Marshal..." Qin Jun hesitated to speak.

In order to exterminate the Zerg Queen and her successors, the God of War Xia Qi sacrificed his life with a stellar bomb, and died together with countless Zerg successors.

Whether it's for this battle or for the God of War Xia Qi, someone needs to go to the Zerg lair to check the results of the battle.According to the practice of the Cosmic Alliance Army, it should be Xia Qi's confidant Qin Jun who did this.

Next, Qin Jun was supposed to take a few soldiers and the necessary testing equipment to the depths of the Zerg nest.

It would be very simple for Qin Jun to take Li Ling with him when he was in action.

But at this time, Li Ling's mental state was very unstable. She was pregnant again, and she had experienced the hardships of the battlefield before that, so she went to an environment with abnormal energy to witness the death of her beloved one with her own eyes— — Qin Jun was really afraid that Li Ling would go crazy!
The only flesh and blood of the God of War Xia Qi, the queen of the Soul Body Clan-who wants any mistakes in this? !

But looking at Li Ling's bewildered expression and insisting words, Qin Jun only felt that if he refused, the extremely fragile woman in front of him would collapse immediately.

In the end, His Majesty the King of the Great Star Kingdom watched Li Ling for a while through video communication, and asked Qin Jun to take Li Ling there.As the king of the Great Star Kingdom and the biological father of God of War, he certainly knew about Xia Qi's death and that Li Ling was pregnant.

So, Qin Jun, Li Ling, and two other soldiers of the Fifth Army "crossed" to the Zerg lair wearing black glasses.

Because the yellow planet is the center of the explosion, the energy fluctuations are abnormal, and they cannot "travel." All four of them traveled to an area some distance away from the center of the explosion.The black box sent two two-person stealth battleships and some instruments over.

Two soldiers boarded a battleship.

Li Ling boarded another battleship with Wu Xiong in a daze.

The two battleships sailed directly towards the "original location of the yellow planet".

Li Ling stood in the double invisible battleship in a daze, looking at the dark universe through the transparent glass window.

Not long ago, she was in a two-person invisible battleship, accompanied by the God of War Xia Qi.Now, he has disappeared, forever disappeared in this world.Never seen again, never touched.

She will never see that familiar and handsome face, that generous and warm chest, those eyes full of tolerance and love, and she will never have them again.

The pitch-black universe is empty and cold, and there is no longer that young, powerful man with firm eyes...

Li Ling covered his mouth with tears filling his eyelashes.

"Marshal's wife..." Qin Jun stood behind Li Ling and cried out unbearably, his eyes turned red.

Li Ling gave up: "Leave me alone."

Qin Jun sighed silently, retreated to one side, and turned around.

Li Ling took a breath and suppressed tears.

Before boarding the two-person stealth battleship, the two soldiers had already detected the huge energy shock wave after the explosion with instruments.

The facts are in front of us.

With such explosive energy, as long as the mortal body is alive, there is no possibility of survival.

Everything told her that Xia Qi was really dead.

But reason is reason, and she couldn't accept it in her heart.In Li Ling's heart, there was always a one-in-a-million chance of luck.

Maybe... there will be miracles in this world?
As the battleship gradually approached the center of the explosion, Li Ling saw a lot of debris flying at high speed.

Some of these rubbles are extremely large, half the size of a planet, and some are extremely small, just dust—these are all planetary remains on the edge of the explosion energy, after being impacted by the explosion energy shock wave.

Li Ling's heart was cold.

If you get closer to the center of the explosion, there will be nothing.

It was nothingness.

Everything is gone, not even a speck of dust.

There are no stars, no planets, just silent darkness.

There are no giant yellow planets, no fugitive Zerg heirs, and no Xia Qi.

Looking at the empty darkness, Li Ling sadly opened the hatch of the battleship, and walked out slowly, speaking softly, as if calling for the dead: "Xia Qi..."

"Marshal's wife—" Qin Jun called out hastily, but Li Ling didn't seem to hear it.

"Xia Qi—" Li Ling cried and ran out, flying towards the center of the explosion: "Xia Qi——Xia Qi——Xia Qi, you answer me—Xia Qi—you answer me—"

Li Ling flew towards the center of the explosion alone, no one could stop her.

The thin figure is floating in the dark universe, small and lonely.

Li Ling finally stood at the center of the explosion, and she looked around in panic.

Nothing at all.

"Xia Qi?" Li Ling called out cautiously and extremely aggrieved.

She was so sad, how could Xia Qi not come out.

"Xia Qi?" Two lines of tears fell down like beads, and Li Ling called out in a trembling voice: "Xia Qi—Xia Qi, come out—"

"Xia Qi—Xia Qi, come out—come out!"

"Xia Qi—come out quickly—"

"Xia Qi—don't scare me like this, I'm scared, I'm scared..."

Li Ling shouted again and again.

In the silent universe, there was no response.

Where did the miracle come from in this world.Everything is rational and cold.The answer given by the instrument and data is the final outcome.Accept it or not, this is the end.

Li Ling finally couldn't help it, and knelt in the void, fisted his hands, curled up in front of his chest, trembling and howling silently.

Such a beautiful love, such a beautiful person, she was lucky enough to have, and she was warmed in his arms.He just disappeared into this world. Why can't there be one more him in such a big world?
Nothing, not even the last glimpse of a cold body.

"Ah—" It was like a lifetime of mourning, and when it blurted out, it was only a thin and soft sound, unable to call out the lover who had disappeared.

Seeing something suddenly, the falling tears stopped, Li Ling's face was blank, she stretched out her hand.

A thin, dark golden five-pointed star floated in front of her eyes.

That was the bodyguard she gave him, the five-pointed star that she stored energy for a month.

It turned out that Xia Qi was carrying it with him!
The dark golden five-pointed star landed on the slender palm, and turned into gray in an instant.

Li Ling withdrew his hand blankly, looking at his palm.

It turned out that at the moment of life and death of the explosion, there was a moment when this five-pointed star protected him for a moment...

But, it's not enough!
After all, the energy of this five-pointed star is not enough to protect him.

(End of this chapter)

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