beauty bible

Chapter 579 Appearance

Chapter 579 Appearance
Li Ling seemed to be standing beside Xia Qi calmly, silently watching the people who were either packing up their belongings or waiting to leave with anticipation.

45 minutes is not a long time.

But the battle after 45 minutes decided the life and death of thousands of intelligent races in this universe, as well as... Xia Qi's life!

The battle is about to begin!

Such a thought raised Li Ling's heart high.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on the palms of his hands. Li Ling hoped that this war would never come, and wanted to end this heart-pounding wait immediately.

When the 420 two-person invisible battleships lined up neatly in front, Xia Qi looked at Ge Feng, and said calmly, without any strangeness: "Everyone get on the battleship!"

"Yes!" Ge Feng looked cold and serious, he glanced at Xia Qi, then turned around to execute the order.

Under Ge Feng's guidance, more than 1000 villagers in the "small village" lined up, each with excitement or curiosity, stepped onto the battleship.

The queue to board the battleship was not exactly orderly, but there was no trouble. More than 1000 people boarded the battleship unhurriedly.

At a certain moment, Xia Qi raised his left hand and glanced at the message that popped up on his bracelet.

Li Ling gripped Xia Qi's hand tightly, his breathing fluttered slightly: "Which one is it?"

Xia Qi: "You don't need to know."

Li Ling breathed nervously and paused, but she didn't ask any more questions.

Xia Qi already knew which battleship the Zerg Queen was on.

Li Ling's gaze slowly swept across the hundreds of warships in front of him.She couldn't help but think that although the Queen of the Zerg has an intelligence that is not inferior to that of humans, she has too little real contact with human high technology. How can she imagine that as long as Xia Qi becomes suspicious, a piece of equipment is enough to make her invisible.

Not long after, Ge Feng trotted and stood in front of Xia Qi: "Report! 12 people have boarded the battleship! Several people are unwilling to be separated from their companions and choose to squeeze on a battleship. Now there are 420 battleships, and there The remaining three battleships are empty."

Xia Qi nodded slightly: "You boarded a battleship, and Li Ling boarded another battleship. The remaining battleship will stay here for the people on this planet."

"Yes!" Ge Feng paused slightly, turned around and boarded the ship.

Xia Qi looked sideways at Li Ling.The cold God of War's eyes were indescribably affectionate at this moment, and he gently raised his hand to rub Li Ling's black hair: "Protect yourself. You are the queen of the soul body clan, not a soldier who needs to do your duty. If you really encounter any danger, you still have black glasses to 'pass through'."

"I know." Li Ling looked up at him slightly.

This tall, handsome man with piercing eyes was not only the father of the child in her womb, but also the God of War who was about to fight to the death on the battlefield.Xia Qi's white jade-like face, under the faint yellow light of this planet, Xia Qi's sharp edges and corners, smooth lines, are extraordinarily handsome.

At this moment, Li Ling felt that Xia Qi in front of him was a little far away.What she wanted to say in her mind was "Xia Qi, you are the father of a child, so no matter what, you have to survive."

But looking at Xia Qi's awe-inspiring figure and his gaze that was colder and firmer than that of Hei Shaqiang, she blurted out another sentence: "Xia Qi, I believe you will win."

There was a little smile on the corner of Xia Qi's lips. He patted Li Ling's back lightly. There was no words of farewell, nor any affectionate confession. There were only two simple words: "Let's go."


Since Li Ling made up her mind to come back, she did not hesitate at this time, she followed Ge Feng and boarded another warship.

As soon as Li Ling left, there were only a dozen gray-haired old men and one Xia Qi left in the "small village" that was bustling just now.

When the cool wind blows, the empty "small village" suddenly has a desolate and desolate feeling.

Xia Qi's eyes were cold, and he clicked on the start button on the bracelet.

More than 400 warships slowly soared into the sky, then accelerated rapidly, and went straight to the sky in an instant.

After a few breaths, more than 400 warships disappeared before Xia Qi's eyes.

In the empty and quiet village, only two warships remained motionless, standing in place.

One of the battleships was empty.

The hatch of another battleship was quickly opened, and Jiang Han rushed out in a panic.The fear of being left alone on this planet made him lose his composure. Jiang Han ran to Xia Qi anxiously and asked loudly, "Why? Why doesn't our battleship take off? Is there something wrong with this battleship? Then we can take the Another ship-"

Jiang Han's words stopped abruptly.

Standing in front of him was no longer the God of War Xia Qi with a business-like face, but a God of War Xia Qi with surging fighting spirit and murderous aura!

Xia Qi stood holding a gun, his eyes were as cold as thousand years of ice.

The cold and biting murderous intent rushed towards his face, Jiang Han's footsteps stopped suddenly, and the hairs on his body stood up instinctively.

The god of war Xia Qi, who was full of killing intent, seemed to have peeled off his soldier's outer skin, leaving only a killing god with a strong killing intent and surging fighting intent.

Just looking at Xia Qi from a distance, Jiang Han's heart felt like it was being pinched, and he didn't dare to approach him again.Jiang Han's face was pale, and he said in a horrified and dazed voice: "...why, why? Your Excellency, God of War? Why did you do this all of a sudden?"

Xia Qi didn't look at him, his eyes turned slightly and fell behind him.

"What, what?" Following Xia Qi's gaze, Jiang Han turned around.

Jiang Han saw his gentle and beautiful wife slowly walking out of the battleship, with her child in her arms.

Jiang Han shuddered.For a moment, his brain went blank, but a great panic welled up in his heart.The panic quickly spread from his heart to his whole body, making him feel like he was in a world of ice and snow.

Looking at his wife who was slowly walking over, Jiang Han turned his head to look at Xia Qi, the god of war with killing intent in his eyes and rising fighting intent, Jiang Han's eyes widened.

In Jiang Han's frightened and inexplicable eyes, he saw his gentle and timid wife slowly walking towards the God of War Xia Qi, and the shy look on her face disappeared, replaced by a strange smile.

In such a desolate and desolate place, in the face of the murderous God of War, his closest and familiar wife showed a strange smile at this moment. Such a scene is undoubtedly the most terrifying thing in the world .Jiang Han screamed, and fell to the ground with a pale face. He stared blankly at his wife, trembling all over.

Xia Qi held his gun in front of him: "Queen of Zerg."

Jiang Han looked as if he had been struck by lightning, his face was deathly pale.He opened his mouth tremblingly, his voice was hoarse and frightened: "No——no..."

Right in front of Jiang Han's eyes, his "wife" walked towards Xia Qi with a smile, and then threw the baby in her hand to the ground.

Jiang Han jumped forward in panic, his brain hadn't reacted yet, when he did, he was already holding the crying baby in his hands.Seeing that the baby in his hand was not injured, Jiang Han couldn't help showing a relaxed smile on his face.After a short smile, Jiang Han looked up at his "wife", and when he looked at the baby in his arms again, Jiang Han's hands shook like chaff.

(End of this chapter)

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