beauty bible

Chapter 572 Breakthrough

Chapter 572 Breakthrough
"Remove the black barrier!" Xia Qi thought for a second and said to Li Ling.

Li Ling withdrew the black barrier, feeling a little dazed.She caressed her flat belly with one hand... a child.

The time in the central castle of the Soul Body Clan not only allowed Li Ling to start practicing the "Beauty Bible", but also gave her a child.

The people of the soul body clan were all born from the pool water in the forbidden area, and the child in her womb was a purebred human being.

A child who arrives unexpectedly.For Li Ling, this was an indescribable and wonderful feeling.She felt wonder, joy, wonder, and a little fear.

Li Ling lay quietly in Xia Qi's arms, with a little melancholy on his brows.

Xia Qi knew that removing the black barrier would reduce Li Ling's energy consumption.Of course, this will increase his pressure at the same time.

Xia Qi held Li Ling in one hand, and broke through to the outside of the Zerg with a gun in the other!

According to their position with the center of the explosion, the shock wave had already weakened a lot when it reached their location, and the remaining shock wave would not endanger their lives or cause serious injuries to them, but would shock their internal organs.

Under normal circumstances, such a small amount of damage can be recovered by resting for a while at most.But now it's just not normal!When both of them were consuming too much energy, it happened that Li Ling was carrying a child with him.

Xia Qi tried his best to break out!
farther away!
A little further!
The farther away from the center of the explosion, the less impact Li Ling and the child will receive!
Xia Qi has already seen the outermost layer of the Zerg encirclement, as long as they go a little further, as long as they survive the shock wave, they can escape.At that time, carefully find a place without Zerg, let Qin Jun transfer medical equipment and medicine, Li Ling and the child will be safe!

Thinking of the sudden arrival of this child, Xia Qi didn't know whether to be more happy or worried.It's just that there is still a hint of joy on his cold face.

The happy look only appeared on Xia Qi's face for a moment, then disappeared.

Xia Qi stopped.

Li Ling gritted her teeth and broke free from Xia Qi's arms. With a snow-white complexion, she stood side by side with Xia Qi.

Several horrified and desperate exclamations came from the black glasses: "It's the SSS-level high-level Zerg!"

"It's four!"

"This is...the hope of completely wiping out the coalition forces!"

Qin Jun's voice was full of anxiety: "Four SSS-level high-level Zergs! Why is this happening?! Could it be that the Zerg Queen knows the combat power of the Marshal and Her Majesty the Queen?! Yes, yes, most high-level Zergs in the universe can speculate With the combat power of the Marshal and Her Majesty the Queen, as long as the Zerg Queen recognizes them, she will send Zerg against their combat power..."

Around Li Ling and Xia Qi, there were four SSS-level high-level Zerg suspended in the air.

Those are four Zerg that look like humans.They are about three meters high, with the same head, body, hands, and feet as humans. The body is covered with black scales. There is no hair on the top of the head, and it is also covered by hard scales.Instead of human fingers, they have sharp claws on their hands and feet.And on their right paws, they all hold a weapon!
Qin Jun shouted in a panic: "Marshal! Your Majesty the Queen! give up! Turn on the 'traversal' function, come back!"

"Living body traversal technology" cannot "travel" to completely unknown places.Once Li Ling and Xia Qi chose to travel back, if they wanted to travel to the Zerg lair again, they could only "travel" to their current position at most.

Now this "coordinate point" is guarded by four SSS-level high-level Zergs. When they travel here again, they also face these four SSS-level Zergs.If they choose to use black boxes to transport robots and nuclear bombs... After the nuclear bomb explodes, the energy of this "coordinate point" is abnormal, and it is no longer suitable for "traveling".

In other words, the action of going deep into the Zerg lair to destroy the Zerg queen is a one-time operation.Once they choose to travel back and want to travel to the Zerg lair again, it is almost impossible to succeed in the situation of "striking the grass and scaring the snake".

Once you choose to travel back in time, your plan will completely fail!
Qin Jun's words did not receive any response.

As early as Qin Jun's words hadn't finished, four SSS-level high-level Zerg had already launched an attack on Li Ling and Xia Qi!

Two SSS-level high-level Zerg besieged Xia Qi, and the other two besieged Li Ling, directly separating the two of them.

Facing the fighting and siege of two SSS-level high-level Zerg, although Xia Qi did not dare to say that he was overwhelmed, he could have resisted it, but this time is different from the past.

Li Ling's physical energy is exhausted, but she has to face two SSS-level high-level Zerg, and she is pregnant!

Such a thought lingered in Xia Qi's mind, making him want to look sideways at Li Ling's situation from time to time, but in the face of the siege of two SSS-level high-level Zerg, how could they allow this battle? A little distraction? !
In such a state of confusion, Xia Qi was at a disadvantage in a one-on-two fight from the very beginning, but barely blocked it.

And what about Li Ling?

Li Ling faced two SSS-level high-ranking Zergs. With her combat power, she had no power to contend, but at this time her body was already at the end of its strength.

Her forehead and back were already covered with cold sweat, and her lower abdomen was even aching. Li Ling gritted her teeth and ignored the physical discomfort, and tried her best to deal with the attacks of two SSS-level high-level Zerg.

At such a moment, even if Li Ling wants to turn on the travel function in the black glasses, it is impossible! How can the speed of the SSS-level high-level Zerg be comparable to ordinary people?Don't just reach out to touch the glasses, if you move a little slower, Li Ling will be hit by the weapon in the hands of the SSS-level high-level Zerg!And with her current physical condition, once she gets injured, she will never be able to recover!

At such a critical moment, no one cared about the aftermath of the explosion.

But it was the aftermath of the explosion, the last impact, the impact on the viscera and abdomen, which made Li Ling tremble because of the abdominal pain.

The next moment, the black metal long sword pierced through Li Ling's shoulder!

"Li Ling—"

Xia Qi's eyes were about to burst.

Li Ling, who was injured, was powerless against two SSS-level high-ranking Zergs!
Heartbroken, Xia Qi watched helplessly as the Zerg pulled out the long sword that pierced through Li Ling's shoulder mercilessly: "Li Ling - no - no - don't -"

Xia Qi struggled desperately, trying to break free from the fight of the two Zergs around him, but no matter what, he couldn't get rid of the siege of these two Zergs.

Kill the enemy on the battlefield, no one will show mercy!Not to mention the Zerg!
Seeing that Li Ling was seriously injured, the two SSS-level high-ranking Zerg besieging Li Ling even more fiercely hit Li Ling!

a bit!
a bit!
"Ah——" Xia Qi trembled all over. He saw that under the repeated heavy blows of two SSS-level high-ranking Zerg, Li Ling was like a light and fluffy doll in the black universe, powerless. Blood was spilling out, and he even saw... a trace of blood red appeared in the dress of Li Ling's lower body...

"No! No——no—" Xia Qi trembled all over, and a terrifying killing intent burst out in his eyes.

In Xia Qi's eyes, time seemed to be stretched infinitely.

That little bit of blood red seemed to be a monstrous flame burning his heart and soul.

The pitch-black universe is still so familiar, and the countless battles of the past ten years flash past before his eyes.

What's the point of this fight if I lose you?
If I lose you, what's the point of this universe?
If I lose you, what is the meaning of life in the past few decades?
The dark universe, the bits and pieces of time, without you, they should all be completely annihilated in the blackness! ! !


It seems that something has risen from the bones!

A burst of black flames suddenly burst out from the tip of the black killing gun.

Xia Qi's eyes seemed to be burning with a faint black flame, and the black spear flew across the space.

Two SSS-level high-level Zerg were cut into two in an instant!

No one saw clearly what happened. The next moment, the other two SSS-level high-level Zerg were smashed into minced meat.

Xia Qi embraced Li Ling, looked down at her, his eyes were slightly red.

A long silence in black glasses.

After a long time, someone seemed to react——

"This, this is... breaking through to the next level?"

(End of this chapter)

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