beauty bible

Chapter 568

Chapter 568
Opening and closing their eyes, Li Ling and Xia Qi were already standing on a khaki planet.

His body felt like he was falling heavily, and Li Ling immediately realized that this was due to the different gravity of the planet.

This is a scorching planet with extremely high temperature. The planet is filled with khaki-colored soil and dust. There is almost no oxygen in the air, and the entire planet has no life at all.

Li Ling is a cultivator at the Golden Core stage, and Xia Qi is an SSS-level fighter who is rare in the universe for a hundred years. Both of them have different bodies from ordinary people.If an ordinary person landed on this planet, without a spacesuit, he would definitely not be able to live for a few minutes.

There was no time to check the situation of the planet carefully, Qin Jun's voice came from the black glasses.

"Marshal, Your Majesty the Queen, this is an inanimate planet in the Geshu star field. This planet is close to the territory of the Zerg, and the probability of the Zerg passing through this planet is low. Marshal, there are no Zerg around you at this time, right?"

Xia Qi: "No."

Qin Jun: "Okay. Marshal and Her Majesty the Queen, please step back a few hundred meters, and we will immediately use the black box to transmit the two-person stealth battleship. In order to prevent the error from being too large during the transmission, we will directly locate the transmission address of the black box as your destination. "

Xia Qi: "Okay."

Xia Qi pulled Li Ling back.

Not long after, a huge black box appeared on the earthy yellow planet.

This black box is much larger than the black box that Li Ling used to operate the nutrient solution on the earth.

Li Ling guessed that before the appearance of "living body traversal technology", the cosmic coalition forces should often use black boxes to transport items, and the black boxes used by the cosmic coalition forces must be much larger than the black boxes commercially available in the cosmic network.

After a while, Xia Qi stepped forward to open the black box, and several adult-sized robots moved a small two-person hidden battleship out of the black box.

After the black box disappeared, Li Ling heard Qin Jun's voice again: "Marshal, Your Majesty, there are not many intelligent races that have entered the Zerg lair for tens of thousands of years. Every intelligent race that enters the Zerg lair needs to turn on the video recording function to record All the information about the Zerg Lair. If it is not necessary, please do not turn off the battlefield recording function."

If Li Ling and Xia Qi failed to kill the Zerg queen this time when they went deep into the Zerg lair, then their battle record video would be one of the most precious materials of the Cosmic Alliance.Of course, if the Zerg Queen is wiped out, the existence of this battle recording video is not so important.

Qin Jun raised his voice: "In the territory of the Zerg, there are Zerg everywhere. Even if the Zerg army is fully deployed now, I believe there are still countless Zerg generals stationed in the Zerg territory. So in the future journey, please be careful. If necessary The Qin army can use the black box to transmit any combat preparations, but the black box must not be used when there are Zergs present. If the black box is under a strong attack, the ability to explode will not be inferior to a high-level energy cannon."

Xia Qi is the marshal who has fought in the Zerg battlefield for ten years, and Xia Qi knows all the "common sense" things in these battlefields.Li Ling understood that Qin Jun was telling her the "little white" on the battlefield.

Li Ling: "Understood."

Qin Jun said: "Please be careful, both of you."

After the call, Xia Qi quickly opened the hatch of the two-man stealth battleship.

Li Ling followed Xia Qi and entered the battleship.

This is a small two-person battleship.The snow-white metal cabin was divided into two small cabins.One is the cockpit. There are two white armchairs in the cockpit. There are three small golden metal boxes in the corner. Besides, there are various precision instruments scattered throughout the cabin.The other cabin is a simple rest cabin, with only two simple metal bed boards, which looks a bit like a bed placed in an ordinary dormitory.

Li Ling was still observing the battleship. Xia Qi was already sitting upright in the driver's seat. He activated the hidden function and started the battleship.

The small two-person stealth battleship soared into the sky, silently escaped from the gravitational field of the khaki planet, and rushed into the black universe like black lightning.

Li Ling only felt a slight movement in the cabin, and saw the scenery outside the glass window at the front of the cockpit changing rapidly. The earthy color quickly disappeared in front of his eyes, and the outline of a planet quickly passed in front of his eyes. Soon, only black was left outside the glass window. The cosmic curtain and the stars.

Li Ling looked at the three small boxes in the cockpit.The small box was at the height of Li Ling's knees. It was square and golden. There were no complicated patterns or locks on the box.Li Ling turned his head and asked Xia Qi: "These three boxes are our war preparations?"

Xia Qi waved his hands on various intricate buttons: "Open it and have a look, familiarize yourself with it."

Li Ling squatted down and opened three small boxes one by one.

The contents of the first small box were all familiar to Li Ling.

Nutrient solution, super nutrient solution, small cell regeneration device, basic medical testing equipment, etc. This small box contains daily necessities such as medical treatment and food.

There were dozens of transparent test tubes in the second small box, and there were some extremely small black particles in the test tubes. Li Ling let out a sigh, picked up a test tube and asked Xia Qi: "What is this?"

Xia Qi stopped his movements and seemed to have set the warship to autopilot mode. He turned his head and looked at Li Ling: "This is a micro robot. There are a thousand micro robots in each test tube, basically Auxiliary detection robot, no attack power."

Li Ling opened her mouth slightly, a little surprised. She put down the transparent test tube in her hand, turned her head to look at the third small box, but was dissuaded by Xia Qi when she stretched out her hand just now.

"I advise you not to touch it," Xia Qi said in a leisurely voice. He walked to Li Ling's side, squatted beside her, and pointed at the four spherical objects in the third small box: "These three blue spherical objects It is a planet-level nuclear bomb, its energy is a million times that of ordinary nuclear bombs, and this white spherical object is a stellar-level nuclear bomb. Just one can detonate a star."

Li Ling withdrew his hand and was stunned: "...Is this kind of thing a little too casual?"

Xia Qi glanced at Li Ling: "No one would put this kind of thing in front of recruits, Li Ling, you are an exception."

"Should I say it's an honor?" Li Ling looked at the four spheres slightly larger than his head: "...we only have these four weapons?"

Xia Qi nodded: "Ordinary weapons are not as powerful as my actual combat power. Weapons with higher combat power than mine have great destructive power, so the Qin army simply chose the most powerful weapon for me to use. And the two By……"

"What's wrong with the two?"

Xia Qi: "Neither of these two things can be resisted by the body. If we want to use these two things, we must place them at the target location in advance, then escape, and then remotely control them to explode."

Li Ling nodded: "I understand...neither of these two can be used immediately. If they are used immediately, they will die together."

Hearing "We will die together", Xia Qi turned his head to look at Li Ling.

Under the white light of the battleship, the young girl's white and flawless face showed a layer of fluorescence that seemed invisible, and her beautiful facial features became a little more charming and charming when he didn't know it.In the slightly narrow two-person battleship, only two people breathed lightly.As far as the eye can see, there are the girl's alluring curves and fair skin. Xia Qi still remembers the smooth texture of every inch of the girl's skin, which makes people linger and love it. She seems to be sent down to the world specially by the heavens to test the hearts of men. witch.

Such a person who has been carefully crafted by the heavens, such a person who makes people want to be on top of their hearts, who would be willing to let her be hurt?What's more, the words "to die together"?
If God favors us, may we be able to quell the turmoil and stay together for the rest of our lives.If Xia Qi didn't have this luck, he also hoped that the person in front of him could return to her throne unscathed.

The war is close at hand, and the time at this moment is particularly precious.

Xia Qi raised his hand and pressed the button on the black glasses.

"How does Marshal turn off the battlefield video record—" The voice in his ear stopped abruptly, and Xia Qi also turned off the two functions on Li Ling's glasses.

Before Li Ling could react, Xia Qi hugged Li Ling and pressed her lips against hers: "Li Ling, I have learned the "Secrets of Dual Cultivation"..."

Li Ling's face exploded, she thought that Xia Qi's words before departure were just words: "...Are you serious?"

Xia Qi pressed against Li Ling's lips, and his breath was on Li Ling's face when he spoke: "It is urgent to improve the combat power."


A mechanical voice sounded from the driver's seat: "The target has been detected, are you approaching the target immediately?"

Xia Qi held Li Ling's lips and kissed them for a while, then pulled Li Ling up and sat in the driver's seat. He switched on the black glasses of the two of them: "It's time for Her Majesty the Queen to show her abilities."

The video recording function and the call function were connected again, but Qin Jun on the other end said nothing or raised any questions, as if he had guessed what was going on here.

Li Ling was completely out of shape after being kissed by Xia Qi.

Xia Qi: "I have found a lone low-level Zerg."

Li Ling understood that she needed to "open" the brains of the low-level Zerg and find out the specific address of the Zerg Queen.Li Ling nodded.

Xia Qi: "Sneak at a low speed and get close to the target."

(End of this chapter)

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