beauty bible

Chapter 566

Chapter 566


At the beginning, Xia Qi's thin face had a tinge of gray, but as time passed, the death-like gray on his face gradually dissipated, and Xia Qi's face gradually became more human.


Xia Qi raised his hand and stroked Li Ling's black hair: "Li Ling, you don't have to go to the Zerg lair this time."

Li Ling quickly turned around, facing Xia Qi: "I'm going. Besides, I can find the Zerg Queen's lair, so I should go!"

Xia Qi said decisively: "The Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company can cover signals in most areas of the universe. You only need to be here, use the Zerg here to find the address of the Zerg Queen, and then send a message to me. I believe that according to your This incredible ability allows you to tell me the location again even if the Zerg Queen changes her location."

Li Ling couldn't find any words to refute for a while.But this time, she made up her mind to go, how could she change easily.Li Ling looked at Xia Qi and said seriously: "I am a road idiot. If I find the address of the Zerg queen in the Zerg's brain, I can only point the way dryly, this direction, that direction, this way, Go there. I can't convert the address in the Zerg brain into a series of cosmic coordinates for you."

"...Don't make trouble!" Xia Qi rubbed the top of Li Ling's hair fiercely, his eyes helpless, and his tone was firm: "For tens of thousands of years, no one has been able to successfully kill the Queen of Zerg. How many geniuses have failed. Xia Qi dare not be arrogant, I will not be the strongest one in the past ten thousand years, nor will I be the smartest one in the past ten thousand years. This time, Xia Qi, please don't go "Li Ling, don't go."

Knowing that the previous "breakup" was a deception by Xia Qi, Li Ling still held back a breath of anger, and the accumulated anger in her heart had not completely dissipated.

With just a few words, the anger in Li Ling's chest was ignited.

She clearly knew that Xia Qi was worried about her, but her anger still gushed out.Li Ling sneered: "What? You can go? I can't go? Your Excellency the God of War of the pure race of humans, you are sure that you must be infinitely stronger than me. And as long as I pass by, I will become cannon fodder in seconds? Or Do you think that as long as I follow you by myself, I will become your burden, drag you down, and distract you, and my past is meaningless?!"

Xia Qi's eyes moved slightly.

Such a "breakup" eventually hurt Li Ling. She was more likely to put up edges and corners than before, and she wanted to use sarcastic remarks to defend herself and protect herself.

Xia Qi felt a slight pain in his heart, he approached Li Ling and put his arms around her.Perhaps, it will take some time between them to resolve the pain and edges in Li Ling's heart.

Xia Qi's heart was soft: "Don't be angry. It's all Xia Qi's fault. I'm just worried about your safety." Xia Qi put his head on Li Ling's shoulder, and said softly: "Li Ling, don't go, okay? It's dangerous."

When a person is angry, what he gets is not scolding, but a hug, and the anger will drop very quickly.

Li Ling let out a breath, the anger was no longer on his face, and his voice was calm and firm: "Xia Qi, let me tell you seriously. I am going to the Zerg frontline battlefield, not only because of you, but also because of the earth. You and I both know , This Zerg riot is because of me. If I can't take the lead in this matter and try my best, I will feel bad. I will be restless day and night, and I want to kill myself."

A long time ago, Aunt Qian died in front of Li Ling. Before she died, Aunt Qian told Li Ling not to take revenge.Li Ling couldn't do it.She made up her mind to take revenge, and in the end, Li Jingshu fell into the hands of Xiaochao who "died once".

At that time, Li Ling was sure that if she didn't choose to take the road of revenge, she wouldn't be able to make it through.

It's the same today. If she can't do her best for the earth in this matter, she won't be able to make it through.

A long time has passed since the time travel, and what happened during this period is even more ups and downs and unpredictable. Li Ling's strength and status have changed, and even her personality has also changed, but some things are still there. .

Just like this choice at this moment, she made up her mind, she was resolute, then, she would never change her decision because of anyone, even if that person was Xia Qi.

Xia Qi raised his head and looked into Li Ling's eyes: "Is there really nothing to talk about?"

Li Ling affirmed: "There is nothing to talk about."

"Okay, I understand." Xia Qi didn't try to persuade him any more.

(End of this chapter)

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