beauty bible

Chapter 552 1 The Entire Golden Forest City

Chapter 552 A whole Jinlin City

The snow-white houses are arranged in a circle around Jinlin City. They are neat and regular, just like rows of spectator seats around a large playground.

These houses are simple and practical, and are temporary residences prepared by the Soul Clan for the residents of Jinlin City.

Countless residents of Jinlin City stood in front of the small snow-white houses, looking at Jinlin City from a distance.

The residents didn't understand why the Queen of the Soul Body Clan wanted them to move out of Jinlin City, and they didn't understand what the Soul Body Clan would do to Jinlin City after Jinlin City was vacated.

Everyone was moved out of Jinlin City in an honest manner, and the residents received satisfactory compensation. The residents of Jinlin City believed in the goodwill of the Soul Clan, so when they looked in the direction of Jinlin City, there was not much fear in their eyes. Some, just unstoppable curiosity.

Under everyone's curious eyes, a fleet of luxurious speed cars flew slowly over and landed at the gate of Jinlin City.

The residents of Jinlin City suddenly called out to their companions in surprise, pointing to several people who got off the speeding car at the gate of Jinlin City.More people came out of the small snow-white houses and looked curiously to that side. Even the young woman holding the child walked out of the room and pointed out the differences over there to the child in her arms from a distance.

Under the eyes of the entire Jinlin City residents, a team of well-dressed blue guards alighted from the speeding car, and then Sima Zhen, the speaker of the Earth's Provisional Government, stood beside him, the well-known male star Shen on Earth. wave.

Most of the residents of Jinlin City are the people of the former Great Zhou Kingdom. Of course they know that the actor Shen Lang was once the general king in charge of the army, but most people are willing to look forward and regard these as history.

The last person to step off the speed car was a stunningly beautiful girl.She was wearing a simple red gauze dress, with a snow-white face and dazzling facial features.From a distance, the residents of Jinlin City could not clearly see her expression, but they were still deeply attracted by the extreme beauty revealed by that thin figure.

It's the queen of the soul body clan!

The appearance of the queen of the soul body tribe immediately caused an uproar among the crowds of onlookers.

The appearance of the Queen of the Soul Body Clan outside Jinlin City is an amazing thing, because for the people on Earth, the status of the Queen of the Soul Body Clan is too high and far away.But because of the previous order to clear Jinlin City, the Queen's appearance is also reasonable.

It seemed that after a few brief conversations, the interim speaker Sima Zhen, the actor Shen Lang, and the guards boarded the speed car again.The speeding car drove away and stopped in a suburb about ten miles away from Jinlin City.

Only the beautiful Queen of the Soul Clan remained at the gate of Jinlin City.

Looking from a distance, you can see that tiny dot, that beautiful, small body looking up at the tall Jinlin City wall.

A moment later, under the surprised eyes of all the residents of Jinlin City, the Queen of the Soul Clan slowly flew up, her body gradually rising into the sky, rising to the center of Jinlin City, and hovering in the sky.

A beautiful figure floated in mid-air, with long black hair dancing in the sky accompanied by a red gauze skirt, adding a charming and gentle temperament to that beautiful figure.Such a scene is like a heaven and a man descending, and a fairy descending to earth.

Some people in the crowd looked up at the beautiful scenery and were speechless, while others stood with their chests crossed and chatted with the people around them, talking about the figure of the Queen of the Soul Body Clan, so light and easy. After all, this is the strongest person in the world. The embodiment of the warrior's martial arts is also the display of the soul clan's mysterious and unpredictable abilities.

Just when everyone was looking at a point high in the sky, the person hovering under countless gazes made a move.

The girl hovering high in the sky looked down at Jinlin City. The girl stretched out a white wrist, and gently swiped the other hand, and immediately the bright red blood fell to the ground like running water.

The bright red blood slid down one after another, like a thin stream of water falling from a high altitude. After being accelerated by gravity, it slammed heavily on the ground of Jinlin City, and the bright red blood exploded on the ground. The blood mist was soon covered by the soil.

In a place where no one could see, a faint golden light slowly flashed through the drops of bright red blood, and the faint golden light sank deeply into the soil along with the blood that fell to the ground.

Sprinkle blood in Jinlin City?

What is this operation?
All the residents who were watching were surprised and confused.

Since the one flying high in the sky was the Queen of the Soul Body Clan, all the onlookers thought this move was extremely mysterious. If ordinary people had done this, they would have been regarded as crazy.

Such a mysterious move attracted the attention of all the onlookers. Everyone stared at Her Majesty the Queen in the sky. Only a few people covered their children's eyes and returned to their temporary rooms.

The bloodletting continues...

As the bright red blood continued to flow down, everyone couldn't help but have a bit of worry and a question in their hearts - can the Queen of the Soul Clan really support such continuous bloodletting?

Even if she is the Queen of the Soul Body Clan, there is a limit to the blood in her body, right?If all the blood is drained...can the Queen of the Soul Clan still live?
Just when everyone was looking at the girl in the sky, wondering when the bloodletting would stop, the sound of countless wings suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

In the forest on the outskirts of Jinlin City, thousands of flying birds suddenly took to the sky. They were densely packed in the air, as if they had discovered some invisible danger, and fled in all directions with Jinlin City as the center.

Everyone couldn't help being terrified, they were terrified, no one knew what was going to happen, but all the onlookers became tense.Even the warriors who had been with the old god before were staring blankly at the empty Jinlin City.

At this time, everyone was shocked to find that the entire Jinlin City was frozen as if something had pressed the "pause button"!
All the flags in Jinlin City, and even the cloth signboards of the shops along the street, seemed to be pulled down firmly by someone's hand, and they hung straight down without a slight movement.

This vision only lasted for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, an even more terrifying vision appeared!
"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom"

A series of dull and deep sounds sounded from the bottom of Jinlin City. The sound was like an earthquake, and like some giant beast in the earth was about to climb up from the ground!

"Look at—"

"Look over there—"

Following the horrified and inexplicable screams of the onlookers, everyone discovered that a huge crack gradually appeared around Jinlin City!

The cracks kept opening and expanding, as if they had carved out an unfathomable dark cliff on the smooth land.

The earth is cracking!
Amidst the huge roar, such a cracking of the earth continued for a long time. In the end, people were surprised to find that the entire huge crack was like a sharp knife, drawing a huge oval on the ground!
And this oval encompasses the entire Jinlin City!
The entire Jinlin City was "gouged out" from the earth by the queen of the soul clan in the sky!

At this moment, no one is speculating on martial arts on the high-altitude girl. Everyone believes in their hearts that the mysterious and powerful soul clan has abilities like gods and demons!

At this time, everyone discovered that the girl hovering high in the sky had stopped "sprinkling blood" and she kept flying higher.

The earth trembled and dust flew. The entire Jinlin City, together with the underground Jinlin City, and the deeper boulders and soil, were like an island rising from the ground, rising slowly.

Such an unbelievably horrifying scene shocked all the onlookers to their feet, staring blankly with their eyes wide open. The crowd of nearly one million people fell into a deathly silence.

It turns out that after clearing out the entire Jinlin City, the Queen of the Soul Clan did not intend to do anything to Jinlin City——

What she wants is the entire Golden Forest City!
(End of this chapter)

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