beauty bible

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Great Star United Nations, Haiyu Province, Fangzhu City, Guanshan Planet, No.12 District, Central Hospital Accident and Emergency Department.

"Ah..." Cang Xiaojun raised his head, opened his arms, closed his eyes and stretched.Then, while raising his hand and squeezing the left side of his neck and shoulder, he said to the nurse who took over: "Leave it to you, I'll get off work first."

The female nurse in white across from her nodded with a smile: "Okay, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

Cang Xiaojun took off his white nurse uniform, put it on his hand, and walked towards the nearest toilet.

It was completely dark, and outside the hospital window, the night sky was illuminated by the dots of lights.

The work in the emergency department of the hospital is always so busy, Cang Xiaojun let out a breath and shook his head.After graduating from medical school for two years and working in the emergency department of this hospital for more than a year, Cang Xiaojun felt a little confused under his calm face.

Really, from now on, I will spend my whole life in this hospital?
Cang Xiaojun took out an electronic cigarette from his trouser pocket, turned on the electronic cigarette switch, held the cigarette between his two fingers and put it into his mouth.Then, he raised his left hand and quickly tapped the dark blue bracelet on his left wrist with his right hand.

A small bead the size of a water drop on the earlobe flashed blue light, and a soft and familiar song rang in his ears.

Listening to the voice of the cosmic queen of the last century, Cang Xiaojun shook his head and smiled silently.Look, although he is only 36 years old, he is still young when the average life span of the universe is [-] years old, but he has already heard these old classics.

He seemed to remember that when he was really young and passionate, he was still listening to the dance music of the popular Spicy Chicken, but... he had been beaten too many times, and he knew that his physical fitness was too poor, and he would never be rich. When it comes to improving - his dream dies.

The dream is so far away that he can still think about it for a while before falling asleep, but the reality is that he is so ordinary every day.Get up, go to the hospital, go to work, get off work, day after day.Then, one day, he took the time to go to a noisy bar, find a woman he liked, and try to refresh his body.

Cang Xiaojun picked up the e-cigarette between his fingers, paused, then put the e-cigarette away and put it back in his pocket.He laughed softly, what's the use of thinking so much?It's better to go home early, lie down on the massage chair and massage your whole body.

Due to family inheritance, Cang Xiaojun's spine has one less bone than a normal purebred human. It is impossible for him to buy a bottle of genetic adjustment fluid to adjust his body to the optimal genetic state like rich people do. He can only buy Keep an inexpensive massage chair at home, and when your neck feels tired, use a massage chair to relieve it.

Compared with the busyness of the emergency room and the constant flow of people, the aisle to the toilet is very quiet, as quiet as the real night.

Cang Xiaojun turned a corner without haste, paused, and rushed forward in a few steps.

A girl who seemed to be a human race was lying on the ground, her clothes were stained with blood, her face was pale, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

When he first saw someone lying in the aisle, Cang Xiaojun thought it might be a family member who accompanied his family to the emergency room and fell to the ground due to emotional ups and downs or a hidden illness.

But when he squatted down, Cang Xiaojun was startled.

The girl's dress is extremely "non-mainstream".

This doesn't look like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl should dress up.It looks like an exotic costume in a film and television drama.

Out of professionalism, Cang Xiaojun didn't think too much.He stretched out his hand and quickly turned on the lighting function on the left bracelet, and a beam of light emitted from the bracelet.

Borrowing the light from the bracelet, Cang Xiaojun lifted the girl's eyelids and took a look.

"Alive..." Cang Xiaojun nodded his left bracelet.

A small water droplet next to the ear flashed yellow light, and a moment later, a voice came from the ear: "What's wrong? Xiaojun? Aren't you off work?"

"In the aisle of the emergency room, at the door of the men's toilet, there is a patient fainting, the situation is not very good, hurry up and push the bed!" Cang Xiaojun said quickly.

"it is good!"

The small bead next to the ear flashed yellow light again, and the call ended.

Cang Xiaojun began to check the girl's condition to make sure she was not injured, but the girl was in a mess and blood was still gushing out of her mouth intermittently.Either visceral disease, or chemical poisoning, or biological poisoning.

After half a minute, a white bed board hanging in mid-air floated over from the emergency room and appeared in front of Cang Xiaojun.

Cang Xiaojun picked up the girl and realized that the girl's body was really soft and light.Without thinking too much, he put the girl on the bed suspended in the air, then pushed the bed and walked quickly to the emergency room.

After entering the emergency room, another female nurse in white came over quickly: "Xiaojun, do you know this patient?"

Cang Xiaojun shook his head: "I don't know, I found it in the aisle."

The female nurse frowned, touched the girl's body, and quickly said, "Trouble, she doesn't have any contactor or identity information on her."

After finishing speaking, the female nurse took out a pen and put it on the girl's heart to probe.

"Beep - beep - beep -" a sharp chirping sound sounded from the tip of the black pen.

The female nurse and Cang Xiaojun looked at each other: "Are you critically ill?"

Cang Xiaojun looked at the girl's immature appearance: "Send it to the emergency room!"

The female nurse nodded, and together they pushed the girl into the small snow-white room.

The two of them exited the small room and stood outside the small room, looking at the girl's condition inside the transparent glass window.The female nurse held a small electronic screen in one hand, and took out an electronic pen, ready to record the girl's situation.

Inside the emergency room.

A robotic hand quickly pulled out a drop of blood from the girl's right ring finger, and then put it into the tester in the room.

Outside the emergency room, a mechanical sound sounded softly: "Haiyu Province, Fangzhu City, Guanshan Planet, medical institution emergency registration. Registration number, 8171112080001. Name, unknown. Gender, female. Race, pure race. Age, 16. Occupation, unknown. Residence, unknown. Contact information, unknown. Identity number, unknown. Allergens, 172 types. Blood type, No. 6 human blood type. Time of entering the emergency ward, cosmic calendar 62772 April 4 at 27:20 10 points."

The female nurse stopped recording with the electronic pen in her hand, she turned to look at Cang Xiaojun, both of them were a little shocked.

This girl’s blood was drawn for genetic testing—it turned out to be a gangster!

The Guanshan planet they are on is a very ordinary planet.There are tens of thousands of planets in the universe. On ordinary small planets like them, most people live by the rules. This kind of population whose birth cannot be identified is extremely rare.

"Beep——" the mechanical sound sounded quickly: "It is detected that the patient is critically ill, and the first aid mode has been switched to. It has been detected that the patient is not a universe-level death row prisoner, and meets the first aid requirements, and the first aid is started—"

The female nurse said softly: "A little girl at such a young age is actually a gangster. Xiaojun, tell me, did she just escape from those damn kidnappers?"

Cang Xiaojun shook his head, put one hand into his trouser pocket, and touched the electronic cigarette: "Impossible. If she was a trafficked human being, her parents would have sent her genetic information to the population department long ago... Now she A blood draw can’t reveal any identity, so she’s obviously not an ordinary trafficked girl.”

"Yeah, why did I forget!" The female nurse patted her forehead: "I have been working for seven years, and this is the first time I have encountered a patient whose identity cannot be detected by genetic testing... I am really dizzy. Tell me, what is she doing?" Who could it be?"

Cang Xiaojun looked at the frail girl in the ward, and shook his head: "I don't know. Maybe, I'll know when she wakes up."

In the small white ward, the mechanical hand placed a fist-sized instrument above the girl's heart.The instrument the size of a fist released a burst of red light, which shot straight at the girl's heart.

The mechanical voice sounded again: "The cell regeneration instrument has been activated. The patient's body contains four chemical poisons, namely chemical poison Q5080350, chemical poison A2709505, chemical poison B61059576, and chemical poison S6618012. The four antidotes are being produced—"

Not long after, a tiny needle pricked the girl's right wrist: "Inject the antidote..."

The female nurse looked at the line of data in the emergency room, turned her head and said to Cang Xiaojun, "Okay! I've been rescued! It may take a day or half a day to wake up naturally. Xiaojun, you are off work, go back first !”

Cang Xiaojun nodded, then turned to look at the girl in the emergency room.A girl who is only 16 years old, not because of a diseased internal organs, but because of chemical poisons in her body, is critically ill. This is definitely a girl full of stories.Cang Xiaojun turned his head and shrugged at the female nurse: "After all, I sent the person. When you go to work tomorrow, tell me about her ward, and I will go and see her."

The female nurse smiled and nodded: "Okay!"


The square steel buildings soaring into the sky, the smooth roads standing high in the air, and the translucent beams of light that intersect in the air.

Countless startling rays of light flashed in midair.

Standing in the middle of the road on the ground, a young man with a huge exploding head and only a thin ragged shirt around his lower body tried his best to hide the shock in his eyes, but the hand holding the sword had already had bruised veins.No one knew that the young man's expression was still calm at this time, but his heart was already tense to the extreme, and if there was a slight movement, he would violently draw his sword!

A topless young woman walked on the road wearing only a short green skirt. She had a perfect face and blond curly hair.The woman suddenly saw a young man dressed somewhat similarly to her in the middle of the road.

Bronze-colored skin, broad chest, beautiful abdominal muscles, perfect body curves, and that handsome face, peculiar temperament... This young woman felt that she was fascinated by this young man immediately!
The blond woman smiled and approached the young man: "Hi! A handsome guy with a sexy body! Good evening!"

The young man couldn't understand the woman's words. He twitched the corners of his mouth and was shocked when he saw the woman's exposed three breasts: "Human? Fairy? How ugly!"

The blond woman didn't understand the young man's words either. A smile flashed in her eyes, she approached the young man, and put a hand on his broad shoulder: "Handsome guy, which planet did you come from? The language is very special! Why did you forget to bring it when you went out?" Earphones? Without the translator in the earphones, it would be troublesome to do anything! You are so handsome, I will give you an earphone!"

As she spoke, the blond woman took out a petal-shaped bead the size of a rice grain, and quickly stuck it on the young man's earlobe.

The young man's expression moved slightly, but he didn't avoid it.Then, he suddenly understood the other party's words.

The blond woman hooked her hand at the young man and winked: "Handsome man, it's a long night, why don't you come and sit at my house?"

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the young man. He twitched the corners of his mouth and suddenly traveled to this strange world. He actually understood the words of this woman, and he also understood the hints of this woman!

The young man secretly cursed the eighteenth generation of that "god"'s ancestors while resisting the expression of disgust - Damn it!This woman has such a pretty face, but she actually has three breasts!too disgusting!

After a long time, the young man held back a sentence: "Okay!"

"Meow!" The palm-sized kitten sat on the young man's shoulder and let out a soft cry.

The blond woman laughed and raised her hand to touch the kitten, but the kitten avoided it.The blond woman didn't care, she just thought it was the right time to go shopping tonight, it was a perfect affair: "Handsome guy, my name is Wang Meimei, what's your name?"

The young man followed Wang Meimei's pace, while observing the strange scene around him, he said lightly, "I am Shen Lang."

(End of this chapter)

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