beauty bible

Chapter 534 I Know

Chapter 534 I Know

late at night.

Center Castle, Queen's bedroom.

After injecting the newly prepared potion into the body of God of War Xia Qi, the faces of the three royal doctors all looked better.

From the moment the attendant called the royal staff, an undercurrent hidden in the central castle drove most of the staff in the castle.

Busy but not chaotic, the atmosphere is tense but the action is orderly.

As staff members of the Soul Body Royal Family, dealing with emergencies is one of their key tasks.And these people can be selected into the royal family and become people close to Her Majesty the Queen. Each of them has unique abilities in their professional fields.

All the graduates of the Soul Body Clan know that as long as they are selected into the Royal Family and become one of the staff members of the Royal Family, if one day he resigns from the Royal Family, 90.00% of the jobs in the Soul Body Clan will welcome him.This is not just an honor, but more an affirmation of ability.

"The body temperature started to drop...the hormone level started to drop..." Looking at the data on the instrument, Dr. Su, the oldest of the three royal physicians, said.

Hearing this, everyone in the queen's bedroom looked better.

The wounds on the God of War Xia Qi looked terrible, but in fact they were extremely simple to treat.The cell regeneration device plus super nutrient solution can instantly repair the body's wounds.

What is difficult to solve is the strong aphrodisiac in his body.

The instrument detected that this was a new type of strong aphrodisiac, and the formula was extremely complicated.There is no suitable antidote in the imperial arsenal.

The Royal Physician took the blood of His Excellency the God of War and rushed it to the Medical Research Office, asking experts to prepare an antidote.And the three of them stayed by God of War's side, while giving God of War medicine to shield the consciousness of some parts of his body to relieve his pain, while monitoring his body data.

After waiting for nearly an hour, the research office finally sent the antidote.Now, as long as they can wait for the antidote to take effect and then confirm that the God of War recovers...

More importantly, everyone in the bedroom knew that the restoration of health on the God of War side meant that Her Majesty the Queen on the other side also recovered.

With a relaxed face, Dr. Su looked at Xia Qi and said directly, "There will be no assassins tonight."

Even if the three of them were just doctors, not police, they could easily tell that the various stab wounds on Ares' body were obviously made by him.

With the effect of the potion, Xia Qi's expression gradually calmed down. He sat up from the couch and nodded lightly.

After realizing that he had been tricked, and even the knife wound could not keep him awake, Xia Qi immediately began to think about the solution.

He was locked in the room, but he didn't lose all his strength.In other words, this medicine is going to turn him, Xia Qi, into an irrational, estrous beast that only acts on instinct.

Whenever any woman came in, he, Xia Qi, would be the wild beast that rushed towards him crazily.

In other words, in tonight's scene, he, Xia Qi, is the one who "takes the initiative".

In this case, as long as he does not have the ability to "take the initiative", then this matter will not be easy to accomplish.

It was impossible for Xia Qi to choose to swing his sword from the palace, so of course he could only decisively cut off his tendons and hamstrings, directly cutting off his "action ability".It's just that the medicine on his body was too domineering, Xia Qi was unconscious and couldn't even control his hands, so when he did it, he would inevitably act roughly and lose his aim.

If it was when he was sane, Xia Qi would never make a simple four or five knives so ugly.

Such a choice is not a panacea.

For example, the person who came tonight didn't want to ruin the future of Xia Qi and Li Ling, but to kill Xia Qi.

For another example, the person coming tonight is a real female deadpool. Even if she is faced with his "half-dead" appearance, she can still pounce on him. By then, Xia Qi's body will no longer be able to refuse.

Just because there is no perfect solution, one carelessness may result in death, Xia Qi tried his best to keep his sanity and hid the dagger well.If someone approached him, Xia Qi would most likely regard him as an assassin and kill him.

But it was Qu Niting who entered the queen's bedroom today. Qu Niting didn't have such a heavy taste, and she didn't dare to think about the God of War, so she didn't even know that she had been on the death list of the God of War once.

The faces of the three royal physicians were extremely moved, and Dr. Su was full of appreciation: "Your Majesty the God of War is really infatuated with His Majesty."

Xia Qi: "She's worth it."

The most important thing about Xia Qineng's actions is that he proposed to Li Ling tonight. At this moment, if he really had a relationship with someone else, even if Li Ling could still forgive him because he "can't help himself", Reluctantly staying with him.But such a incident will make Li Ling stick in his throat and remember it for the rest of his life.

Xia Qi absolutely cannot accept this.

Besides, Xia Qi hated what happened tonight.

After a while, Doctor Su smiled: "Okay, Your Excellency God of War's physical data is now normal."

Xia Qi: "Where is Li Ling?"

Doctor Su smiled: "Your Majesty is in the lounge closest to the banquet hall. Don't worry, Your Majesty must have recovered."

"I'll go and have a look." Xia Qi got up and left.

Dr. Su raised his hand and reminded: "Uh—Do you want to change your clothes, Your Excellency the God of War?"

Xia Qi stopped and looked down.The tattered suit was covered with congealed blood, as if he had just returned from the battlefield.

Dr. Su persuaded: "Your Excellency the God of War has lived on the battlefield for a long time, and he doesn't care about small details. I believe Her Majesty the Queen doesn't care about your attire. It's just that tonight is your birthday party, and there are guests attending the banquet in the central castle. If they see His Excellency the God of War like this, I'm afraid to be frightened."

Xia Qi nodded, went straight into the bathroom next to him, changed a set of clothes in a short time and left the Queen's bedroom.

Seeing God of War coming out of the room, the youngest royal physician couldn't help sighing: "God of War Xia Qi is God of War Xia Qi, this kind of medicine can still withstand it, normal people have long been full of ugly faces."

Dr. Su nodded: "Your Excellency God of War has amazing willpower, but what is even more amazing is his physical fitness. As doctors, we all understand that if the body is not strong enough, the will will not be able to defy the sky."

"That's true! His physical fitness should be able to withstand the effects of most medicines! Even if it is the kind of strong medicine that can't bear it, his body can last longer than ordinary people," the young doctor sighed enviously. After saying a word, he recalled the "comprehensive physical examination" for God of War just now, and smiled ambiguously, "Your Excellency God of War is not only strong in physical fitness, but also strong in everything."

Dr. Su coughed solemnly.

The young doctor immediately raised an index finger to his lips and made a "shh" motion, still smiling.


Xia Qi hurriedly walked, and soon arrived at the door of the lounge.

"Your Majesty the God of War." Wu Xiong, with empty eyes, saw the person coming, came to his senses, and saluted in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

Xia Qi stopped, he didn't look at Wu Xiong, but just looked straight at the door: "It was you who discovered Li Ling first?"

Wu Xiong lowered his head: "Yes."

Xia Qi opened the door, with a flat tone, but suddenly said three words without beginning or end: "I know."

Wu Xiong was startled, his mind flashed back to the way the God of War looked at him several times before, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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