beauty bible

Chapter 530 Li Ling, will you marry me?

Chapter 530 Li Ling, will you marry me?

Early in the morning, Wu Xiong hurried into the queen's office.

"Your Majesty, please watch this video." Wu Xiong opened his bracelet and clicked on a video to play.

"...At the beginning, I accidentally met Mr. Gu Jintian and let him know about my precious Tan Xiao. I never imagined that this Gu Jintian would be so inhuman that he would use my poor Tan Xiao as a bargaining chip!"

In the video, it is a public press conference scene.And the protagonists of this press conference are the parents of Tan Xiao, a little orc girl Li Ling met yesterday.

Tan Xiao's mother sat silently behind the long table, with her head half down, her face full of haggardness and powerlessness.

Tan Xiao's father rebuked loudly with an angry look on his face: "We have known about this for a long time. We hate Gu Jintian, a man with a human face and a beast heart, for taking advantage of Tan Xiao. We are grateful to His Majesty for his kindness in fulfilling Tan Xiao's wish. In order not to irritate Tan Laugh, even if Gu Jintian did more and more excessive, we did not expose his evil deeds. Now, my Tan Xiao is no longer... Hehe, I am standing here today to expose Gu Jintian. Evil deeds vent the hatred in my heart. I hope evil will be rewarded! I also hope that kind-hearted people will not be misunderstood."

Wu Xiong turned off the video and said in a low voice: "This morning, Tan Xiao's parents exposed Gu Jintian at the press conference. They have already exposed the reason why you and Gu Jintian became lovers in the first place, Your Majesty."

Li Ling touched his chin: "Gu Jintian can't wash it off..."

Wu Xiong: "Basically, everyone on the Internet now hopes to severely punish Gu Jintian."

Li Ling nodded: "When I broke up with Gu Jintian, I wanted to deal with him. But in order not to irritate Tan Xiao, I put this matter aside. Later, I was busy with the affairs of the teleportation company. I'm sorry for such a person. Now... it's time to deal with him."

Wu Xiong: "Yes."

Wu Xiong paused, and took a step closer to Li Ling: "Your Majesty, today's press conference was invited by Tan Xiao's parents to do it."

Li Ling recalled that Xia Qi went to find Tan Xiao's parents alone yesterday, and instantly understood.

It turned out that before Li Ling attacked Gu Jintian, before Gu Jintian provoked the relationship between Li Ling and Xia Qi, Xia Qi had already decided to engage Gu Jintian.

Simple, direct, and quick results.

According to Gu Jintian's current situation of being condemned by the whole people, even if Li Ling ignored him, someone would come to clean him up.

"Xia Qi moved so fast," Li Lingling sighed, and burst out laughing again: "Maybe, Xia Qi wants to wash off the 'little three halo' on his head earlier."

After this press conference, no one will talk about Li Ling and Xia Qi's "intervention" or "stepping on two boats" anymore.

At the same time, Gu Jintian also climbed to the top smoothly, becoming the No.1 hacker in the whole network that day.

Because of the stain on Gu Jintian's body, many netizens began to suspect that Gu Jintian's questioning of the queen was aimed at sowing discord.It not only provoked the relationship between Her Majesty the Queen and Your Excellency the God of War, but also provoked the public's trust in the Queen and God of War.

Netizens were in a hurry, and soon the direction of public opinion changed a lot.

The previous "living body travel technology" turmoil was calmed down by Li Ling's policy, and this time the "Gu Jintian" turmoil was quickly suppressed by Xia Qi's actions.

Li Ling narrowed his eyes slightly: "Two times of stirring up the wind and rain in a row didn't cause any real impact—I don't know if the person behind the scenes will continue to stir up trouble?"

Li Ling asked Wu Xiong to continue to investigate, and it would be best to find out who was behind the incident.Even if you can't catch him for a while, you should always pay attention to any troubles, lest the person behind the scenes always stir up troubles in the city.

But after several days, Wu Xiong still couldn't find any useful clues.

Li Ling has been staying in the central castle these days, probably because Li Ling has been working diligently in the queen's office, and the people behind the scenes have not found the right time to make small moves.

The person behind the scenes is "stable", and it is even more difficult to catch him out.

While Li Ling was busy with the affairs of the Teleportation Array Company, he also had to be on guard against another attack from the people behind the scenes. He continued to inject energy into the dark golden five-pointed star day after day, and even took a break from his busy schedule to summon Qu Ni Ting and Wu Yu into the central castle. Qu Niting chatted with her to relax.

Tomorrow's life is full, but Li Ling still secretly regrets that she didn't successfully throw Xia Qi down, she and Xia Qi still stopped in kissing and hugging, what a pity...

He was busy and didn't spend much time with Xia Qi, so Li Ling persuaded Xia Qi to go out of the central castle to have fun.But Xia Qi was very "quiet", he hardly went out, except to accompany Li Ling, Xia Qi's "entertainment" was actually "watching the battle report"!
Knowing Xia Qi's unique "entertainment activities", Li Ling hurriedly recommended Wu Yu to Xia Qi.Let Wu Yu use all the entertainment methods he can think of, and let Xia Qi have a good time.

Xia Qi: "..."

Wu Yu: "...Yes."

In a flash, it was late April, and Xia Qi's birthday party was coming soon. Li Ling thought to hurry up and make arrangements for the things at hand. After Xia Qi's birthday party was over, she would no longer be her "Queen of Hardworking".

Many parts of the matter of the Teleportation Array Company involve other countries and other races in the universe. At this level, there are many things that only the leaders of the country can make decisions and sign to take effect.When Li Ling sorts out this part, and the more complicated and trivial things are left, Li Ling is ready to leave it to the Congress and the teleportation company.

She should also take a good rest, adjust her state, and focus on throwing Xia Qi down.

Li Ling was busy with political affairs, so the royal staff naturally arranged for Xia Qi's birthday party.

The busy time flies by.

By the time Li Ling stopped what he was doing, it was already Xia Qi's birthday.

According to Xia Qi's request, the birthday party was grand and lively, just like the day Li Ling ascended the throne.

At night, the central castle is brightly lit and full of guests.

God of War Xia Qi's birthday party, in addition to members of Congress and high-level people from the soul body race, many pure-race humans and people from other races came to celebrate God of War's birthday.

Of course, Xia Qi's uncle and subordinates who live near the central castle, Qu Niting, Wu Yu, and even Jin Guangming who often come and go to the central castle also received the invitation.

Only one person is in bad spirits.

Seeing that the dinner party was about to start, the royal family staff also put on Li Ling's gowns early, making him look glamorous, but Li Ling waved away everyone and hid in a lounge with no blood on his face.

"It's only a little bit close..." Black, rich energy rolled and poured into the dark golden five-pointed star, but Li Ling's complexion was pale and looked weak.

Li Ling clearly felt that this dark golden five-pointed star was about to be "full".

Tonight is Xia Qi's birthday, but Li Ling has been thinking about it for many days and is really confused about what gift to give Xia Qi.

God of War Xia Qi, Crown Prince of the Great Star Kingdom, he doesn't lack anything at all!Think about what Xia Qi does most is to fight.But Xia Qi already had the weapons needed for the battle.Li Ling had seen Xia Qi's "Black Killing Gun", and the God of War Xia Qi's weapon was naturally extraordinary. Li Ling thought that it was impossible to make a weapon that was more suitable for Xia Qi than the Black Killing Gun in a short time.

After thinking about it, it seems that there is only this dark golden five-pointed star with excellent protection.

Li Ling scratched his head: "I don't know, Xia Qi will think that this gift of mine is a sham..."

"Tuk-tuk-tuk!" There was a knock on the door, and Wu Xiong leaned against the door and said softly, "Your Majesty, it's time for the dinner."

"I see, I'll come right away." Li Ling stopped the movements in her hands and calculated in her heart that the banquet is only starting now, and she will input energy later when she has time. She should finish it before the end of tonight, and then give it to Xia start.

Putting away the dark golden five-pointed star, Li Ling stood up, his eyes darkened, and he almost collapsed.

Holding the edge of the sofa, Li Ling slowed down, opened the door and walked out.

"Your Majesty?" Wu Xiong was startled, and quickly supported Li Ling, with deep worry in his eyes: "Your Majesty! What's wrong with you? What happened?"

Li Ling gave up and smiled weakly: "It's okay, I know my body well. It's just that I'm exhausted, and the energy in my body is temporarily empty. However, since I'm in the central castle with royal guards around, there shouldn't be any." When energy is used. By tomorrow morning, I will recover half or sixty percent."

Wu Xiong opened his mouth, he almost wanted to ask—Your Majesty, why do you consume too much energy?
But in the end, Wu Xiong still took a deep breath, bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, to celebrate the birthday of the God of War tonight, there are a lot of people coming. If there are more people, there will be a little more risk. Besides, this time, there are many people coming They are all people from other races and countries. Your Majesty, I will go to the guards to rearrange the staff and make them more alert."

Li Ling nodded in agreement.

Seeing Wu Xiong walking away, Li Ling straightened her hair, looked at her red silk dress, and walked towards the main banquet hall with a smile.

As Li Ling moved forward, her complexion slowly recovered.

Countless wall lamps illuminated the entire castle brightly. Under such bright white light, the remaining paleness on Li Ling's face could not be seen.

On the way, Li Ling accidentally met Xia Qi's uncle, Admiral Xia Hai.

Admiral Xia Hai seemed to be walking in a hurry, and he bumped into Li Ling directly in his haste!
"Ah! Sorry! Your Majesty, I didn't do it on purpose." Xia Hai hurriedly stepped back.

Li Ling frowned slightly, since the last time he talked with Xia Hai, Li Ling didn't have a good impression of Xia Hai.Goodbye at this moment, Li Ling just felt a little embarrassed, she didn't say much, just nodded her head as a greeting, she left Xia Hai alone and left.

At the gate of the banquet, Li Ling saw Xia Qi waiting there.

Today's Xia Qi actually changed out of the black clothes he had been wearing in the past.He was wearing a formal suit, a dark blue suit, tie, and an inch shirt. He was tall and charming.

Li Ling approached him with a smile: "Xia Qi, you are so handsome that you will fascinate all the men and women at the ball."

Xia Qi took Li Ling's hand and looked at her sideways, with amazement in his eyes, and his voice seemed to be a different person: "You are the one who is astonished."

Li Ling bumped into Xia Qi's shoulder and smiled: "Praise each other?"

Xia Qi laughed and was about to drag Li Ling into the banquet hall.Li Ling took Xia Qi's hand, stood on tiptoe and kissed Xia Qi's cheek lightly: "Happy birthday, Xia Qi."

Xia Qi lowered his head and smiled: "Thank you. Today is Xia Qi's birthday, the oldest birthday?"

"The birthday star is the biggest." Li Ling nodded affirmatively.

Xia Qi looked at Li Ling with a smile: "Then don't refuse me tonight."

"..." Li Ling was stunned for a second, thinking of throwing Xia Qi down on a conditioned reflex in his mind, and then quickly remembered that Xia Qi asked her "Is it okay" on the bed that day.

Li Ling's cheeks flew into the double glow, and Xia Qi dragged her into the banquet hall.

The attendant opened the door of the banquet hall, and another attendant shouted loudly: "Her Majesty the Queen has arrived—His Excellency God of War has arrived—"

With these two sounds, the crowd in the lively banquet automatically separated, making way for the two of them.

This God of War's birthday party was indeed extremely grand, so grand that there were more people than Li Ling's enthronement party.The banquet hall of the central castle of the Soul Body Clan is huge, but at this moment, there are people standing in almost every corner, and there are a lot of guests.

After being led by Xia Qi and walking into the center of the banquet hall, Li Ling suddenly realized - is she too sexy? !Could it be that Xia Qi had other ideas when he said "no rejection"?
When standing in the middle of the banquet hall with Xia Qi, Li Ling had just gathered up her running thoughts, but the two smears of red on her face remained on her white and tender face.

Standing in the middle of countless people, Xia Qi, the god of war in formal attire, had a strange charm on him, as if the light of the entire banquet hall was shining on him alone, and his perfect face appeared under the slender light. Like a god.

There was a light in Xia Qi's eyes: "Thank you all for coming to my birthday banquet."

Everyone in the banquet raised their glasses to the God of War flattered.Of course they didn't raise their glasses for this sentence. They were flattered that in the past, God of War Xia Qi always had a cold face in public, but at this moment, God of War was really smiling at everyone in the banquet.

"I want a big birthday party because I want to do one thing—"

Xia Qi turned around abruptly, landed on one knee, and looked up at Li Ling who was full of surprise.He took out a small document from his body and handed it to Li Ling: "Your Majesty, Xia Qi wants to spend the rest of his life with His Majesty, and Xia Qi wants to be with His Majesty forever."

"Li Ling, will you marry me?"

(End of this chapter)

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