beauty bible

Chapter 528 Busy

Chapter 528 Busy

The five people in the conference room all approved of Jin Guangming's personality setting for Her Majesty the Queen.

Du Meng thought for a moment: "I collected some materials. Living body time travel technology, assassination case, Congressman Gu Jintian, the first hospital of the Soul Tribe, enthronement ceremony, Father God's will, 'Insect Killing Prince', live video, Earth... President Jin, in your opinion, which of these materials are considered safe and can be used directly?"

Jin Guangming thought for a moment: "Is it necessary to seek the opinions of the parties or guardians about the First Hospital?"

Du Meng looked at Jin Guangming with a smile: "This kind of thing will trouble President Jin."

"No problem," Jin Guangming nodded, and looked at Lu Tu again: "As for the will of the Father God... what does Director Lu think of this material?"

Lu Tu pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "I don't need this material."

Jin Guangming immediately looked at Du Meng with a smile, "Listen to director Lu Da."

Dumont nodded.

"Also," Jin Guangming was a little embarrassed: "Live video and the earth... It's best not to use this material."

Du Meng was stunned: "Why? These two involve the reason for the first acquaintance between Her Majesty the Queen and Your Excellency the God of War. If this material is not used, the authenticity will be greatly reduced."

Jin Guangming was silent for a while: "I have news. After the Congress established the Teleportation Array Company, it wrote to Her Majesty the Queen, recommending that the net profits from the 'living body travel technology' be distributed according to a certain proportion. One percent will be used for the operation of the Teleportation Array Company. , [-]% of the profits go to the earth, and [-]% of the profits go to the Queen’s private account.”

"Hiss..." Qu Niting took a deep breath: "[-]% profit from the living body travel technology... Your Majesty is really generous to the earth!"

Everyone knows that "living body traversal technology" will be a long-term profitable technology.Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years... This technology will continuously export wealth.

What's more, the one-year profit of this technology alone is an unimaginable astronomical figure.

Jin Guangming glanced at the crowd: "Your Majesty has denied it."

Without waiting for the people in the conference room to speak, Jin Guangming took a deep breath and said directly: "Your Majesty proposed a new distribution rule. One percent is used for the operation of the teleportation company, 5.00% is given to the people on earth, and the rest goes to the soul National treasury."

"..." The five people in the conference room all opened their eyes wide, and even the calm director Lu Tu looked shocked.

Jin Guangming slowly exhaled: "You can't believe it! 5.00% profit! 5.00% profit! The earth is going to rain gold from the sky! In the next tens of thousands of years!"

The five people in the conference room were speechless, all digesting the amazing news in Jin Guangming's words.

Although the soul body clan lives in a small corner of the universe, it is also a big country with countless galaxies.

And what about the earth?It's just one planet!
If a single planet can get 5.00% of the pure profit of the living body travel technology, it is conceivable that in the future, everyone on the earth will be born bathed in money.

Qu Niting's tone was full of horror: "...This is no longer a worry-free life! Is this an upstart of the entire planet?!"

Jin Guangming lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Not only! Few people know that Congress has moved most of the high-tech companies in the family to Earth and opened branches. Moreover, the royal family has selected countless top talents to set up colleges on Earth. It's..."

The other five people looked at each other and said nothing.

If this topic continues, it seems as if they are discussing some deep secrets in Her Majesty's heart.

Qu Niting looked at Jin Guangming, and said strangely: "Boss, your news... is so well-informed!"

Some of the news that Jin Guangming revealed in this meeting room can be found out after careful investigation, while some are obviously things that only members of the Congress of the Soul Body Clan and royal staff can get in touch with...

Jin Guangming gave Qu Niting a sideways look: "Of course! You are my boss for nothing. When you come out to mess around, you don't have a lot of brushes. How did you gather you here?"

With a chuckle, Jin Guangming touched his slightly protruding belly proudly: "I also have a few brushes in my stomach!"

Qu Niting burst out laughing.A smile appeared on Wu Yu's face.

Jin Guangming knocked on the long table: "Anyway... I don't know the specific attitude of Her Majesty the Queen towards the earth. Therefore, I dare not take this material lightly. Qu Niting."

Qu Niting blinked.

Jin Guangming smiled and said, "Empress Qu Ying, it's up to you next. We can make this movie as deep as you can dig into the queen. Whether the material of the earth can be used or not depends on you." Check with Her Majesty the Queen."

"Me?" Qu Niting pointed at herself. When she saw everyone in the conference hall looking at her, with an expression like "You know Her Majesty the Queen, who can I rely on if you don't rely on me?", she twitched the corner of her mouth and smiled dryly: "... ...Hehe, I will try my best. When the time comes, it will depend on the situation, and I will ask if I want to."

Jin Guangming nodded: "Adapt to circumstances, adapt to circumstances. Her Majesty the Queen is extremely kind."

Qu Niting once again felt the feeling of being pulled onto the pirate ship by Jin Guangming, and secretly rolled her eyes.

"Teacher Du, Director Lu, do you have any ideas to discuss?" Jin Guangming asked.

Lu Tu's old god is here: "It's boring."

Du Meng is the most cooperative person in the meeting: "After Quying, let's confirm His Majesty's safety line! We will discuss it in a meeting at that time. I will continue to sort out the material and main line. Just change it when the time comes."

Jin Guangming nodded: "Then today's meeting will be like this first. Queen Quying, His Majesty has been busy with the living body travel technology recently, and is busy signing various documents. When there is news from the royal family, you and Wu Yu go."

Qu Niting and Wu Yu nodded.

Whether on the surface or privately, the "living body traversal technology" is indeed going very smoothly throughout the universe.Perhaps it was because Her Majesty the Queen had been busy with this matter, and the royal family had not contacted Qu Ni Ting and Wu Yu for a long time.

At the beginning of April, Qu Niting and Wu Yu finally received the invitation from the royal family. The two hurriedly packed their clothes, and hurried into the central castle in the royal flying car.

As soon as they arrived at the central castle, the two saw Her Majesty the Queen in a black dress.

The silk black dress is simple and elegant. Against the contrast of the black dress, the girl's skin looks white, as if her whole body is shining.

God of War Xia Qi walked beside the girl, still handsome enough to make people tremble.

Qu Niting and Wu Yu looked at each other, and they both saw the difference in this interview.

God of War Xia Qi still had that cold look on his face, and no change could be seen.But Her Majesty the Queen also suppressed the smile on her face and pursed her lips slightly.At the same time, Her Majesty's captain of the bodyguard was leading two columns of bodyguards standing on both sides of the queen and the God of War Xia Qi.

It looked like he was about to go out.

Qu Niting and Wu Yu put away their smiling faces with great winking, and went up to salute with serious faces.

Her Majesty's soft voice seemed to be with a sigh: "I've been busy recently, so I can't spare the time to invite you. I have something to do today, so I deliberately spared the time. Since you are here to get to know me and Xia Qi, then It’s more real to be a part of our journey directly.”

Qu Niting and Wu Yu naturally expressed that they both listened to His Majesty's arrangements.

God of War Xia Qi took the queen's hand: "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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