beauty bible

Chapter 526

Chapter 526
Immediately after the day's congressional meeting ended, hundreds of congressmen led the entire soul body group to exercise.

All the forces in the universe were also awakened by this powerful movement.

The technology of living body travel is like a pebble thrown into a calm lake surface, causing ripples to spread rapidly. Then, the water waves continue to spread and collide, eventually affecting the entire lake and affecting the trajectory of every drop of water.

At the same time, on the noisy and messy Internet, all formal and informal news media have unified their caliber and guided the direction of public opinion.

"Technology from the future is about to come into reality!"

"The time travel scene that we have fantasized about for thousands of years has already been staged in reality!"

"This time, it is no longer the pure-bred human race that leads the entire universe to the future, but the soul-body race!"

"The industry is in shock! When the living body time travel technology really enters life, how many jobs will disappear."

"In the blink of an eye, the interstellar world! Show you the real time travel!"

A piece of eye-catching news appeared on the Internet like snowflakes falling, covering the noisy voices of the previous two days.

All netizens who care about the "living body traversal technology" immediately clicked on the news page with various moods.

This time, what appeared on the news was no longer gossip.Rather, real, official news certified by the Soul Body Clan Royal Family and the Soul Body Clan Propaganda Department.

The living body travel technology that caused a lot of commotion on the Internet two days ago has been proven to be real!Moreover, the Soul Body Tribe has officially announced that it will begin to implement living body time travel technology in the next few months!
And on the Internet, there is already a demonstration video of the "real person time travel" of the living body time travel technology!

In the video, one staff member after another walked into a small, simple room, and in the next second, they appeared on another planet!
The time travel in this video is safe, fast, and convenient, just like a scene in a movie!
But it's all real!
for real!Verified!The real version of "time travel" really appeared in front of everyone's eyes, which almost shocked everyone's eyes and left countless people stunned and speechless.

When people came back to their senses, they couldn't help searching for the policies of the Soul Body Clan.

After everyone saw the public policies one after another, their eyes widened slowly, or they suddenly realized, or slowly relaxed their tense nerves, and slowly exhaled.

The official document released by the Soul Body Clan comprehensively analyzed the implementation policies of the "living body traversal technology" one by one.

First, in the military field.

The soul body group has the exclusive right to operate and use the living body traversal technology.However, as long as it is on the front line of the military battlefield, as a military alliance in the universe, all intelligent races can use the living body traversal technology for free. (including all military items such as logistics)
Second, in the commercial field.

The soul and body race will independently set up a company and cooperate with all transportation companies to place the use of living body travel technology at stations, aircraft stations, ports, spaceships, etc., as a new option for all intelligent races to travel.

Among them, taking into account social stability factors, the price of each "crossing" of the living body traversing technology will be 100 to [-] times that of other transportation methods with the same distance.Every [-] years, the price of "crossing" will be adjusted according to the price reduction.

Among them, in emergency situations, such as medical first aid, disaster first aid, police first aid, and all such situations that endanger the lives of intelligent races, "traveling" is completely free.

Thirdly, the soul body race will uphold an open and fair attitude, and negotiate with all countries and races in the universe on the cooperation of living body time travel technology.



When all netizens have seen the first and second policies clearly, the next third, fourth, fifth... to N policies have become less noticeable.

Everyone knows the policy of the Soul Body Clan—to turn the "traveling" of "living body time travel technology" into a "luxury" enjoyed by the rich!
Under the same distance, the price of "crossing" once by the living body traversing technology is a hundred times that of other transportation methods!Even ten thousand times!
As a result, [-]% of ordinary civilians will not choose "traveling" as their daily travel method, and all other transportation methods will have a decline in profitability, but it is definitely not a major blow to the extent that the industry is depressed.

Moreover, what does it mean to place the place of "crossing" in the place of transportation?Ordinary civilians have one more travel option?

No!This means that the soul body group is willing to share part of the profits of the "living body travel technology" to all transportation companies.This is enough to make up for the loss of the transportation industry.

As for a hundred years later, the price of "time travel" will be lowered——

For a real bigwig in the financial circle, it only takes ten years to withdraw most of his assets from the original field and invest in other more profitable industries.

These 100 years are not for big bosses with resources, but for ordinary people.

100 years is enough for several groups of people in the transportation industry to retire safely, enough for the next generation of children to know that the future of the "transportation industry" is not clear, and they don't have to choose related majors when they study.

In 100 years, it is enough for the market to independently adjust the new proportion of various travel modes.

And these two policies immediately aroused the enthusiasm of all netizens for discussion.

Some netizens commented: "... a hundred times! Or ten thousand times the price! I suspect that their cost is only [-] soul body coins, and then one day, no, one or two 'traversal' can recover the cost. What the hell? It's huge profits! It's basically robbery!"

Such comments were immediately endorsed by countless netizens: "The high-tech products are amazing! They are eye-catching! They are amazing! It's a pity...they will always be the exclusive benefits of the rich!"

Many netizens objected: "... What else do you want upstairs? This frightening living body time travel technology has been researched! Can you still stuff it back into the stomach of God? Let all the elite researchers Decades, hundreds of years of painstaking efforts were in vain?! Or, do you want to make 'time travel' a civilian business that everyone can use? Then, everyone will lose their jobs and drink nutrient solution every day..."

There are not a few people who agree with this point of view: "Even if the 'living body travel technology' is a money-grabbing technology, I would rather it be a money-robbing technology than stealing my job and making me unemployed..."

After the real policy was introduced, there were countless supporters and opponents on the Internet.

Supporters and opponents have made numerous discussions from their respective perspectives.Such an attitude of discussing and fighting has changed the previous one-sided attitude of opposing and resisting the living body time travel technology.

Among them, some netizens also carefully analyzed the reasons why the Soul Body Clan introduced this model.

"This is an operation mode that kills multiple birds with one stone. According to this implementation mode, one, the soul and body clan can still make a lot of money. Two, the rich have an extra fast and convenient means of transportation. Three, even though ordinary people have no money Using this luxury mode of transportation, at least it does not affect the existing market and employment, and it also has an additional chance to save lives. Fourth, all intelligent races in the universe will be much more relaxed on the frontline battlefield. Fifth, financial leaders with resources in their hands You can have time to transfer assets, or directly press the future profit method on the living body traversing technology..."

"Such an operation mode, of course, there will be groups that lose out, but it is obvious that under this policy, a great interest group is taken care of. The interests of the group are huge, and the implementation of this policy will give the green light all the way, and it will be much smoother. Everyone wait Well, the popularization of 'time travel' in the universe is not far away..."

"Although I don't know, whether such a policy was suggested by the members of the Congress of the Soul Body Race and then adopted by Her Majesty the Queen; Whichever it is, I have to say, Her Majesty is worthy of her throne!"

"According to the epoch-making scientific and technological revolution of the living body travel technology, once the soul-body race can be successfully implemented in the whole universe (considering the current mild and slow policy, I think the prospects are extremely bright), then this young Her Majesty the Queen With the great achievements that shine in the annals of history, even if she does nothing in the next few hundred years and lies down as a queen, this achievement is enough to make her one of the queens with the greatest achievements in the history of the soul body clan."

Many netizens also began to reflect on their previous remarks, and began to truly agree with the young Queen of the Soul Body Race who enthroned.

For the policy of free use in the "military field" and "emergency situations", all netizens praised and even sang praises.

Many netizens made similar comments: "Face slaps! I really didn't expect Her Majesty the Queen of the Soul Body Race to implement such a policy of benefiting the people. The military field and the people's livelihood are all free of charge in emergencies. Such a policy, such a face slap , I am willing to come a few more! Support Her Majesty the Queen! From now on, I will become a fan! A fan for a lifetime! May Your Majesty the God of War and Your Majesty the Queen grow old together!"

"Seeing such a policy of benefiting the people, let me worship Her Majesty the Queen! Since my cheeks are flushed, Her Majesty the Queen atones for my sins! You and Your Majesty the God of War are a perfect match!"

"I promise that I will never doubt Your Majesty's eyesight, and I will never doubt Her Majesty's character anymore! Your Majesty's eyes are discerning, and I was blind to see Her Majesty's beautiful heart when Her Majesty was young." !"

"Her Majesty can make such a policy of benefiting the people and save the lives of countless people! Such a feat, even if it is to make the biggest statue for Her Majesty, it is not an exaggeration for people to worship every day..."

Who doesn't have a sick time?

No one can tell for sure when I am only a few 10 minutes away from the life-saving time.Therefore, several free policies in Li Ling's policy almost immediately established her Guangwei Zheng image among netizens in the universe.

Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.Saving tens of thousands of lives and gaining the recognition and respect of thousands of people is a matter of course.

(End of this chapter)

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