beauty bible

Chapter 522

Chapter 522

"Your Majesty!" Wu Xiong stopped Li Ling again.

Li Ling took a breath, and when he looked at Wu Xiong again, he couldn't help but feel a little irritated.

"Wu Xiong never imagined that Your Majesty the God of War would give His Majesty the technology of living body time travel," Wu Xiong put away the surprise in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty the God of War has a noble character and is beyond reproach. But Your Majesty, have you ever thought about it?" Is it His Majesty of the Great Star Kingdom?"

Li Ling was dumbfounded.

Seeing that the queen was finally stopped by his own words, Wu Xiong didn't have any happy expression on his face, only seriousness: "Your Majesty of the Great Star Kingdom, he is not the God of War Xia Qi, but he is the father of the God of War Xia Qi. If It was him! It was he who asked His Excellency God of War to get involved in the technology of living body time travel, are you sure, Your Majesty, that God of War can remain unwavering?"

Li Ling opened his mouth, looked at Wu Xiong's sharp eyes, and then slowly closed his mouth.

As early as the last congress, Li Ling had already set a course on the living body travel technology in her heart. This time the storm of public opinion did not change her mind.

It's just... Li Ling is a novice in politics after all, and all her knowledge about this aspect comes from the former queen and Xia Qi.Li Ling was closer to Xia Qi in his heart, so when he had an idea, Li Ling wanted to go to Xia Qi and tell Xia Qi what he thought.

Li Ling didn't think about going to Xia Qi for a solution.

She just wanted to tell Xia Qi what she thought.Just like a student who came up with a solution to a problem and wanted to go to his closest teacher for confirmation and peace of mind.

Wu Xiong misunderstood why she was looking for Xia Qi.

But Wu Xiong's question made Li Ling hesitate again.

The question from the past resurfaced in Li Ling's mind again - after the spaceship of the soul body clan entered the territory of the soul body clan, Xia Qi's spaceship stopped chasing it, why?
Xia Qi can easily give up the benefits he got for her, but he can't endanger the diplomatic relations between the two countries for her?
Li Ling in the past could understand this, but felt powerless.

Now that Li Ling, who has really sat on the throne of queen, looks at this point, she feels more understanding.

Li Ling didn't dare to say that if she really shouldered the responsibility and got involved in the interests of a country and a family, she would make a choice in the face of a loved one and the burden of a family and country.

Nothing is imminent, and Li Ling dare not easily say what choice he will make.

At this moment, Li Ling believed in Xia Qi.

However, Wu Xiong's words were cold and realistic, which made Li Ling hesitate - should she always keep a distance from Xia Qi in these matters?
Today, tomorrow, this year, next year, in this life, when talking about the Soul Body Clan and the Great Star Kingdom, she should keep a distance from Xia Qi, and never say a word about it?
Maybe it's right, maybe it's wrong.

Maybe Xia Qi can really do it. In this life, he will always do business and private matters.

But Li Ling is not Xia Qi, Li Ling is not sure - can he really do it?
Ten or 20 years, can you really bear not discussing a word with Xia Qi?
Life is so long, all the hardships and joys, to avoid the one you love, can't share a word with them? !
Is this a distinction between public and private?Or have you lost the truth and warmth in getting along with others?
Stopping at Wu Xiong and stopping Wu Xiong from following, Li Ling opened the bedroom door and walked to Xia Qi's bedroom alone.

She still believed in Xia Qi.

She still wanted to talk to Xia Qi and share every detail of her life unscrupulously. She didn't believe that Xia Qi would make any suggestions that she couldn't see and would benefit the Great Star Country.

Xia Qi is her boyfriend.

She still wants to be with him for a long time.

Today she held back and said nothing to Xia Qi.What about tomorrow?

Unless both of them resign and quit, otherwise, it is impossible for them to really not talk about these things after getting along for a long time.

How close can they be if they really put away all the official business and troubles in the topic?

Li Ling hurriedly walked towards Xia Qi's bedroom, but met someone on the way.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a military uniform of the Great Star Kingdom and a beard.

Li Ling knew him, he was Xia Qi's uncle, Admiral Xia Hai.

These days, Li Ling and Xia Qi have been getting along intimately in the castle, and this Admiral Xia often goes in and out of the central castle, enters the interrogation room, and interrogates the assassin girl Xiao Ai.

Xia Qi didn't specifically introduce the two of them, and Li Ling didn't have any impression of Admiral Xia Hai, only knowing that he was Xia Qi's uncle.

Xia Hai smiled and saluted Li Ling: "See Her Majesty the Queen."

"No need to be polite," Li Ling forced a smile on his anxious face: "Admiral Xia Hai, are you looking for Xia Qi?"

"No, I'm here to find Her Majesty the Queen." Xia Hai looked at Li Ling with a smile.

Li Ling was slightly surprised, but she nodded quickly.

The attendant led the two of them to sit down in the nearest small living room.

Xia Hai took a sip of strong tea, put the small white porcelain cup on the table, and looked at Li Ling with a smile: "If Her Majesty the Queen likes Xia Hai, you can call me uncle."

Li Ling was a little surprised and a little ashamed.She is not a sweet-mouthed person, and Li Ling couldn't help but suddenly call a stranger such a title.She lowered her head, pursed her lips, a little embarrassed: "... Xia Qi and I haven't..."

A trace of dissatisfaction quickly flashed across Xia Hai's eyes, he put away the smile on his face, his face became serious, and his words took on a stern tone: "Your Majesty, Xia Hai came to see Her Majesty this time because he has something to remind Her Majesty. .”

For some reason, hearing Xia Hai's tone, Li Ling actually remembered the way Li Jingjing's father Li Xuanming spoke.

Li Ling frowned: "Please tell me."

"The matter of living body time travel technology is well known on the Internet, and I know it too," Xia Hai sighed, and said in a deep voice: "Not only that, His Majesty Xia Jing and I both know that Xia Qi has been to that place. Small planet."

Li Ling looked like he was listening carefully.

Xia Hai sighed again, and shook his head: "Hey! This kid Xia Qi! In this matter, he actually gave up the living body time travel technology to your Majesty!" Xia Hai looked at Li Ling's expression: "This one As an uncle, I have nothing to say, but His Majesty Xia Jing must be furious! Maybe, Xia Qi is talking to His Majesty Xia Jing right now, and is reprimanded by His Majesty Xia Jing!"

Li Ling lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "I know..."

Xia Hai smiled: "Your Majesty, because of this matter, Xia Qi is caught between you and His Majesty Xia Jing. It must be difficult to choose. That child Xia Qi is probably struggling with what to say to you."

Li Ling asked gently: "What did you say?"

Xia Hai opened his eyes wide, and said as a matter of course: "His Majesty Xia Jing must want Xia Qi to discuss the living body travel technology with Her Majesty the Queen. This technology involves such huge benefits, as long as Her Majesty the Queen is willing to give some of the benefits to the Great Star Kingdom for Xia Qi's sake." , His Majesty Xia Jing must be very happy, and Xia Qi will not have to be in a dilemma."

Li Ling frowned desperately, his tangled mind ached.

In the past interactions, Xia Qi never mentioned sharing the benefits of living body travel technology.

But now, Xia Qi's uncle Xia Hai told Li Ling that because of her relationship with Xia Qi, she should share the benefits of the living body travel technology with the Great Star Kingdom, so as not to embarrass Xia Qi.

Li Ling clearly felt that there was something wrong with Xia Hai's logic, but he couldn't think of a rebuttal for a while.

Xia Hai looked at Li Ling with a smile, and said in a persuasive tone: "Your Majesty, don't you like Xia Qi? Don't you love Xia Qi? If you really love Xia Qi very much, how can you be willing to part with him and Xia Qi?" A estrangement has arisen between His Majesty Jing and his son?"

Xia Hai pressed every sentence, and a word flashed in Li Ling's mind - moral kidnapping.

Kidnapping with emotion is different from moral kidnapping, but the meaning is similar.

Because she loves Xia Qi, she should unconditionally transfer the interests of the Soul Body Clan to the Great Star Country.

After figuring this out, Li Ling calmed down and refused lightly: "I traded the living body travel technology with the people on Earth. Now the transaction has been established, and the living body travel technology belongs to the soul body clan. If I need to make a profit, I will Let the profits go to the people on Earth, not the Great Star Country."

"You—" Xia Hai was a little shocked by Li Ling's direct refusal. He seemed to have never imagined that the young queen could calmly face the situation of her sweetheart and completely ignore it.

Xia Hai stood up abruptly, as if realizing that his actions were extremely disrespectful, Xia Hai took a deep breath and squeezed out a smile: "...Since Her Majesty the Queen has made a decision, I, an outsider, naturally have no right to question it. Farewell .”

Xia Hai got up to leave, glared at Li Ling behind her back, and left behind.

"Your Majesty, if you speak in such a high-sounding manner, I'm don't love that idiot Xia Qi enough at all!"

"Boom!" There was a sound of closing the door, but Li Ling was startled and trembled, and his face paled.

(End of this chapter)

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