beauty bible

Chapter 519

Chapter 519
A live broadcast, coupled with the exposure of God of War Xia Qi's online account, directly pushed the Queen of the Soul Body Clan and God of War Xia Qi to the hottest news, and news about the two of them emerged overwhelmingly.

"The God of War, Xia Qi, and the Queen of the Soul Body Clan met because of a reward from the live broadcast?!"

"In love, is it actually the young Queen of the Soul Body Clan who is more active?"

"God of War collapsed? The real God of War Xia Qi turned out to be such a person!"

"Shocking! The online account of God of War Xia Qi has been exposed!"

"When Gu Jintian was still the boyfriend of the Queen of the Soul Clan, the God of War Xia Qi had already intervened between them?"

Eye-catching news headlines kept popping up, and countless news media made a 360-degree interpretation of the two, which really gave the netizens in the universe a lot of gossip.

The entire universe seems to be witnessing a fairy tale of a "Prince and Princess" with top-level configuration. However, just as everyone was laughing and laughing at this light-hearted entertainment news, another blockbuster bombarded It went online, blowing all the netizens into a dizzy state.

"The queen of the soul body clan has obtained a practical living body traversal technology, and the soul body clan will implement this technology into real life in the near future!"

Netizens didn't believe it when they first saw such breaking news.

Everyone knows that the closest technology involved in space travel in today's universe is the "black box", which can transport inanimate objects between universes.As for the living body time-traveling technology, the current technology can't even transfer mice.

In order to obtain a mature and practical living body traversing technology, at least one must first successfully transmit live plants or small animals, then successfully transmit live large animals, and finally go to human experiments.

These steps must be done step by step.

If there is really a mature living body traversal technology in the universe, then the public should know news such as "successfully transmitted live mice", "successfully transmitted live large animals", and "several years of human experiments" on the Internet .

Most of the mature new things enter people's lives, and before that, most of them have "immature" news.

How can the technology of living body travel-a technology that really involves human life be completed in one step and directly jump to the stage of actual use? !

Netizens initially thought it was just fake news.

But soon, news about the soul body clan's implementation of the living body travel technology popped up one after another, and the news was convincing, and it was accompanied by the recordings of several soul body clan members.

Those were three recordings, from three different young people, and it sounded more like they were secretly recorded.

In these three recordings, the three young people are secretly conveying a message with excitement—Her Majesty will soon implement the living body travel technology.

When there were more and more news about the living body time travel technology, the number was so large that it completely covered the previous entertainment news about God of War and Queen, many netizens spontaneously tried to verify the authenticity of the three admissions.

There are countless Internet users in the universe, and there are so many experts, and the detailed appraisal results will be made public soon.

These three recordings are all real, and there is no trace of forgery or synthesis.

In addition, the powerful Internet masters also compared these three recordings with hundreds of members of Congress from the Soul Body Clan, and successfully found out the owners of these three recordings—three young members of Congress.

At this point, even if it is impossible and unbelievable, more and more netizens are beginning to believe that it is true!
Her Majesty the Queen of the Soul Body Clan really has mature living body time travel technology, and will implement it!
Netizens even made up a conspiracy theory on their own: the soul body tribe may have been secretly researching the living body travel technology for a long time, and it has been spent decades conducting living body experiments. The current implementation of living body time travel technology is not only to justify the new queen's reputation, but also to enter the high-tech economic circle dominated by humans.

Even more imaginative netizens even speculated: The benefits involved in the living body traversal technology are really huge. Could it be that the Great Star Kingdom has secretly discovered the living body traversing technology of the Soul Body Clan and wants to gain greater benefits in this high-tech economic war? Therefore, he "sacrificed" the God of War Xia Qi and "married" the God of War Xia Qi to the Queen of the Soul Body Clan?

Seeing such speculation, some experts quickly refuted it: a real high-tech development requires countless funds, high-tech manpower and decades of time.If the Soul Body Clan is really secretly researching this technology, then when this technology begins to mature, it must be implemented as soon as possible.Moreover, publicizing it as early as possible can reduce consumers' doubts a little bit.After all, with decades of capital investment and decades of manpower investment, everyone wants to get back their capital and make money as soon as possible.Hiding it all the time, waiting for the new queen to ascend the throne, waiting for the Great Star Kingdom to find out, and then implementing it, this is not in line with reality at all.

It's a pity that experts can't explain how the Soul Body Clan possesses the technology of living body time travel. Instead, netizens believe in the conspiracy theory of making up their own brains, and believe that the God of War Xia Qi has "sacrificed" his marriage for the Great Star Kingdom.

Even though many, many people have watched the previous live video of the Queen of the Soul and Body Clan, no one believes that this is a real live video that includes "traversal".

Anyway, coming to an "unknown" planet by accident, and then accidentally obtaining the "living body traversal technology" - such a story sounds more incredible than falling off a cliff and picking up [-] million soul coins.

When more and more netizens realized that "living body traversal technology" is not a term, but an imminent reality, many netizens rejoiced and expressed their welcome and excitement for the epoch-making technology.

But such a voice is only a flash in the pan on the Internet.

Almost immediately after such comments appeared, a wave of doubts and opposition to the "living body traversal technology" swept across the Internet, and the voice of opposition became louder and louder, setting off a wave of protests on the entire Internet.

"A sudden appearance of living body time travel technology, without living body experiments under the noses of any experts, how to maintain its safety? Hehe, if it is transmitted in space, it is a courageous fool to die if it is transmitted to a universe without air. , if only half of the body is transmitted during the transmission, wouldn't it scare a group of people to death?"

"The little queen of the soul-body clan is full of people who don't know how hungry they are. The whole universe doesn't know how many people are unemployed and destitute and rely on nutrient solution to survive. She launched this living body time travel technology, and the result? Hehe... ...The unemployment rate in the world can be increased tenfold? Dozens of times? If you want to secretly study the technology of living body time travel, why don't you spend money to subsidize the poor and let them live with more dignity?"

"It doesn't take ten years to train a professional spaceship pilot. Even a pilot assistant needs at least three years of professional study. Ten years of hard work, ten years of time, millions of people have worked hard A lifetime of work becomes a meaningless sacrifice with only a word from the superior."

"This will be a revolution in the entire universe. Living body travel technology will replace most of the means of transportation, whether it is short-distance or long-distance, workers in these jobs, and even everyone in the construction and service industries, You're going to lose your job...all the jobs are going to be gone forever."

"The high-tech field of all mankind will be severely damaged. Human friends, the future high-tech circle will be dominated by the soul race. Are you happy being unemployed?"

Ninety-nine percent of online public opinion expressed doubts and opposition to the sudden arrival of the "living body traversal technology". Even if a few people expressed their welcome and novelty to the new technology, they could not stop the wave of protests a hundredfold.

After all, welcoming the "living body time travel technology" is only for curiosity, while protesting the "living body time travel technology" is for survival.

Cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents, like cutting off one's life.

As long as one person dares to speak out, tens of thousands of people dare to protest for their livelihood.

It took only half a day, and the entire Internet was full of voices of resistance to the "living body traversal technology". What's more, they did not hesitate to stir up racial conflicts between the pure-blooded human race and the soul-body race, thinking that this was a soul-body race. A long-planned attack on the high-tech field of human beings.

(End of this chapter)

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