beauty bible

Chapter 516 A Down-to-earth Encounter

Chapter 516 A Down-to-earth Encounter
Hearing this question, Xia Qi in the video also turned to look at Li Ling.

"It seems that His Excellency the God of War is also looking forward to His Majesty's answer!" Qu Niting added.

Sitting on the sofa, the queen showed a thoughtful look on her face, as if she was thinking about a sentence: "Well...Xia Qi..." She turned her head to look at Xia Qi, with a smile on her face: "Xia Qi, He is a very, very perfect boyfriend, um... that is, he is a little bit inactive."

Xia Qi's eyebrows twitched slightly.

"Haha... Speaking of which, His Excellency God of War is just like what we all see, he is a cold male god, even when he is in a relationship, he does not lose his high and cold nature. Then His Majesty and His Excellency God of War When we are together, are you more proactive?" Qu Niting asked.

Li Lingsha nodded seriously.

Qu Niting smiled again, and turned to look at Xia Qi: "Then, Your Excellency God of War, in your mind, what kind of person is Her Majesty the Queen?"

Xia Qi's eyes were peaceful, and he said concisely: "Lover, you are unique."

At this time, on the Internet, the diving party in the entire forum was blown out by God of War's sudden confession!
"My god! My heart is going to be drunk! My girlish heart! Ahhhhh! How can God of War be so handsome! How can God of War be so perfect! How can he be so affectionate! God, you owe me A Xia Qi——" I don't know which netizen's hand is so fast, only at the moment when Xia Qi's words just fell, such a paragraph was flashed on the screen.

"Anonymous User": "My girlish heart——"

Netizen "Good morning, good afternoon, good night, dear love you": "Look at the little eyes of the God of War looking at Her Majesty, wow! True love! He really cares about Her Majesty! God! Your Majesty, you are not allowed to hurt us The heart of the God of War..."

"The male god, the male god, the male god has loved you for 1 years": "Ahhhhhhh... In the next life of the male god, I will be reincarnated as a black dress, and you can just wear it, okay?"

"Dark clouds are heavy but the sky is beautiful and picturesque": "I'm a man, I can't bend."

Many netizens responded to this comment: "I'm a man, I just bend for a second. Okay, my wife, I'm on the same front as you..."

"Anonymous netizen": "Ah, ah, ah... have you noticed that after God of War suddenly confessed, Her Majesty the Queen seemed to be blushing a little bit! Hahahaha...the blushing Her Majesty the Queen is a little cute..."

The host's speech immediately drew a series of replies: "Same! Hit the cute point! Speaking of which, although Her Majesty the Queen is powerful, she will blush when she is greatly confessed by the God of War! Suddenly I can't help imagining the scene where they get along!"

Another netizen "I have asked about the meaning of life several times in my life" replied: "...I remember that I seem to have seen this pair of fanfiction. Ahem! The characters in it are the shy queen and the cold god of war. They are really cute. .”

The popularity of this reply suddenly surpassed the host's speech, and netizens replied one after another: "Hey hey hey, do you have a car?"

"Seeking resources, asking for resources, which one can write well? I have only seen a few paintings of these two before, and I haven't seen novels or comics yet..."

"Didn't the news yesterday say that these two have agreed to make a movie. When the movie comes out, you will have to watch the surroundings..."

"Pay attention to the scale... Maybe it will be harmonized!"

"I've asked about the meaning of life several times in my life." Reply: "Hey, I have a car, but I've turned on the lights! See the link for resources..."


In just the blink of an eye, the quick-witted netizens were already far, far away.

In the video, Qu Niting also covered her heart and screamed "Girl's Heart" a few times. She turned her head to the camera and pretended to smile bitterly: "I'm still single! Have the singles in front of the screen been harassed by His Excellency God of War?" Sudden confession hit?!"

Qu Niting spread her hands helplessly, then turned to continue the interview: "Second question, when did Your Majesty and His Excellency the God of War meet?"

Hearing this, the Queen immediately burst out laughing: "I did a live broadcast before..." She nudged Xia Qi with her elbow, "Then, this local tyrant tipped him a sum of money, and that's how we got to know each other."

Qu Niting was stunned: "...That's how we met?"

The queen nodded affirmatively.

"..." After staying for a while, Qu Niting looked in a daze: "I have always been curious about the two of them. One is Her Majesty the Queen of the Soul Body Clan, and the other is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Great Star Kingdom. I thought, The two of you got to know each other during an important military and political meeting, or a video conference. Unexpectedly...unexpectedly, it was actually broadcast live?"

In the live video, Qu Niting looked incredible, and all the netizens who watched the live video were also 1 in disbelief.

"Anonymous netizen": "It's booming and in a trance... Such a down-to-earth encounter, and online dating! And live streaming rewards!"

"Male god, male god, male god, love you for 1 years": "Male god, actually I also have a live broadcast account. I am also good at live broadcasting. Why don't you have a chance to meet me? I will spend all my money to reward you. You can give me a Just sign it. Wuwuwuwu..."

Netizen "Qu Ni Ting is the goddess in my heart": "Hahahaha... I can't imagine that Her Majesty the Queen plays live broadcasts, and Your Excellency God of War plays local tyrant rewards. You can meet them like this?! Hahahaha... I believe that no matter how awesome the screenwriter is I dare not make the movie like this. This is a series where reality is more dramatic than stories..."

"The male god, the male god, and the male god have loved you for 1 years": "Oh, oh, oh, my god! My god! My god! I'm going crazy! I found something! If you say, God of War, it's because of a reward I only met Her Majesty the Queen after watching Her Majesty’s live broadcast, so... let’s look through Her Majesty’s reward records, wouldn’t we be able to find Her Majesty the God of War?! God! God! God! I’m going crazy!”

Immediately, a netizen slapped him in the face and said: "God of War fans upstairs, you won't forget it! Her Majesty used ancient martial arts in the live broadcast, which led to an astronomical number of her big can't figure it out God of War account."

"The male god, the male god, and the male god have loved you for 1 years": "Oh."

Qu Niting, who was in the live broadcast, was shocked for a while, and then asked the third question: "Your Majesty, how did you feel the first time you met God of War?"

The queen sitting on the sofa commented: "This man is very murderous."

"What about Your Excellency the God of War? How did you feel when you first met Her Majesty the Queen?"

God of War did not answer immediately on the video screen, he turned his head and glanced at Li Ling, then paused: "Alone."

Hearing this, Li Ling pushed Xia Qi with a question mark on his face: "What kind of answer is this? Am I still a human?"

Xia Qi said calmly: "You are from the soul clan."

Li Ling opened his mouth dumb, and glared at Xia Qi: "Shouldn't you say that you saw a beautiful beauty..."

Xia Qi raised his eyebrows, and his plain and straightforward tone made it almost impossible to hear the slightest hint of ridicule: "At that time, you were relatively thin-skinned, and you couldn't bear boasting."

There are too many slots in this sentence, Li Ling was stunned for a moment, then laughed again, and bent over laughing.

Unexpectedly, the high-cold god of war would still say such a cold humor, Qu Niting's eyes widened, her mouth opened wide, and she laughed out of nowhere.

(End of this chapter)

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