beauty bible

Chapter 511 Change the World

Chapter 511 Change the World
"Hahahaha... I'm getting thicker and thicker, Xia Qi, Xia Qi, why are you so hard to sleep? This makes me want to use porn movies..."

The four words "little yellow movie" were spinning in his mind discordantly, Li Ling's eyes wandered into the sky, his face was hot, and he sat on the highest point of the congress hall with a dazed expression.

After only dealing with it on the high platform for a while, Li Ling was brought back to reality by the heavy and complicated data and questions in the congress hall.

Just two words - blue particles and living body traversal technology.

Really want to use these two, but it involves all aspects of the universe.

In comparison, the blue particles are simpler.

Cyan particles can be called "a simplified version of the genetic evolution fluid", which can enhance the physical potential of intelligent races, and also enable intelligent races to gain the ability to resist certain viruses, and even these effects can be passed on through genetics for the next generation.

But in general, apart from the effect on the ancient Wu family, the ability of the blue particles to improve the intelligent race is still relatively weak, far inferior to the effect of the primary genetic evolution liquid.

The ability is far inferior to the primary genetic evolution fluid, and the cost is far lower than the primary genetic evolution fluid.

Because of these two points, Congress has a very consistent attitude towards Qingnian—sell!

The billions of intelligent races in the entire universe, even if they sell green particles at a very low profit, it is enough to make the soul clan's treasury fatter.

Of course, this is not something that can be done now.

The effect of blue particles is extremely unstable.

Just like when on the earth, all the people on the earth have obtained the blue particles.But the result is that some people have gained immunity to the zombie virus and have strong martial arts potential; some have gained immunity to the zombie virus, but have little martial arts potential; and some have gained the ability to fight against the zombie virus. However, the body has mutated; some people have neither acquired martial arts potential, nor can they fight against the zombie virus.

Such extremely unstable green particles cannot be put directly on the market.

Cyan particles should be placed in the Research Institute of the Soul Body Clan and invest enough funds in research to stabilize their abilities as much as possible.Even if it is impossible to develop a stable blue particle that is effective for the whole people, it is necessary to figure out the working principle of the blue particle, who is effective for it, and which viruses have immunity and countermeasures before it is put on the market.

The issue of green particles was quickly set by Congress - research first, then sell.

The problem of living body traversal technology is much more complicated.

First, let’s start with the law. In the universe, time travel is considered illegal, while space travel is legal.

The living body traversal technology obtained by the Soul Body Clan at this time really involves time and space travel.Then, this technology must first strictly distinguish the operation modes of time traversal and space traversal, so as to prevent the occurrence of time traversal.

Second, from a military point of view.All intelligent races in the universe act as a military alliance to counter the Zerg army.

The role of living body traversal technology in military affairs is self-evident.If the living body traversal technology is put into use, should the living body traversing technology be shared with all the allies in the military alliance?
If shared, how to ensure the security of this technology?How to strictly control this technology?If the technology that appears in your backyard every second is used by hostile organizations, who can sleep peacefully?
If they don't share, countless fresh lives will be heavy on the soul body family.

Third, from a commercial point of view.Once the living body travel technology is widely used, a transportation method that is more convenient and cheaper than all current transportation systems will appear, which will inevitably bring about earth-shaking changes in the transportation industry of the entire universe.

The flying cars used by everyone on the planet, the spaceships criss-crossing the interstellar space, and other means of transportation will all be affected by the technology of living body travel.

Not to mention the transportation network that criss-crosses the planet, just talk about the spaceship.The development, production and use of spacecraft is already a mature and huge industrial chain.In this industrial chain, there are industry overlords in the economic field, and countless workers rely on these industries for a living.

Once the blockbuster of living body travel technology is dropped, it will immediately have a huge impact on countless industries.

Laying countless workers off at the same time is not something that can be done with just a few protests.Social turmoil, even countless people defecting from the Cosmic Alliance, and countless interstellar pirates are all foreseeable...

And the fourth point, the fifth point, the sixth point...

The living body traversal technology is an advanced technology capable of changing the entire universe, and because of this, its appearance is not intended to become a new super economic competitor in the universe, fighting to the death with its peers.

Its appearance is enough to make countless industries never recover, and even completely annihilate countless industries.

If you really want to implement the living body travel technology, it is really not something a small earth can do.Even if the soul body clan thinks they are strong, they dare not say that they can easily open their mouths and carry out this thing.

Compared with the turmoil and resistance that will be caused by the implementation of this technology, Li Ling's desire to get a share of the earth's huge profits seems insignificant.

Li Ling had selfishly thought about sharing some of the benefits of the living body travel technology with the earth, but no one in Congress mentioned this at all.Because there are still too many resistances and too many problems in front of this huge benefit that makes people feel itchy and passionate.

Sitting at the top of the congress hall, Li Ling pursed his lips slightly.

From the beginning, Li Ling knew that the living body time travel technology was not easy to deal with, but after really entering into the conflict of interests in the entire universe and interpreting it from all angles, it still made Li Ling's head a little bigger.

Hundreds of members of Congress analyzed all the pros and cons to Her Majesty the Queen. They belonged to different departments, stood on different interests, and even faced tit-for-tat and almost quarreled. A little flinching.

The torrent of high technology is like the torrent of history, rolling forward irresistibly.Any resistance against the general trend is just a bubble in the monstrous torrent.

In the end, they were either passionate, flushed, or frowning. They all bowed slightly, raised their heads together, and looked eagerly at Her Majesty above.

After all, the living body traversal technology is a good thing for the soul body clan. No matter how it is done, the initiative lies with the soul body clan.

At this moment, all members of Congress are waiting for a decision from Her Majesty the Queen.

With Her Majesty the Queen's decision, they can discuss and plan along this general line, and then flow in all directions, impacting the entire universe with living body travel technology.

They will change the world.

(End of this chapter)

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