beauty bible

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

After a few breaths, Li Jingshu had several thoughts in her mind. She lowered her head and smiled, and said, "Li Jingjing, maybe you will be leaving soon. Speaking of which, my sister is really reluctant."

Li Ling picked up the teacup and said, "How could it be? When the late emperor passed away, didn't he say that marriages would be banned for one month? Even if a month passed, a hundred thousand troops moved the capital, and there were many things, the new emperor might not think of recruiting people into the palace." …”

Just as the teacup was on Li Ling's lips, a figure suddenly jumped onto the carriage, snatched the teacup from Li Ling's hand, and drank it down in one gulp.

The four people in the carriage turned their heads, looking in surprise at the column that suddenly jumped into the carriage.

"I'm sorry! I'm really thirsty!" With all the attention, Lie Luo licked his lips, his face was a little hot, he turned to look at Li Ling, his eyes sparkled: "Second girl, I just came back from patrol, and I just came back from a patrol. I saw that kid Liu Jin was taking Xiaochao girl out to see the sea of ​​flowers. I don’t know..."

There was a trace of tension in the depths of Lie Luo's sincere eyes, and his voice was full of longing hope, and trembling for fear of being rejected: "Second girl, you, do you want to go with me... Take a look at the sea of ​​flowers ? It must be beautiful..."

After speaking, Lie Luo's lips trembled, and she turned her head slightly to see Aunt Qian's expression.

Seeing this, Lie Luo's expression changed drastically!

I saw Aunt Qian leaning on the carriage, her complexion was strangely pale, and blood was slowly dripping from her nostrils!
Lie Luo looked at the teacup in his hand, then looked up at the expressions of the people in the carriage.

Li Ling was puzzled, and seeing Lie Luo's expression changed drastically, he asked, "Brother Lie Luo, what's the matter?" Following Lie Luo's eyes, he turned to look at Aunt Qian.

An Shi was swept away by Lie Luo's eyes, and her eyes showed fear. She trembled all over, and the tray in her hand fell into the carriage with a "crash!"

Li Jingshu's expression changed slightly.

Lie Luo saw An's performance, and his first feeling was that An's poisoned his master.With a glance just now, he had already noticed the four teacups on the tray, one of which was empty - undoubtedly, the empty cup was the poisonous tea drunk by the master.

Is it Anshi and Li Jingshu who want to poison the master and the young master? !
Lie Luo's face turned pale, he looked down at the clean teacup he had just drunk, put one hand into his bosom, quickly took out a pill of white medicine, and put it into his mouth.

Five cups of poisoned tea.Xiao Chao left, Aunt Qian drank a cup, Lie Luo drank Li Ling's.At this moment, Aunt Qian was poisoned, and Lie Luo had already sensed the truth. It was impossible for Li Jingjing to drink the poisoned tea again!Thinking of this, Li Jingshu made a quick decision, immediately drew out her long sword, and stabbed towards Li Ling.

Lie Luo had just swallowed the pill between his fingers, when he saw a cold light piercing towards Li Ling, he hurriedly pulled Li Ling with one hand.

Lie Luo took a quick step, but the long sword did not penetrate Li Ling's heart.

Lie Luo was a step slower, and the long sword slashed across Li Ling's arm, leaving a long bloodstain.

At this time, Li Ling had also seen Aunt Qian's miserable state. Aunt Qian's complexion was pale and her breath was dying, and bright red blood kept flowing from her facial features—bleeding from the seven orifices!

The gurgling bright red blood was so dazzling that Li Ling's heart sank, as if his heart had sunk into an unknown dark space, and boundless fear surged up.Li Ling burst into tears like rain: "Auntie—"

Li Ling rushed over, hurriedly stretched out his arms to hug Aunt Qian, hugged her in his arms, raised his head, and glared fiercely at Anshi who was trembling beside him.

At this moment, Lie Luo had drawn out his long sword and began to wrestle with Li Jingshu.

The sound of "bang bang" when the long swords crossed each other resounded again and again in the narrow carriage, and the sharp cremation was rubbed on the sword.

Not long after, Li Jingshu and Lie Luo jumped out of the carriage and stood beside the carriage to fight with swords.

Not long after, Lie Luo took a breath, and a big mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out from his mouth!

Lie Luo's expression changed, he turned to Li Ling and said, "Go! Go!"

Li Ling trembled all over.

Just a few days ago, Li Jingshu proposed to cooperate with her, saying that the business is not righteous, and that she owed her once.Li Ling couldn't have imagined that Li Jingshu would suddenly attack and kill her so soon.

Li Ling couldn't understand.

Li Ling didn't have time to think about it.All she knew was that Aunt Qian and Lie Luo drank poisonous tea, and they were poisoned. Once Lie Luo lost to Li Jingshu, she would have to die.

Tears rolled down from his eyes, Li Ling didn't know where he got the strength to pull Aunt Qian, who had a snowy face and bleeding from her orifices, and rolled out of the carriage with her in her arms.During the moment when Lie Luo and Li Jingshu held each other with their long swords, they dragged Aunt Qian for more than ten meters.

Lie Luo vomited another mouthful of blood with a painful face, and stopped holding the sword.

"Pfft—" Li Jingshu pierced Lie Luo's chest with a blank expression.

Lie Luo was shocked, his eyes went blank for a moment, he opened his mouth and said loudly: "Go quickly - my horse is just a few steps away!"

Li Ling turned his head to look at Lie Luo, and cried out in grief: "Brother Lie Luo—"

Lie Luo abandoned the sword in his hand, and his facial features gradually began to gush bright red blood. He tightly hugged Li Jingshu's hand with both hands, two lines of tears flowed from his eyes, and said in a broken voice: "Hurry up, let's go—"

Li Ling turned his head, and there was a horse not far ahead.

Li Ling doesn't know how to ride a horse.

But at this moment, like a divine help, Li Ling seemed to burst out with unprecedented strength, and she lifted Aunt Qian onto the horse's back.Holding the horse's back, he stepped on the pedal with one foot, and climbed up the horse crookedly.

Li Ling looked at Lie Luo with tears in his eyes, and yelled "Jia Jia Jia" while slapping the horse's buttocks desperately.


The horse's hooves were raised high and he ran forward.

Li Ling rode his horse and ran away in an unknown direction.

Lie Luo's eyes have been closed, his hands are still holding Li Jingshu's hand tightly, and there is still a half smile on the corner of his mouth - he is already dead.

Li Jingshu pulled Laleluo's hand, but couldn't pull it away for a while.Li Jingshu pursed her lips and said, "It's infatuation."

An's complexion was snow-white, she stepped forward tremblingly, and said with trembling voice: "Jingshu! What, what should I do? Li Jingjing ran away!"

Li Jingshu's face remained unchanged, and she said calmly: "You told me that if your poison is imported, it will soon be poisoned, and the seven orifices will bleed to death. If the skin is cut, sprinkle the poison on the bloody skin." The wound can also cause death, but it will be later."

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Don't worry," Li Jingshu forcefully opened Lie Luo's hands, and Lie Luo's whole body collapsed, "My sword has already been smeared with your poison. Li Jingjing won't live long."

"That's good, that's good." An's face was still shocked, and he smiled weakly.

Li Jingshu looked at the corpses lying on the ground: "We need to tidy up...and Xiaochao."

(End of this chapter)

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