beauty bible

Chapter 484 Acquiescence?

Chapter 484 Acquiescence?

This night, the central castle of the soul body royal family was brightly lit all night.

During the ball, the top executives of the Soul Body Clan toasted, laughed and danced together. No one would make a joke on such an occasion.

After bumping into the intimate embrace of the new queen and God of War Xia Qi in the corridor, Qu Niting's heart beat wildly for a minute or two.She was flustered and excited in her heart, but she returned to the ball calmly as usual.

It's time to bring out all your acting skills!
Qu Niting said secretly in her heart.

Those who participated in this ball were all the real power leaders of the Soul Body Clan, and Qu Ni Ting was excellent in both sex and art, and was "praise" from Her Majesty the Queen. At this ball, many people invited Qu Ni Ting Ting dances.

With a little flattered look on Qu Niting's face, she danced slowly with several partners in the ball.She always had a proper smile on her face, as if the scene that shocked the entire universe just now had never left a trace in her mind.

Even the sharp-eyed bosses didn't notice that the well-behaved Qu Niting had been wandering around all night, her mind filled with thoughts like "Ahhh! Oh my God! Holy shit! I know too much!" scream.

When the dance was about to end, Li Ling showed his face slightly.

Xia Qi silently appeared in the dance crowd when no one noticed.

All the people in the dance party tidied up a little and paid homage to Li Ling.

After listening to the new queen say a few words of welcome, everyone saw that the extraordinary God of War Xia Qi slowly walked through the crowd, bowed slowly towards the new queen, and stretched out his right hand calmly under the eyes of everyone. : "Your Majesty, I wonder if Xia Qi has the honor to invite you to dance with me?"

God of War Xia Qi looked at the new queen intently with a different kind of enthusiasm in his eyes.

That kind of gaze of "you are the only one in my eyes in the whole world", that gaze of explicit affection, is not the etiquette for meeting the queen!

What's more important is that the person showing such a look now is no one else, but the pure human war god Xia Qi who has always killed with coldness on the battlefield!

The soft music was still floating in the ball, but everyone in the ball forgot the environment they were in for a moment. They secretly took a breath, their faces were startled, and they all looked in the direction of Li Ling and Xia Qi .

At the state banquet before, only the people sitting at Li Ling's table saw the "unusual" relationship between the new queen and the god of war Xia Qi, but now, the entire senior executives of the soul body family have seen this scene!
Everyone is waiting for the queen's answer.

Under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes, Li Ling smiled, and put his hand in Xia Qi's hand affectionately and naturally.

The hearts of the bigwigs at the ball were shaken again and again.These bigwigs didn't lose their composure or whisper, they just paused for a while, and then they looked at each other silently with the people they knew, and exchanged a "knowing" look-it seems that they are about to start Consider the specific advantages and disadvantages of the marriage between the Soul Body Race and the purebred Human Race Great Star Kingdom!

Standing in the crowd, Qu Niting breathed a sigh of relief.

When she encountered that scene before, she was already a little uneasy. Later, no one from the royal family came to warn her to "keep the queen's privacy", which made her even more uneasy.

Qu Niting is not stupid.Seeing that scene, of course she didn't dare to speak out, but she was also afraid that the royal family didn't know that she would "keep her mouth shut".

it's good now!

Watch the new Queen dance openly with the God of War Xia Qi - it seems likely that the Queen will make their relationship public!
In this case, it wouldn't be considered that Qu Niting had encountered a shocking secret, it could only be considered that she had learned a little bit of news ahead of time that everyone would know.

In the resplendent and resplendent royal ball, a pair of Bi people danced lightly in the center of the stage.One is a man with perfect facial features, tall and handsome, and the other is a girl with flawless snow skin, beautiful face and graceful figure.

Standing together, these two are like a prince and princess in a fairy tale.

But the identities of these two people are far more valuable than ordinary princes and princesses, I don't know how many times!
The two of them, one is the supreme queen of the soul body race, and the other is the national idol of the pure race of humans.

The new Queen of the Soul Body Clan and the purebred Human Race God of War Xia Qi—the combination of these two people is really a pair that shocked the universe!
Seeing such a scene, several media reporters who participated in the ball all pointed their cameras at the couple in the center of the stage with sharp eyes.The reporter even searched the ball for a while, and then found Mr. Gu Jin Tiangu standing silently in front of a potted plant.

Gu Jintian stood alone in a corner of the ball. He stood in front of a huge green potted plant, his face was cold, his brows were slightly frowned, and his eyes were looking straight at Xia Qi and Li Ling who were dancing intimately in the center of the stage. There is a hint of gloom.

Gu Jintian only looked at the two people in the center of the stage, completely oblivious to the fact that the reporter had already pointed the camera at him.Therefore, the moment when Gu Jintian's eyes were gloomy was also recorded by the camera.

After the ball, several media reporters handed over the photos and videos they took at the ball to the royal staff for inspection.

To the reporter's surprise, all the materials they captured were not deleted.

Several media reporters looked at each other in surprise and joy - can all the materials they take be used? !
Among them, the materials about the new queen and God of War Xia Qi, as well as the materials about Mr. Gu Jin Tiangu, were clearly considered private and sensitive, yet the royal family did not delete them!
Is this the Queen's tacit approval? !
Her Majesty the Queen acquiesced in releasing these videos and pictures? !
——In this way, the relationship between the new queen, God of War Xia Qi, and Councilor Gu Jintian is worth thinking about!
Several reporters excitedly created a few reports with the materials they had captured, reported to their bosses, and hurriedly sent the news of the royal ball to the Internet!
So, in the early morning of the second day after the new Queen's ascension to the throne, several influential media outlets suddenly broke the big news!

"The love affair of God of War Xia Qi?!"

"The new queen of the soul body clan dances intimately with Xia Qi, the god of war of the human race!"

"Heartbeat faster? When the cold and powerful god of war smiles gently."

"Mr. Gu Jintian's future husband's status is not guaranteed!"

"A match made in heaven?! The idol male gods of the universe actually join the new queen of the Soul Body Clan and Councilor Gu Jintian?"


A few weighty media, together with the video posted on the Internet of the Queen of the Soul Body Clan and the God of War Xia Qi dancing intimately, almost confirmed the relationship between the Queen of the Soul Body Clan and the God of War Xia Qi!

The pure race god of war, Xia Qi, the crown prince of the Great Star Kingdom, Xia Qi, the idol of the whole people, actually, really?Want to fall in love? !

The news exploded all over the Internet!

With Xia Qi's prestige in the entire universe, the news of his dating is even more explosive than the news that the Queen of the Soul Body Clan in a distant country is enthroned.

In just 10 minutes, the news of God of War's relationship has become the hottest news in the universe, and the most concerned about it in the universe!

On this day, similar conversations appeared on almost all social media.

"God! Did you know? Xia Qi is actually in love! My God! Our god of war is really in love! Long time to see you! His object is the queen of the soul body clan who just ascended the throne! That beautiful one Girl Queen! This news really shocked me! God! Although I know very little about that queen, judging from the video and photos, her appearance is barely worthy of my male god!"

"Yeah! I saw the video too! Live for a long time to see the series! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmits!

All netizens who saw this news on the Internet were shocked by this fact!They asked and marveled at each other in the circle of friends.Even those who don't usually follow the news got the news indirectly from friends.

It only took an hour or two from when the news was uploaded to the Internet, until almost all intelligent races in the entire universe knew the news of the love affair between the God of War Xia Qi and the Queen of Stunning Beauty.

When everyone was surprised and digesting the news, Li Ling and Xia Qi got off the speeding car and walked into the No. [-] Hospital of the Emperor Star of the Soul Body Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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