beauty bible

Chapter 481 Is it closer?

Chapter 481 is closer?
Passing through the spotless moon-white corridor, Li Ling and Xia Qi calmly walked towards the tall and spacious living room.

This is the living room closest to the former Queen's residence.A high white dome, white marble floor, and white wall lamps hanging on the four walls.In addition to the huge dragon-shaped stone statue in the center of the living room, there are nine light yellow leather sofas and small black square tables scattered in the hall.

Although this living room is much larger than the small living room where Li Ling and Xia Qi "privately met", it is also a private living room, and the decoration is mainly comfortable. Compared with the meeting room where the queen entertains foreign guests and subjects The living room, here is a little less dignified and awe-inspiring, and a little more relaxed and leisurely.It is also prepared for the private meeting between the Queen and her friends, suitable for private meetings with less than [-] people.

Li Ling and Xia Qi walked down the winding black carved solid wood escalator next to each other, and saw the former queen and her husband.

The former queen has retired, and from now on, members of the Soul Body Clan can still call her "Your Highness".The title "Your Majesty" can only be used by the current Queen Li Ling and her future husband.

The former queen and her husband-in-law are sitting on a sofa on the left.The two of them sat elegantly and upright, each looking straight ahead, silent.The former queen looked relaxed, with a faint smile on her face.

Seeing the expression on the face of the former queen, Li Ling knew that it was not a serious matter for the former queen to see her.Li Ling's heart relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Your Highness." Li Ling called softly, and walked towards the two together with Xia Qi.

Hearing the voice, the former queen and husband stood up with a smile, and they turned to look in Li Ling's direction.Seeing that it was not the new queen who appeared in the living room, there was also Xia Qi, the pure race human god of war. The former queen and the husband looked at each other without much surprise in their eyes.

Anyone who paid attention to the interaction between Li Ling and Xia Qi at the state banquet before would have some guesses about their relationship.

The former queen and husband lived for hundreds of years, so there is nothing to see clearly.

The smile on the former queen's face deepened.

Li Ling and Xia Qi walked towards the two of them slowly. Within a few steps, Li Ling suddenly felt that every movement of the former queen and her husband, even the smiles on their faces, had a mysterious similarity. .The sense of harmony between the two makes it easy to see the close relationship between the two at a glance.Li Ling smiled slightly, turned his head to look at Xia Qi, and thought to himself, she and Xia Qi really don't look alike at all.

Xia Qi glanced sideways at Li Ling, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Naturally, Xia Qi couldn't think of the thoughts in Li Ling's mind. He only felt that there was some pink on the snow-white face of the girl queen.Noble and luxurious clothes, and a face that surpassed the world. At this time, there was a bit of a girl's shyness on her face, and her whole body exuded a different kind of beauty, radiant and charming, which made him unable to take his eyes off.

There was a slight pause in his footsteps, and after a while, Xia Qi turned his head and looked straight ahead with a calm expression.

"Your Highness." Walking up to the two of them, Li Ling nodded towards the ex-husband, and then looked at the ex-queen with respect and kindness in his eyes.

The former queen and Li Ling did not get along for a long time, but she was elegant, kind, wise and decisive. She not only taught Li Ling, but also cared for him. She was also a teacher and a friend. It is respectful.

Xia Qi nodded calmly: "Xia Qi has met the former Queen of the Soul Body Clan, as well as the husband."

The former queen and husband nodded towards Li Ling and Xia Qi: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

These four people stood together, and the one with the highest status was Li Ling.

In terms of etiquette, it should be the other three who saluted the new queen Li Ling.But the former queen had just abdicated, and Li Ling respected her again. The former queen and her husband would not bow to Li Ling just after abdicating.

Xia Qi is Li Ling's boyfriend again.

So when these four people met, they just nodded to each other.

Seeing that the former queen was wearing plain and natural formal clothes and a snow-white animal fur coat, Li Ling spoke with doubts in his tone: "Your Highness...are you going out?"

The former queen nodded with a smile, but changed the subject and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you introduce us to the Crown Prince of the Great Star Kingdom?"

Li Ling was slightly taken aback.

The former queen, her husband, and Xia Qi, all three of them are well-known figures in this universe.Only they do not know the truth of others, there is no reason why others do not know them.Where else do mutual introductions need to be made?Besides, they had already greeted each other just now.

The next moment, Li Ling realized what the former queen meant.

The former queen was asking Li Ling about her relationship with Xia Qi.

Li Ling glanced sideways at Xia Qi, then turned to smile at the former queen: "Your Highness, this is my boyfriend Xia Qi."

Li Ling turned to Xia Qi again and said, "Xia Qi, this is my teacher, the teacher I respect most in the Soul Body Clan."

This was the first time that Li Ling disclosed their relationship. Xia Qi felt as if he had been gently comforted by Li Ling's words. Smile: "Thank you two Highnesses for taking care of Li Ling, Xia Qi is very grateful."

Hearing Li Ling's two introductions, the former queen looked at Li Ling with a hint of intimacy. Hearing Xia Qi's words, the former queen just smiled and raised her eyebrows, noncommittal.

The former Queen smiled lightly and looked at Li Ling: "So, Senator Gu Jintian is just a deception for His Majesty?"

When deciding to pretend to be a couple with Gu Jintian, Li Ling had discussed with the former queen about postponing her wedding. Although the former queen didn't agree with her face, she still accepted Li Ling's statement.Now, Li Ling's enthronement ceremony has been completed, but her wedding preparations have been going on without a hurry.

Li Ling, the new queen, ascended the throne in a hurry. The previous queen only cared about the political affairs of the soul body clan, and could not care about the details of the story between Li Ling and Gu Jintian.Therefore, the former queen didn't know all about the relationship between Li Ling and Gu Jintian.

In Li Ling's mind, the three words "Gu Jintian" just represent an "unfinished business".With a smile on Li Ling's face, and a slight indifference in his expression, he said: "Your Highness, it's boring not to mention the matter between me and Gu Jintian. Anyway, Xia Qi is my real boyfriend."

There was a trace of surprise in the eyes of the former queen, and she naturally saw Li Ling's "dislike" for Gu Jintian, which was an uncommon emotion for Li Ling.

Now that she has abdicated, and since Li Ling is the new queen appointed by Father God, the former queen will naturally not say anything about these trivial matters. She said with a smile: "I am not the patriarch of a pure-blooded human race, and I will not and should not speak to Your Majesty. Choose to generate dissent."

Saying that, the former queen turned her head to look at Xia Qi: "Young human, it are the most likely future husband." When the words "most likely" were mentioned, the former queen's tone was slow Take it easy.

When the former queen faced Xia Qizhi, her face was kind and gentle, but deep in her eyes there was alienation and scrutiny.Xia Qi naturally saw it.

Xia Qi's calm face seemed stern and as usual, he replied: "Xia Qi thinks so too."

His straight spine and sharp eyes revealed Xia Qi's innate strong self-confidence.But after saying this, Xia Qi tilted his head slightly and turned his eyes in the direction of Li Ling.

The former queen's attitude towards Xia Qi was far inferior to her attitude towards Li Ling. Li Ling could feel it, but he could hear the two discussing the words "future husband". Li Ling just pursed his lips, telling himself not to be inappropriate. laugh it out.

Li Ling's face was still serious, but his eyes were full of joy. The former queen gave Li Ling a look, shook her head and smiled, and looked at Xia Qi: "Then, Xia Qi, the young human race god of war, as the owner of this castle yesterday, I sincerely welcome you. I invite you to live in this castle for a while."

Hearing this, Li Ling was surprised.

The former queen asked Li Ling in a joking tone, "The great new queen of the soul-body clan, can I invite my guests to live in this castle?"

"Of course, Your Highness." The word of agreement blurted out, but Li Ling was full of puzzlement - why did the former queen invite Xia Qi to live in the castle?Has anything happened recently between the Soul Body Clan and the Great Star Country?

Xia Qi glanced at Li Ling and nodded slightly: "Thank you for your invitation. It is Xia Qi's honor to live in the central castle of the Queen of the Soul Clan."

Li Ling rolled his eyes, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.Yesterday, she was separated from her online dating boyfriend Xia Qi.But just now, Xia Qi has already decided to live in this castle.

With such a short distance, she will never have to think of the word "different place" in the future.

Moreover, such a short distance...does it count as cohabitation?
cough cough!She just decided to try her best to sleep with Xia Qi...

Now, she seems to be getting closer to this idea?
(End of this chapter)

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