beauty bible

Chapter 472 The Enthronement Ceremony

Chapter 472 The Enthronement Ceremony
Soul Body Clan, Emperor Star, God's Choice Street.

The long, wide, snow-white streets were cleaned to a spotless spot.

The guards in bright yellow military uniforms lined up neatly on both sides of the street, shoulder to shoulder.Behind the guards, dignitaries from all parts of the soul body clan stood in an orderly manner, as well as soul body clan members invited by the queen and the new queen, and journalists from all over the universe.

Several bright green trees as tall as a person are occasionally decorated on both sides of the long street.The green trees are covered with blooming flowers, small five-pointed star lamps with yellow light shining gently, and a few bunches of small and delicate ribbons.

At noon, when the sun was hanging overhead, the melodious and passionate national anthem of the soul and body clan rang out on the quiet long street.

A group of young and handsome guards wearing dark green military uniforms walked slowly towards the east side of the long street with their heads held high.

Everyone standing on the left and right sides of the long street straightened their expressions, looking forward to it, waiting for today's protagonist to walk down the long, snow-white street.

Among them, there is the current Queen's husband who looks calm and smiling, Duke Zhou Lu who looks calm and slightly smiling, Councilor Gu Jintian with a formulaic gentle smile on his face, and the newlywed Queen Li Ling named Qu Niting, who was invited by the powerful group and the idol group.

Qu Niting was wearing a capable "July" work attire, standing on the side of the street with a serious face and a straight body, her face was slightly red.No one saw that Qu Yinghou's hands were slightly sweating nervously.

Qu Niting took a light breath, she was so excited!

When Qu Niting received a call from the royal family, Qu Niting was full of disbelief!

The new queen invited her to attend the enthronement ceremony!

Lying on the grass!

Who is so bold as to make such an international joke?

Those who can stand on this long street and really see the new queen enthroned are all serious and powerful nobles of the soul body clan.

Not to mention people in the entertainment industry, not even the big guys in the film industry, not even the CEO of the largest film company in the Soul Clan are qualified to stand on this long street.

Apart from the military, the Congress, the political circles, and the nobles, there are only three people in the business world who are qualified to stand on this long street—the three soul-body clan assets ranked first, second, and third are really good!

Qu Niting almost scolded the person who claimed to be the "Royal Office" on the phone, but she thought that she had really had a little interaction with the Empress Dowager not long ago, so she responded grumpily.

Later... the invitation letter from the royal family was delivered to her.

And then...the speeding car with the royal logo drove to the door of her house.

Qu Niting was in a dream.

Until now, standing on the snow-white God's Choice Street and hearing the passionate national anthem resounding in mid-air, Qu Niting really realized that she was so lucky to participate in the Queen's enthronement ceremony!

Ha ha ha ha!She Qu Niting is going to be hot!Ha ha ha ha!She, Qu Niting, is going to become an evergreen tree in the film industry!

Qu Niting took a deep breath. She was sure that as long as she did not make any mistakes from now on, no one in the entire entertainment industry would dare to mess with her.She was the one who participated in the enthronement of the new queen!
At this time, Qu Niting noticed that the reporters on both sides of the long street had already started filming with full attention!

Even though she was dressed quite well today, Qu Niting subconsciously adjusted her facial expression when she saw the camera equipment.

The enthronement ceremony of the new queen of the Soul Body Clan only happens once in hundreds of years, and it is broadcast live in the entire universe. I don't know how many people in the universe are watching it!Such a grand ceremony, with such attention, even if she has shot dozens of top movies, it may not be as high as this time!
The guard in the dark green military uniform looked solemn, and moved forward slowly in an orderly manner.

Li Ling walked calmly and slowly behind the dark green guard.

Her long black hair has been carefully combed, and she only wears a dark golden five-pointed star headdress on one side. She is wearing a bright yellow luxurious long dress with earrings, necklaces, brooches, and military badges on her body. Attend.

In the past, the empress dowager Li Ling was dressed as a young girl, elegant and youthful, but today's Li Ling is different from the past, dressed in luxurious, bright and charming.

Following Li Ling's appearance, all the onlookers standing on both sides of the street slowly knelt down and shouted: "See the Queen."

Li Lingping looked ahead and walked slowly through the crowd.

Before ascending the throne, Li Ling had asked Xia Qi when he would arrive.Xia Qi told her that he would not be able to arrive on the day of enthronement.

Li Ling was slightly disappointed, but she still had the joy of anticipation in her heart.Li Ling knew that Xia Qi would arrive just a day or two after she ascended the throne.

When they met again a few days later, the relationship between the two of them was completely different, and Li Ling was full of expectations.Waiting for her boyfriend Xia Qi day after day, Li Ling felt that she was about to fall in lovesickness.

The snow-white long street is clean and tidy, with kneeling crowds on both sides, and passionate music is played repeatedly in the sky.

After walking a third of the way, the dark green bodyguards stood on both sides to give way to the middle road.

Li Ling walked slowly among the guards.

"See the Queen!" The guards on both sides knelt down and shouted loudly.

When Li Ling walked past them, the guard turned around and knelt in Li Ling's direction.

Li Ling walked forward slowly with a smile on his face.

Most of the people who appeared on this long street of God's Choice were the powerful people of the soul body clan, and Xia Qi was not among them.

Without Xia Qi, Li Ling walked calmly. She never stopped for a step and never turned her head to look at anyone.

Li Ling walked slowly through the crowd, past Qu Niting who was kneeling, Duke Zhou Lu who was kneeling, and Gu Jintian who was kneeling silently.

The crowd on both sides of the long street, no matter what kind of thoughts they had in their hearts, at this moment, no one looked up. In such a scene, everyone bowed their heads and knelt on both sides, and their whole bodies showed a kind of piety.

This is a very long snow-white long street.

Except for a few official cameras facing Li Ling, even the other journalists just knelt on the ground piously, and they could stand up and continue filming only after the new queen passed by.

Li Ling walked towards the end of the long street.

At the end of the long street, stood Her Majesty the Queen in a golden dress and a tall crown, standing gracefully with a smile on her face.

Behind the queen, there is a tall stone statue that stands upright from the ground. It is a man with a handsome face and unfathomable eyes—this is the statue that symbolizes the father god of the soul body clan.

In the entire Soul Body Clan, only on God's Choice Street where the Queen ascended the throne, there is a stone statue that symbolizes God the Father.

In other places of the soul body clan, no soul body clan member is qualified to carve the stone statue of the father god.Only the queen of the soul body clan, the royal family of the soul body clan with a trace of the blood of the father god, is eligible to erect a stone statue here.

In ordinary days, God's Choice Street is also a forbidden place, and any soul body tribe is forbidden to enter, and it is also forbidden for anyone to actually visit the stone statue of God the Father.

Because God the Father is the true God, if there are soul-body clansmen worshiping in front of the stone statue of God the Father—even if God the Father is willing to, God the Father can hear the worship and prayers of any living beings of.

Except for the royal enthronement ceremony of the soul-body clan with the blood of the father god, at other times, no soul-body clan dared to disturb the father god.

With the passionate national anthem of the soul body clan floating in his ears, and pious clansmen kneeling behind him and on both sides, at this moment, Li Ling suddenly felt a sense of intimacy with the soul body clan.

This is the Soul Body Clan, this is not her hometown, Earth, but at this moment, Li Ling is willing to regard the Soul Body Clan as her second hometown.

A smile appeared on Li Ling's face, and she walked slowly past the current husband who was standing on one side, and walked in front of Her Majesty the Queen.

Li Ling bowed his head slightly towards Her Majesty the Queen: "Your Majesty..."

With a smile on her face, the Queen slowly took off the high crown on her head, and put it on Li Ling's head herself.

Since the appearance of the soul body clan, the succession of the old and new queens has been extremely harmonious.Every time a new queen ascends the throne, the previous queen will personally put the crown on the new queen.

After the previous queen, who had lived for hundreds of years, stepped down from the throne, she still enjoyed noble privileges in the soul body clan, but she did not participate in the state affairs of the soul body clan.When the previous queen was in office, she enjoyed everything of the Soul Body Clan, and would naturally accumulate countless private properties.And when the new queen ascends the throne, the previous queen will retire, leave the emperor star of the soul body clan, go to her personal private estate, and start her carefree life.After hundreds of years of queen career, the queen enough to retire enjoys a peaceful and extravagant life in countless assets.

This time the old and new queens replaced each other. The only difference was that Li Ling was too young.

The new queen, who is only one year old, is the youngest new queen so far since the founding of the Soul Body Clan.

Her Majesty the Queen looked at Li Ling with a smile: "Under the witness of the statue of Father God, I will pass on the throne to the new Queen Li Ling. May the soul body family be peaceful and prosperous from generation to generation, and may Father God bless the soul body family."

Li Ling put on a tall crown, she stood upright, and said with a smile: "May the soul-body clan be peaceful and prosperous for generations to come, and may God the Father bless the soul-body clan."

Her Majesty smiled and nodded, walked slowly to one side, and stood beside her husband.The retired queen and the husband looked at each other with a smile, and then looked at the new queen of the soul body clan at the same time.

All the people kneeling on both sides of the long street shouted again in unison: "See the Queen!"

A group of dark green guards who were kneeling in the middle of the long street got up seriously, and they took out a small cylinder on their bodies in neat movements, pointed the cylinder towards the sky, and pressed the button of the small cylinder.

A white light shot out from the center of the small cylinder.

The white light exploded in the sky.


"Boom boom boom!"

The huge salute turned into colorful colorful patterns in the sky, which were the clan emblems of soul body clans one after another.

The dark green guards shouted loudly: "Soul body clan - soul body clan - soul body clan -"

The people kneeling on both sides slowly stood up. They faced Li Ling and sang the Soul Clan's national anthem with pious expressions on their faces.

Li Ling slowly took two steps forward and stood in the center of everyone's gaze.

The solemn, pious, and ceremonial enthronement ceremony did not take too much time.

From this moment on, Li Ling is the new queen of the Soul Body Clan.

From this moment on, all the rights of the Soul Body Clan belong to Li Ling.

From this moment, the soul-body clan standing proudly in the universe will usher in an era of a new queen.

(End of this chapter)

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