beauty bible

Chapter 459 There is still a chance

Chapter 459 There is still a chance
Xia Qi sat in the spaceship again.

Only this time, the spaceship is headed for the country of the Soul Body Race.

After Xia Qi voluntarily put on a pair of energy-forbidden rings, he didn't know whether he was touched by Xia Qi's intentions. He was willing to fulfill Xia Qi's son, or he didn't want to easily give up his position as the future husband of the Soul Body Clan. Xia Qi, the king of the Great Star Kingdom, Jing finally agreed and let Xia Qi go to the country of the soul body clan.

On this spaceship, there are Qin Jun, Cang Xiaojun and other soldiers who are completely under Xia Qi's orders.

There are also Xia Hai and the soldiers he brought with him. These people accompanied Xia Qi to the Soul Body Clan for a blind date under the order of Xia Jing, the King of the Great Star Kingdom.In other words, they were sent by King Xia Jing to monitor Xia Qi, to tell Xia Qi not to do anything inappropriate, which would jeopardize the diplomacy and interests of the Soul Body Clan and the Great Star Country.

When seeing Qin Jun and Cang Xiaojun on this spaceship, both of them were excited and angry.

Both Qin Jun and Cang Xiaojun couldn't believe that the king Xia Jing would actually put on Xia Qi the forbidden energy ring that only criminals would wear!

Xia Qi is the hero of the Great Star Kingdom, the God of War and the pride of the pure human race. To put a forbidden energy ring on Xia Qi is simply an insult to the hero!
But Xia Qi said calmly: This is what he wanted, and he brought it up himself.

Qin Jun and Cang Xiaojun were left speechless.When the two of them knew that Xia Qi wanted to go on a blind date with His Royal Highness the Empress Dowager of the Soul Body Clan, the two of them showed incredulous expressions on their faces, and then quickly revealed a dazed look.

Xia Qi raised his hand and looked at the silver bracelets on his hands.

The forbidden energy rings are two silver metal rings that look ordinary, but are actually very, very heavy.

It was so heavy that the original Xia Qi could roam freely in the universe, but now even if Xia Qi tried his best to jump up, the height would not exceed one meter.

The forbidden energy ring on both hands is like a heavy mountain, pressing on Xia Qi's body all the time, making him unable to use force, and even ordinary daily actions cannot be easily performed.

For a strong person, being restricted by the ability to rely on is an extremely terrifying feeling, and it will also make people feel a little bit at a loss.

But at this time, Xia Qi, who was riding in the spaceship, could not feel the fear of losing power, he only felt anxious.

Take the spaceship from the Great Star Country to the country of the Soul Body Clan. If you use the fastest speed of this spaceship, you can arrive around the time Li Ling ascends the throne.

He clearly knew that he would be able to reach the Great Star Country before Li Ling got married, but the sense of urgency in Xia Qi's heart did not dissipate at all.

A long time ago, Xia Qi saw a sentence on the Internet.

"Confession is a charge before success, not a clarion call before an attack."

Xia Qi forgot where he saw such a sentence, but he took it seriously.

It was precisely because of this that Xia Qi on Earth wanted to approach Li Ling slowly and make Li Ling forget Sima Zhen, but he did not express his love in a hurry.

Xia Qi didn't see Li Ling's feelings for him. At this time, he shouldn't express his feelings.

But who would have thought that the world would not prepare him for a perfect time, and life would not give him a perfect time.It turned out that he missed the opportunity to confess on earth, and when he wanted to say something more, he couldn't even contact her.I can only watch her swim with others intimately over and over again on the Internet.

During this month of watching the news, Xia Qi sank a feeling of anxiety and helplessness in his heart.

So, when he voluntarily put on the banning ring, and when he got his own bracelet and live broadcast hemisphere, Xia Qi couldn't wait to find Li Ling.

Knowing that Gu Jintian and Li Ling were just a couple pretending to be, Xia Qi confessed his love almost impulsively and without thinking!

Xia Qi knew that Li Ling might not have him in his heart at this time, nor might he accept him.Xia Qi knew that Li Ling had just become the Crown Princess of the Soul Body Clan, with a lot of affairs, and the conflict of interests between the Soul Body Clan and the pure race of humans, this was not the right time to confess.Xia Qi knows that on the Internet, such a few simple words of "self-recommendation", such a simple confession, are too easy, and it is really hard to see sincerity.

But Xia Qi was still on the Internet and said the phrase "I love you".

From the perspective of strategy, rationality, timing, Li Ling's will, Xia Qi felt that he should not say such a sentence on the Internet.

That should be when the time is ripe, Li Ling has him in his heart, and it will be a matter of course. He faces her and says it himself.

But this month, Xia Qizhen felt like suffering.

This is far more torturous than waiting for a month on the battlefield for a hard battle.

The latter, he knew what lay ahead.

But now, he knows that there may be no results, and he knows that reason should not do this, but he is out of control.

He knew too well that if he really waited until Li Ling got married, then his life would be like this.

He also knew clearly that he could rush to the country of the soul body clan before she got married.But...what if something happens again?

After knowing that Li Ling and Gu Jintian were just a pretend couple, what Xia Qi thought about was——

The empress dowager of the soul-body race, even his father, the king of the Great Star Kingdom, wished for a pure-race human being who could seduce the empress dowager of the soul-body race, let alone someone who was close to Li Ling. The soul and body clan are powerful!
Who wouldn't want to win the favor of His Royal Highness the Crown Princess of the Soul Body Clan? !
What if, on his way to the Soul Body Clan, there was another man in the Soul Body Clan who could really fascinate Li Ling? !

Reason can't resolve the anxiety caused by this kind of speculation at all, so you can only do things with intuition!

When the hands uncontrollably uttered the phrase "I love you" on the chat screen, the chat screen fell silent.

Xia Qi had foreseen this result.

Before that, on Earth, when he wanted to give Li Ling a shoulder, Li Ling had already refused.

At this moment, Li Ling suddenly saw a message from her friend to confess her love, what should she reply?
Perhaps, Li Ling couldn't say a cruel rejection, so Li Ling could only keep silent.

Li Ling didn't reply. Xia Qi looked at the chat screen for a long time, until his hands and feet seemed to be a little cold, and for so long that his heart sank into a dark and cold abyss.

Xia Qi silently looked at the light screen that showed no reaction at all. He thought that maybe the next moment, he would receive a straightforward message of rejection.

Or, when he sent such a message, he didn't make Li Ling face up to his love for her, but instead lost her friendship.

The universe is dark and cold, just like Xia Qi's mood of silently waiting for a reply.

I don't know how long I looked at the light screen, Xia Qi suddenly felt that several years had passed.He sent another message after all.

"Li Ling, no matter what you think, I'll come to the Soul Body Clan to meet you, don't refuse."

"it is good."

"Xia Qi, it's very late. Have a good rest. Good night."

"Li Ling, good night. I love you."

Xia Qi has been standing alone in his room in the spaceship. He has always had a cold face and calm eyes.But no one knew the ups and downs in his heart.

He fell in love with her, so his heart would surge violently because of her words.

At this moment, Xia Qi received Li Ling's reply message.

It was just two simple messages, and the cold hands and feet seemed to be slowly warming up, Xia Qi thought silently——

Li Ling might not accept him, but... Judging from her reply, at least, she didn't decide to completely abandon him as a friend.

still have a chance.

If you still have a chance, let's fight!
Not fighting Li Ling, not fighting the love rivals in this world, but declaring war with this life!

How could Xia Qi give up before the last moment? !
(End of this chapter)

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