beauty bible

Chapter 451 Exhausted

Chapter 451 Exhausted
After finishing today's politics class in more than two hours, Li Ling exited the queen's room and returned to her own room.

Sitting down on the sofa, Li Lingcai leaned back completely relaxed.

After exhaling, Li Ling's eyes flickered and he caught a glimpse of the crown studded with bright gems on the jewelry cabinet.

The empress dowagers of the soul body clan would wear a crown on slightly more formal occasions.

In Li Ling's jewelry cabinet, there are dozens of crowns of different colors and styles.

And the crown she just saw was put on her by the maid this morning.Of course, she later decided to travel in modest clothes, and the crown was taken off.

Li Ling took a few glances at the crown, and couldn't help but raised his hand to touch the top of his head.

The hairstyle the maid made for her was very simple. Apart from using a little scented liquid to fix the hairstyle, there was no decoration on her head, just pure black hair.

Li Ling turned to look at the two maids standing silently in the room: "Have you seen my five-pointed star?"

"Oh," a maid showed a surprised look on her face. She bent her knees towards Li Ling, then walked quickly to the dressing room on the other side, took out a small dark golden box, and sent it to Li Ling. Ling came to him: "Your Highness, this is your five-pointed star hair ornament."

Li Ling took the delicate little box and raised his hand to open it.

A small, dark golden five-pointed star lies quietly in the center of the small box.

A smile appeared on Li Ling's face unconsciously. She took out the dark golden five-pointed star and held it in her hand.

The small five-pointed star is slightly heavy in the palm of my hand.

Becoming the crown princess of the Soul Body Clan and getting golden memories, Li Ling knew what this five-pointed star was.

This is a defensive device personally blessed by the queen of the soul body clan.

This five-pointed star is enough to withstand the attack of the spaceship's S-class laser cannon.

In this universe, although such defensive items cannot be called invincible, they are already the most top-notch defensive equipment.In most cases, enough to save a life.

Such powerful defensive equipment can only be made by the queen of the soul body clan.

Li Ling didn't know how Xia Qi got this five-pointed star, but the value of this five-pointed star is absolutely priceless, and it is hard to change for tens of thousands of dollars.

Xia Qi told her that this was free.

Li Ling couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face, a little helpless and a little funny.

This kind of thing cannot be bought by money at all.

Such a gift from the Soul Body Clan finally returned to her, the Crown Princess of the Soul Body Clan.

With her current strength, the chances for her to use this thing are very few, so it's better to let Xia Qi use it for himself.He is on the front line of the Zerg battlefield, and there are too many times when he encounters danger!

Li Ling waved lightly, signaling the two maids in the room and Wu Xiong, the chief guard, to leave.

After the three left, Li Ling was left alone in the room.

Li Ling turned on his live broadcast hemisphere, and clicked on the chat screen with Xia Qi.

Li Ling had a smile on his face: "Xia Qi! How dare you say that the five-pointed star is free? Are you deceiving me? Now I know its value!"

After a while, there was no movement on the translucent light screen.

Li Ling pursed his mouth and frowned slightly: "...Xia Qi, are you there?"

After several minutes, the live broadcast hemisphere still did not reply at all.

Li Ling breathed out: "Xia Qi?"

After a long time, Xia Qi still didn't reply.

Li Ling shook his head, and slowly typed: "Xia Qi, do you have something to do?"

Xia Qi never replied, and Li Ling only thought that Xia Qi was still busy.

After thinking about it, Li Ling decided to send his current situation to Xia Qi so that he could have an idea.

"Xia Qi, I'm sorry to leave without saying goodbye. Some accidents happened, I'm fine now, I'm in the soul body clan."

"Xia Qi... It's a bit complicated to explain. I have become the queen of the soul body clan, and will soon become the queen of the soul body clan. To be honest, I am still a little nervous and want to chat with you. Xia Qi , if you see the message when, can you call me back?"

Xia Qi never replied, so Li Ling could only sigh and turn off the screen.

Holding the slightly heavy five-pointed star in his hand, Li Ling walked to the big bed and lay down sideways.

After a while, Li Ling sat up and pressed a button on the bracelet.

The next moment, Wu Xiong, the head of the guard, opened the door and came in.

Wu Xiong walked to the side of the big bed, bowed and saluted: "See Your Highness."

"Wu Xiong," Li Ling hesitated slightly: "Help me find out the current situation of the Human Race God of War Xia Qi... Well, this is a private matter."

"Yes!" Wu Xiong stood up straight and took a few steps back.

Li Ling sat on the edge of the bed, looking up at Wu Xiong.

I saw Wu Xiong quickly opened his bracelet, and sent several messages quickly.

After a few minutes, Wu Xiong lowered his head, seeing Li Ling was looking at him, he was slightly stunned.But he quickly realized that Wu Xiong took a step forward, still saluting respectfully: "Your Highness, the latest news is that Xia Jing, the King of the Great Star Kingdom, has suspended the God of War Xia Qi. There is no other news for now."

"Suspension?" Li Ling raised his voice, with a hint of anxiety in his voice: "Why?!"

Wu Xiong was stunned again, and then said softly: "Your Highness, there is no definite conclusion on this matter in the Great Star Country. If you must know, you can only send someone to inquire secretly..."

Li Ling stood up, and walked a few steps with a slightly anxious face: "Where is Xia Qi?"

Wu Xiong looked at Li Ling's expression, and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, the whereabouts of the God of War Xia Qi... Actually, we know a little bit."

Li Ling turned his head, stared at Wu Xiong and said quickly: "Where is it?"

Wu Xiong lowered his head: "At the beginning, His Highness was on the earth. Later, His Highness returned to our spaceship and fell into a coma. Our spaceship flew all the way back to the Soul Body Race..."

Li Ling nodded.

"At that time... the god of war Xia Qi was chasing our spaceship all the time, heading towards the soul body clan." Wu Xiong continued.

Li Ling was slightly taken aback.

Seeing Li Ling's stunned expression, Wu Xiong continued: "But later, I don't know why, the spaceship of the god of war Xia Qi didn't continue to chase us to the country of the soul body clan, and returned to the country of the big star."

"...I see." Li Ling was stunned.

Li Ling lowered his head slightly and said in a low voice: "...So, Xia Qi knows that I am in the Soul Body Clan. But, for some reason, he returned to the Great Star Kingdom..."

Wu Xiong looked at Li Ling's expression inquiringly and pointedly said: "Since the God of War Xia Qi did not chase His Highness to the Soul Body Clan, it proves that he is still worried about the diplomacy between the Soul Body Clan and the Great Star Kingdom and gave up. Continue to follow His Highness... Therefore, we have always thought that Xia Qi and His Highness are not close personal friends?"

Li Ling was a little dazed on his face: " give up and continue to follow me because you are concerned about the diplomacy between the Soul Body Clan and the Great Star Country?"

Wu Xiong said softly: "... Your Highness? Your Highness is very close to the God of War Xia Qi?"

"...I don't know." A wry smile appeared on Li Ling's face.

If she was unconscious on the spaceship, Xia Qi would have chased her all the way.

Since Xia Qi chased after her, Xia Qi should already know that Jin Cancan possessed her body.

At that time, Xia Qi must have known that her life and death depended on Jin Cancan.

So, Xia Qi really gave up because of the diplomacy between the Soul Body Clan and the Great Star Kingdom, because of Jin Cancan, the empress dowager,... Li Ling?
Li Ling only felt an indescribable exhaustion in his heart.

She took a few steps back, sat on the sofa, and silently looked at the luxurious and gorgeous room.

In Li Ling's heart, Xia Qi has always been a very good person.

But Li Ling didn't dare. She didn't dare to compare "Li Ling as a friend" with "the interests of the Great Star Country" to compare the importance of the two in Xia Qi's heart.

All past experience tells Li Ling that most people cannot stand the test of worldly events.

Many times, we still have to pray to fate, not to let heavy pain and difficult choices befall ourselves.

Being abandoned - this kind of thing, there is no right or wrong, but it is sad after all.

Li Ling shook his head wearily, telling Wu Xiong to retreat.

Wu Xiong saluted silently, exited the door, and closed the door again.

Li Ling suddenly didn't want to continue chatting with Xia Qi.

She didn't want to get to the bottom of it.She didn't want to know what Xia Qi chose between "Li Ling's friend" and "the interests of the Great Star Country".

Li Ling didn't want to know.

Li Ling would rather be confused for a while.

Just pretend that Xia Qi is still busy, just pretend that Xia Qi is busy with other things and has no time to reply to her.

Xia Qi hasn't sent her a message for so long——

will not.

He couldn't have chosen to give up on her, right?
(End of this chapter)

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